


本記事では、Google Apps ScriptでGoogleスライドに対して使うことができるSlidesAppという処理の一覧表を用意しました。Googleの公式ドキュメントは英語なので、分かりづらいところもありますので、みなさんがそこで挫折しないように日本語で内容が把握できるようにします。



SlidesAppとは、Google Apps ScriptでGoogleスライドに対する操作を行うコードですが、SlidesAppに用意されているメソッドでは、次のような操作を行うことができます。

  • スライドファイルの作成
  • スライドの編集
  • 図形の挿入
  • グラフの挿入






Class AffineTransform

getScaleXNumberGets the X coordinate scaling element.
getScaleYNumberGets the Y coordinate scaling element.
getShearXNumberGets the X coordinate shearing element.
getShearYNumberGets the Y coordinate shearing element.
getTranslateXNumberGets the X coordinate translation element in points.
getTranslateYNumberGets the Y coordinate translation element in points.
toBuilderAffineTransformBuilderReturns a new AffineTransformBuilder based on this transform.

Class AffineTransformBuilder

buildAffineTransformCreates an AffineTransform object initialized with the elements set in the builder.
setScaleXAffineTransformBuilderSets the X coordinate scaling element and returns the builder.
setScaleYAffineTransformBuilderSets the Y coordinate scaling element and returns the builder.
setShearXAffineTransformBuilderSets the X coordinate shearing element and returns the builder.
setShearYAffineTransformBuilderSets the Y coordinate shearing element and returns the builder.
setTranslateXAffineTransformBuilderSets the X coordinate translation element in points, and returns the builder.
setTranslateYAffineTransformBuilderSets the Y coordinate translation element in points, and returns the builder.

Class Autofit

disableAutofitAutofitSets the AutofitType of a shape to AutofitType.NONE.
getAutofitTypeAutofitTypeGets the AutofitType of the shape.
getFontScaleNumberGets the font scale applied to the shape.
getLineSpacingReductionNumberGets the line spacing reduction applied to the shape.

Class AutoText

getAutoTextTypeAutoTextTypeReturns the type of auto text.
getIndexIntegerReturns the index of the auto text.
getRangeTextRangeReturns a TextRange spanning the auto text.

Class Border

getDashStyleDashStyleGets the DashStyle of the border.
getLineFillLineFillGets the LineFill of the border.
getWeightNumberGets the thickness of the border in points.
isVisibleBooleanGets whether the border is visible or not.
setDashStyleBorderSets the DashStyle of the border.
setTransparentBorderSets the border to be transparent.
setWeightBorderSets the thickness of the border in points.

Class Color

asRgbColorRgbColorConverts this color to an RgbColor.
asThemeColorThemeColorConverts this color to a ThemeColor.
getColorTypeColorTypeGet the type of this color.

Class ColorScheme

getConcreteColorColorReturns the concrete Color associated with the ThemeColorType in this color scheme.
getThemeColorsThemeColorType[]Returns a list of all possible theme color types in a color scheme.
setConcreteColorColorSchemeSets the concrete color associated with the ThemeColorType in this color scheme to the given color.

Class ConnectionSite

getIndexIntegerReturns the index of the connection site.
getPageElementPageElementReturns the PageElement that the connection site is on.

Class Fill

getSolidFillSolidFillGet the solid fill of this background, or null if the fill type is not FillType.SOLID.
getTypeFillTypeGet the type of this fill.
isVisibleBooleanWhether the background is visible.
setSolidFillvoidSets the solid fill to the given Color.
setTransparentvoidSets the background to transparent.

Class Group

alignOnPageGroupAligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page.
bringForwardGroupBrings the page element forward on the page by one element.
bringToFrontGroupBrings the page element to the front of the page.
duplicatePageElementDuplicates the page element.
getChildrenPageElement[]Gets the collection of page elements in the group.
getConnectionSitesConnectionSite[]Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites.
getDescriptionStringReturns the page element’s description.
getHeightNumberGets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
getInherentHeightNumberReturns the element’s inherent height in points.
getInherentWidthNumberReturns the element’s inherent width in points.
getLeftNumberReturns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getObjectIdStringReturns the unique ID for this object.
getPageElementTypePageElementTypeReturns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum.
getParentGroupGroupReturns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group.
getParentPagePageReturns the page this page element is on.
getRotationNumberReturns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation.
getTitleStringReturns the page element’s title.
getTopNumberGets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getTransformAffineTransformGets the page element’s transform.
getWidthNumberReturns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
preconcatenateTransformGroupPreconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element.
removevoidRemoves the page element.
scaleHeightGroupScales the element’s height by the specified ratio.
scaleWidthGroupScales the element’s width by the specified ratio.
selectvoidSelects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection.
sendBackwardGroupSends the page element backward on the page by one element.
sendToBackGroupSends the page element to the back of the page.
setDescriptionGroupSets the page element’s alt text description.
setHeightGroupSets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
setLeftGroupSets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setRotationGroupSets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees.
setTitleGroupSets the page element’s alt text title.
setTopGroupSets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setTransformGroupSets the transform of the page element with the provided transform.
setWidthGroupSets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
ungroupvoidUngroups the elements of the group.

Class Image

alignOnPageImageAligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page.
bringForwardImageBrings the page element forward on the page by one element.
bringToFrontImageBrings the page element to the front of the page.
duplicatePageElementDuplicates the page element.
getAsBlobReturn the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type.
getBlobBlobReturn the data inside this image as a blob.
getBorderBorderReturns the Border of the image.
getConnectionSitesConnectionSite[]Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites.
getContentUrlStringGets a URL to the image.
getDescriptionStringReturns the page element’s description.
getHeightNumberGets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
getInherentHeightNumberReturns the element’s inherent height in points.
getInherentWidthNumberReturns the element’s inherent width in points.
getLeftNumberReturns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getLinkLinkReturns the Link or null if there is no link.
getObjectIdStringReturns the unique ID for this object.
getPageElementTypePageElementTypeReturns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum.
getParentGroupGroupReturns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group.
getParentPagePageReturns the page this page element is on.
getRotationNumberReturns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation.
getSourceUrlStringGets the image’s source URL, if available.
getTitleStringReturns the page element’s title.
getTopNumberGets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getTransformAffineTransformReturns the page element’s transform.
getWidthNumberReturns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
preconcatenateTransformImagePreconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element.
removevoidRemoves the page element.
removeLinkvoidRemoves a Link.
replaceImageReplaces this image with an image described by a BlobSource object.
scaleHeightImageScales the element’s height by the specified ratio.
scaleWidthImageScales the element’s width by the specified ratio.
selectvoidSelects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection.
sendBackwardImageSends the page element backward on the page by one element.
sendToBackImageSends the page element to the back of the page.
setDescriptionImageSets the page element’s alt text description.
setHeightImageSets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
setLeftImageSets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setLinkSlideLinkSets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide.
setLinkUrlLinkSets a Link to the given non-empty URL string.
setRotationImageSets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees.
setTitleImageSets the page element’s alt text title.
setTopImageSets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setTransformImageSets the transform of the page element with the provided transform.
setWidthImageSets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.

Class Layout

getBackgroundPageBackgroundGets the page’s background.
getColorSchemeColorSchemeGets the ColorScheme associated with the page.
getGroupsGroup[]Returns the list of Group objects on the page.
getImagesImage[]Returns the list of Image objects on the page.
getLayoutNameStringGets the name of the layout.
getLinesLine[]Returns the list of Line objects on the page.
getMasterMasterGets the master that the layout is based on.
getObjectIdStringGets the unique ID for the page.
getPageElementByIdPageElementReturns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists.
getPageElementsPageElement[]Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page.
getPageTypePageTypeGets the type of the page.
getPlaceholderPageElementReturns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present.
getPlaceholdersPageElement[]Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page.
getShapesShape[]Returns the list of Shape objects on the page.
getSheetsChartsSheetsChart[]Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page.
getTablesTable[]Returns the list of Table objects on the page.
getVideosVideo[]Returns the list of Video objects on the page.
getWordArtsWordArt[]Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page.
groupGroupGroups all the specified page elements.
insertGroupGroupInserts a copy of the provided Group on the page.
insertImageImageInserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob.
insertLineLineInserts a copy of the provided Line on the page.
insertPageElementPageElementInserts a copy of the provided PageElement on the page.
insertShapeShapeInserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page.
insertSheetsChartSheetsChartInserts a Google Sheets chart on the page.
insertSheetsChartAsImageImageInserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page.
insertTableTableInserts a table on the page.
insertTextBoxShapeInserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page.
insertVideoVideoInserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size.
insertWordArtWordArtInserts a copy of the provided WordArt on the page.
removevoidRemoves the page.
replaceAllTextIntegerReplaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text.
selectAsCurrentPagevoidSelects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection.

Class Line

alignOnPageLineAligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page.
bringForwardLineBrings the page element forward on the page by one element.
bringToFrontLineBrings the page element to the front of the page.
duplicatePageElementDuplicates the page element.
getConnectionSitesConnectionSite[]Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites.
getDashStyleDashStyleGets the DashStyle of the line.
getDescriptionStringReturns the page element’s description.
getEndPointReturns the end point of the line, measured from the upper-left corner of the page.
getEndArrowArrowStyleGets the ArrowStyle of the arrow at the end of the line.
getEndConnectionConnectionSiteReturns the connection at the end of the line, or null if there is no connection.
getHeightNumberGets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
getInherentHeightNumberReturns the element’s inherent height in points.
getInherentWidthNumberReturns the element’s inherent width in points.
getLeftNumberReturns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getLineCategoryLineCategoryGets the LineCategory of the line.
getLineFillLineFillGets the LineFill of the line.
getLineTypeLineTypeGets the LineType of the line.
getLinkLinkReturns the Link or null if there is no link.
getObjectIdStringReturns the unique ID for this object.
getPageElementTypePageElementTypeReturns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum.
getParentGroupGroupReturns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group.
getParentPagePageReturns the page this page element is on.
getRotationNumberReturns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation.
getStartPointReturns the start point of the line, measured from the upper-left corner of the page.
getStartArrowArrowStyleGets the ArrowStyle of the arrow at the beginning of the line.
getStartConnectionConnectionSiteReturns the connection at the beginning of the line, or null if there is no connection.
getTitleStringReturns the page element’s title.
getTopNumberGets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getTransformAffineTransformReturns the page element’s transform.
getWeightNumberReturns the thickness of the line in points.
getWidthNumberReturns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
isConnectorBooleanReturns true if the line is a connector, or false if not.
preconcatenateTransformLinePreconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element.
removevoidRemoves the page element.
removeLinkvoidRemoves a Link.
rerouteLineReroutes the start and end of the line to the closest two connection sites on the connected page elements.
scaleHeightLineScales the element’s height by the specified ratio.
scaleWidthLineScales the element’s width by the specified ratio.
selectvoidSelects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection.
sendBackwardLineSends the page element backward on the page by one element.
sendToBackLineSends the page element to the back of the page.
setDashStyleLineSets the DashStyle of the line.
setDescriptionLineSets the page element’s alt text description.
setEndLineSets the position of the end point of the line.
setEndArrowLineSets the ArrowStyle of the arrow at the end of the line.
setEndConnectionLineSets the connection at the end of the line.
setHeightLineSets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
setLeftLineSets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setLineCategoryLineSets the LineCategory of the line.
setLinkSlideLinkSets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide.
setLinkUrlLinkSets a Link to the given non-empty URL string.
setRotationLineSets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees.
setStartLineSets the position of the start point of the line.
setStartArrowLineSets the ArrowStyle of the arrow at the beginning of the line.
setStartConnectionLineSets the connection at the beginning of the line.
setTitleLineSets the page element’s alt text title.
setTopLineSets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setTransformLineSets the transform of the page element with the provided transform.
setWeightLineSets the thickness of the line in points.
setWidthLineSets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.

Class LineFill

getFillTypeLineFillTypeGets the type of the line fill.
getSolidFillSolidFillGets the solid fill of the line, or null if the fill type is not LineFillType.SOLID.
setSolidFillvoidSets the solid fill to the given Color.
getLinkTypeLinkTypeReturns the LinkType.
getLinkedSlideSlideReturns the linked Slide for non-URL links types, if it exists.
getSlideIdStringReturns the ID of the linked Slide or null if the LinkType is not LinkType.SLIDE_ID.
getSlideIndexIntegerReturns the zero-based index of the linked Slide or null if the LinkType is not LinkType.SLIDE_INDEX.
getSlidePositionSlidePositionReturns the SlidePosition of the linked Slide or null if the LinkType is not LinkType.SLIDE_POSITION.
getUrlStringReturns the URL to the external web page or null if the LinkType is not LinkType.URL.

Class List

getListIdStringReturns the ID of the list.
getListParagraphsParagraph[]Returns all the Paragraphs in the list.

Class ListStyle

applyListPresetListStyleApplies the specified ListPreset to all of the paragraphs that overlap with the text.
getGlyphStringReturns the rendered glyph for the text.
getListListReturns the List the text is in, or null if none of the text is in a list, or part of the text is in a list, or the text is in multiple lists.
getNestingLevelIntegerReturns the 0-based nesting level of the text.
isInListBooleanReturns true if the text is in exactly one list, false if none of the text is in a list, and null if only some of the text is in a list or if the text is in multiple lists.
removeFromListListStyleRemoves the paragraphs that overlap with the text from any lists.

Class Master

getBackgroundPageBackgroundGets the page’s background.
getColorSchemeColorSchemeGets the ColorScheme associated with the page.
getGroupsGroup[]Returns the list of Group objects on the page.
getImagesImage[]Returns the list of Image objects on the page.
getLayoutsLayout[]Gets this master’s layouts.
getLinesLine[]Returns the list of Line objects on the page.
getObjectIdStringGets the unique ID for the page.
getPageElementByIdPageElementReturns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists.
getPageElementsPageElement[]Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page.
getPageTypePageTypeGets the type of the page.
getPlaceholderPageElementReturns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present.
getPlaceholdersPageElement[]Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page.
getShapesShape[]Returns the list of Shape objects on the page.
getSheetsChartsSheetsChart[]Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page.
getTablesTable[]Returns the list of Table objects on the page.
getVideosVideo[]Returns the list of Video objects on the page.
getWordArtsWordArt[]Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page.
groupGroupGroups all the specified page elements.
insertGroupGroupInserts a copy of the provided Group on the page.
insertImageImageInserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob.
insertLineLineInserts a copy of the provided Line on the page.
insertPageElementPageElementInserts a copy of the provided PageElement on the page.
insertShapeShapeInserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page.
insertSheetsChartSheetsChartInserts a Google Sheets chart on the page.
insertSheetsChartAsImageImageInserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page.
insertTableTableInserts a table on the page.
insertTextBoxShapeInserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page.
insertVideoVideoInserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size.
insertWordArtWordArtInserts a copy of the provided WordArt on the page.
removevoidRemoves the page.
replaceAllTextIntegerReplaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text.
selectAsCurrentPagevoidSelects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection.

Class NotesMaster

getGroupsGroup[]Returns the list of Group objects on the page.
getImagesImage[]Returns the list of Image objects on the page.
getLinesLine[]Returns the list of Line objects on the page.
getObjectIdStringGets the unique ID for the page.
getPageElementByIdPageElementReturns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists.
getPageElementsPageElement[]Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page.
getPlaceholderPageElementReturns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present.
getPlaceholdersPageElement[]Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page.
getShapesShape[]Returns the list of Shape objects on the page.
getSheetsChartsSheetsChart[]Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page.
getTablesTable[]Returns the list of Table objects on the page.
getVideosVideo[]Returns the list of Video objects on the page.
getWordArtsWordArt[]Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page.

Class NotesPage

getGroupsGroup[]Returns the list of Group objects on the page.
getImagesImage[]Returns the list of Image objects on the page.
getLinesLine[]Returns the list of Line objects on the page.
getObjectIdStringGets the unique ID for the page.
getPageElementByIdPageElementReturns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists.
getPageElementsPageElement[]Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page.
getPlaceholderPageElementReturns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present.
getPlaceholdersPageElement[]Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page.
getShapesShape[]Returns the list of Shape objects on the page.
getSheetsChartsSheetsChart[]Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page.
getSpeakerNotesShapeShapeGets the shape containing the speaker notes on the page.
getTablesTable[]Returns the list of Table objects on the page.
getVideosVideo[]Returns the list of Video objects on the page.
getWordArtsWordArt[]Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page.
replaceAllTextIntegerReplaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text.

Class Page

asLayoutLayoutReturns the page as a layout.
asMasterMasterReturns the page as a master.
asSlideSlideReturns the page as a slide.
getBackgroundPageBackgroundGets the page’s background.
getColorSchemeColorSchemeGets the ColorScheme associated with the page.
getGroupsGroup[]Returns the list of Group objects on the page.
getImagesImage[]Returns the list of Image objects on the page.
getLinesLine[]Returns the list of Line objects on the page.
getObjectIdStringGets the unique ID for the page.
getPageElementByIdPageElementReturns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists.
getPageElementsPageElement[]Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page.
getPageTypePageTypeGets the type of the page.
getPlaceholderPageElementReturns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present.
getPlaceholdersPageElement[]Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page.
getShapesShape[]Returns the list of Shape objects on the page.
getSheetsChartsSheetsChart[]Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page.
getTablesTable[]Returns the list of Table objects on the page.
getVideosVideo[]Returns the list of Video objects on the page.
getWordArtsWordArt[]Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page.
groupGroupGroups all the specified page elements.
insertGroupGroupInserts a copy of the provided Group on the page.
insertImageImageInserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob.
insertLineLineInserts a copy of the provided Line on the page.
insertPageElementPageElementInserts a copy of the provided PageElement on the page.
insertShapeShapeInserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page.
insertSheetsChartSheetsChartInserts a Google Sheets chart on the page.
insertSheetsChartAsImageImageInserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page.
insertTableTableInserts a table on the page.
insertTextBoxShapeInserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page.
insertVideoVideoInserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size.
insertWordArtWordArtInserts a copy of the provided WordArt on the page.
removevoidRemoves the page.
replaceAllTextIntegerReplaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text.
selectAsCurrentPagevoidSelects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection.

Class PageBackground

getPictureFillPictureFillGet the stretched picture fill of this background, or null if the background fill type is not PageBackgroundType.PICTURE.
getSolidFillSolidFillGet the solid fill of this background, or null if the background fill type is not PageBackgroundType.SOLID.
getTypePageBackgroundTypeGet the type of this page background.
isVisibleBooleanWhether the background is visible.
setPictureFillvoidSets an image from the specified image blob as the page background.
setSolidFillvoidSets the solid fill to the given Color.
setTransparentvoidSets the background to transparent.

Class PageElement

alignOnPagePageElementAligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page.
asGroupGroupReturns the page element as a group.
asImageImageReturns the page element as an image.
asLineLineReturns the page element as a line.
asShapeShapeReturns the page element as a shape.
asSheetsChartSheetsChartReturns the page element as a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets.
asTableTableReturns the page element as a table.
asVideoVideoReturns the page element as a video.
asWordArtWordArtReturns the page element as word art.
bringForwardPageElementBrings the page element forward on the page by one element.
bringToFrontPageElementBrings the page element to the front of the page.
duplicatePageElementDuplicates the page element.
getConnectionSitesConnectionSite[]Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites.
getDescriptionStringReturns the page element’s description.
getHeightNumberGets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
getInherentHeightNumberReturns the element’s inherent height in points.
getInherentWidthNumberReturns the element’s inherent width in points.
getLeftNumberReturns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getObjectIdStringReturns the unique ID for this object.
getPageElementTypePageElementTypeReturns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum.
getParentGroupGroupReturns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group.
getParentPagePageReturns the page this page element is on.
getRotationNumberReturns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation.
getTitleStringReturns the page element’s title.
getTopNumberGets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getTransformAffineTransformReturns the page element’s transform.
getWidthNumberReturns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
preconcatenateTransformPageElementPreconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element.
removevoidRemoves the page element.
scaleHeightPageElementScales the element’s height by the specified ratio.
scaleWidthPageElementScales the element’s width by the specified ratio.
selectvoidSelects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection.
sendBackwardPageElementSends the page element backward on the page by one element.
sendToBackPageElementSends the page element to the back of the page.
setDescriptionPageElementSets the page element’s alt text description.
setHeightPageElementSets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
setLeftPageElementSets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setRotationPageElementSets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees.
setTitlePageElementSets the page element’s alt text title.
setTopPageElementSets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setTransformPageElementSets the transform of the page element with the provided transform.
setWidthPageElementSets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.

Class PageElementRange

getPagesPage[]Returns the list of Page instances.

Class Paragraph

getIndexIntegerReturns the index of the paragraph’s newline.
getRangeTextRangeReturns a TextRange spanning the text in the paragraph ended by this object’s newline character.

Class ParagraphStyle

getIndentEndNumberReturns the text end indentation for paragraphs in the TextRange in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text.
getIndentFirstLineNumberReturns the indentation for the first line of paragraphs in the TextRange in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text.
getIndentStartNumberReturns the text start indentation for paragraphs in the TextRange in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text.
getLineSpacingNumberReturns the line spacing, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text.
getParagraphAlignmentParagraphAlignmentReturns the ParagraphAlignment of paragraphs in the TextRange, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text.
getSpaceAboveNumberReturns the extra space above paragraphs in the TextRange in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text.
getSpaceBelowNumberReturns the extra space below paragraphs in the TextRange in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text.
getSpacingModeSpacingModeReturns the SpacingMode for paragraphs in the TextRange, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text.
getTextDirectionTextDirectionReturns the TextDirection for paragraphs in the TextRange, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text.
setIndentEndParagraphStyleSets the text end indentation for paragraphs in the TextRange in points.
setIndentFirstLineParagraphStyleSets the indentation for the first line of paragraphs in the TextRange in points.
setIndentStartParagraphStyleSets the text start indentation for paragraphs in the TextRange in points.
setLineSpacingParagraphStyleSets the line spacing.
setParagraphAlignmentParagraphStyleSets the ParagraphAlignment of paragraphs in the TextRange.
setSpaceAboveParagraphStyleSets the extra space above paragraphs in the TextRange in points.
setSpaceBelowParagraphStyleSets the extra space below paragraphs in the TextRange in points.
setSpacingModeParagraphStyleSets the SpacingMode for paragraphs in the TextRange.
setTextDirectionParagraphStyleSets the TextDirection for paragraphs in the TextRange.

Class PictureFill

getAsBlobReturn the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type.
getBlobBlobReturn the data inside this object as a blob.
getContentUrlStringGets a URL to the image.
getSourceUrlStringGets the image’s source URL, if available.

Class Point

getXNumberGets the horizontal coordinate, measured in points.
getYNumberGets the vertical coordinate, measured in points.

Class Presentation

addEditorPresentationAdds the given user to the list of editors for the Presentation.
addEditorsPresentationAdds the given array of users to the list of editors for the Presentation.
addViewerPresentationAdds the given user to the list of viewers for the Presentation.
addViewersPresentationAdds the given array of users to the list of viewers for the Presentation.
appendSlideSlideAppends a slide to the end of the presentation using the PredefinedLayout.BLANK predefined layout based on the current master.
getEditorsUser[]Gets the list of editors for this Presentation.
getIdStringGets the presentation’s unique identifier.
getLayoutsLayout[]Gets the layouts in the presentation.
getMastersMaster[]Gets the masters in the presentation.
getNameStringGets the name or title of the presentation.
getNotesMasterNotesMasterGets the notes master of the presentation.
getNotesPageHeightNumberGets the page height of the notes master and notes pages in the presentation in points.
getNotesPageWidthNumberGets the page width of the notes master and notes pages in the presentation in points.
getPageElementByIdPageElementReturns the PageElement with the given ID, or null if none exists.
getPageHeightNumberGets the page height of the slides, layouts, and masters in the presentation in points.
getPageWidthNumberGets the page width of the slides, layouts, and masters in the presentation in points.
getSelectionSelectionGets the user’s selection in the active presentation.
getSlideByIdSlideReturns the Slide with the given ID, or null if none exists.
getSlidesSlide[]Gets the slides in the presentation.
getUrlStringRetrieves the URL to access this presentation.
getViewersUser[]Gets the list of viewers and commenters for this Presentation.
insertSlideSlideInserts a slide at the specified index in the presentation using the PredefinedLayout.BLANK predefined layout based on the current master.
removeEditorPresentationRemoves the given user from the list of editors for the Presentation.
removeViewerPresentationRemoves the given user from the list of viewers and commenters for the Presentation.
replaceAllTextIntegerReplaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text.
saveAndClosevoidSaves the current Presentation.
setNamevoidSets the name or title of the presentation.

Class Selection

getCurrentPagePageReturns the currently active Page or null if there is no active page.
getPageElementRangePageElementRangeReturns the PageElementRange collection of PageElement instances that are selected or null if there are no PageElement instances selected.
getPageRangePageRangeReturns the PageRange a collection of Page instances in the flimstrip that are selected or null if the selection is not of type SelectionType.PAGE.
getSelectionTypeSelectionTypeReturns the SelectionType.
getTableCellRangeTableCellRangeReturns the TableCellRange collection of TableCell instances that are selected or null if there are no TableCell instances selected.
getTextRangeTextRangeReturns the TextRange that is selected or null if the selection is not of type SelectionType.TEXT.

Class Shape

alignOnPageShapeAligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page.
bringForwardShapeBrings the page element forward on the page by one element.
bringToFrontShapeBrings the page element to the front of the page.
duplicatePageElementDuplicates the page element.
getAutofitAutofitReturns the Autofit of the text within this shape.
getBorderBorderReturns the Border of the shape.
getConnectionSitesConnectionSite[]Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites.
getContentAlignmentContentAlignmentReturns the ContentAlignment of the text in the shape.
getDescriptionStringReturns the page element’s description.
getFillFillReturns the Fill of the shape.
getHeightNumberGets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
getInherentHeightNumberReturns the element’s inherent height in points.
getInherentWidthNumberReturns the element’s inherent width in points.
getLeftNumberReturns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getLinkLinkReturns the Link or null if there is no link.
getObjectIdStringReturns the unique ID for this object.
getPageElementTypePageElementTypeReturns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum.
getParentGroupGroupReturns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group.
getParentPagePageReturns the page this page element is on.
getParentPlaceholderPageElementReturns the parent page element of the placeholder.
getPlaceholderIndexIntegerReturns the placeholder index of the shape.
getPlaceholderTypePlaceholderTypeReturns the placeholder type of the shape, or PlaceholderType.NONE if the shape is not a placeholder.
getRotationNumberReturns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation.
getShapeTypeShapeTypeReturns the type of the shape.
getTextTextRangeReturns the text content of the shape.
getTitleStringReturns the page element’s title.
getTopNumberGets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getTransformAffineTransformReturns the page element’s transform.
getWidthNumberReturns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
preconcatenateTransformShapePreconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element.
removevoidRemoves the page element.
removeLinkvoidRemoves a Link.
replaceWithImageImageReplaces this shape with an image provided by a BlobSource.
replaceWithSheetsChartSheetsChartReplaces this shape with an Google Sheets chart.
replaceWithSheetsChartAsImageImageReplaces this shape with an image of a Google Sheets chart.
scaleHeightShapeScales the element’s height by the specified ratio.
scaleWidthShapeScales the element’s width by the specified ratio.
selectvoidSelects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection.
sendBackwardShapeSends the page element backward on the page by one element.
sendToBackShapeSends the page element to the back of the page.
setContentAlignmentShapeSets the ContentAlignment of the text in the shape.
setDescriptionShapeSets the page element’s alt text description.
setHeightShapeSets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
setLeftShapeSets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setLinkSlideLinkSets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide.
setLinkUrlLinkSets a Link to the given non-empty URL string.
setRotationShapeSets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees.
setTitleShapeSets the page element’s alt text title.
setTopShapeSets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setTransformShapeSets the transform of the page element with the provided transform.
setWidthShapeSets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.

Class SheetsChart

alignOnPageSheetsChartAligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page.
asImageImageReturns the chart as an image or null if the chart is not an embedded image.
bringForwardSheetsChartBrings the page element forward on the page by one element.
bringToFrontSheetsChartBrings the page element to the front of the page.
duplicatePageElementDuplicates the page element.
getChartIdIntegerGets the ID of the specific chart in the Google Sheets spreadsheet that is embedded.
getConnectionSitesConnectionSite[]Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites.
getDescriptionStringReturns the page element’s description.
getEmbedTypeSheetsChartEmbedTypeReturns the embed type of the Sheets chart.
getHeightNumberGets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
getInherentHeightNumberReturns the element’s inherent height in points.
getInherentWidthNumberReturns the element’s inherent width in points.
getLeftNumberReturns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getLinkLinkReturns the Link or null if there is no link.
getObjectIdStringReturns the unique ID for this object.
getPageElementTypePageElementTypeReturns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum.
getParentGroupGroupReturns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group.
getParentPagePageReturns the page this page element is on.
getRotationNumberReturns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation.
getSpreadsheetIdStringGets the ID of the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the source chart.
getTitleStringReturns the page element’s title.
getTopNumberGets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getTransformAffineTransformReturns the page element’s transform.
getWidthNumberReturns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
preconcatenateTransformSheetsChartPreconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element.
refreshvoidRefreshes the chart by replacing it with the latest version of the chart from Google Sheets.
removevoidRemoves the page element.
removeLinkvoidRemoves a Link.
scaleHeightSheetsChartScales the element’s height by the specified ratio.
scaleWidthSheetsChartScales the element’s width by the specified ratio.
selectvoidSelects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection.
sendBackwardSheetsChartSends the page element backward on the page by one element.
sendToBackSheetsChartSends the page element to the back of the page.
setDescriptionSheetsChartSets the page element’s alt text description.
setHeightSheetsChartSets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
setLeftSheetsChartSets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setLinkSlideLinkSets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide.
setLinkUrlLinkSets a Link to the given non-empty URL string.
setRotationSheetsChartSets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees.
setTitleSheetsChartSets the page element’s alt text title.
setTopSheetsChartSets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setTransformSheetsChartSets the transform of the page element with the provided transform.
setWidthSheetsChartSets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.

Class Slide

duplicateSlideDuplicates the slide.
getBackgroundPageBackgroundGets the page’s background.
getColorSchemeColorSchemeGets the ColorScheme associated with the page.
getGroupsGroup[]Returns the list of Group objects on the page.
getImagesImage[]Returns the list of Image objects on the page.
getLayoutLayoutGets the layout that the slide is based on or null if the slide is not based on a layout.
getLinesLine[]Returns the list of Line objects on the page.
getNotesPageNotesPageReturns the notes page associated with the slide.
getObjectIdStringGets the unique ID for the page.
getPageElementByIdPageElementReturns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists.
getPageElementsPageElement[]Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page.
getPageTypePageTypeGets the type of the page.
getPlaceholderPageElementReturns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present.
getPlaceholdersPageElement[]Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page.
getShapesShape[]Returns the list of Shape objects on the page.
getSheetsChartsSheetsChart[]Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page.
getSlideLinkingModeSlideLinkingModeReturns a SlideLinkingMode indicating if the slide is linked to another slide.
getSourcePresentationIdStringReturns the source Presentation ID or null if the slide is not linked.
getSourceSlideObjectIdStringReturns the source slide ID or null if the slide is not linked.
getTablesTable[]Returns the list of Table objects on the page.
getVideosVideo[]Returns the list of Video objects on the page.
getWordArtsWordArt[]Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page.
groupGroupGroups all the specified page elements.
insertGroupGroupInserts a copy of the provided Group on the page.
insertImageImageInserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob.
insertLineLineInserts a copy of the provided Line on the page.
insertPageElementPageElementInserts a copy of the provided PageElement on the page.
insertShapeShapeInserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page.
insertSheetsChartSheetsChartInserts a Google Sheets chart on the page.
insertSheetsChartAsImageImageInserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page.
insertTableTableInserts a table on the page.
insertTextBoxShapeInserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page.
insertVideoVideoInserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size.
insertWordArtWordArtInserts a copy of the provided WordArt on the page.
movevoidMove the slide to the specified index.
refreshSlidevoidRefreshes the slide to reflect any changes made to the linked source slide.
removevoidRemoves the page.
replaceAllTextIntegerReplaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text.
selectAsCurrentPagevoidSelects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection.
unlinkvoidUnlinks the current Slide from its source slide.

Class SolidFill

getAlphaNumberGet the opacity of the color, in the interval from [0, 1.0], where 1.0 means fully opaque.
getColorColorGet the color of the fill.

Class Table

alignOnPageTableAligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page.
appendColumnTableColumnAppends a new column to the right of the last column of the table.
appendRowTableRowAppends a new row below the last row of the table.
bringForwardTableBrings the page element forward on the page by one element.
bringToFrontTableBrings the page element to the front of the page.
duplicatePageElementDuplicates the page element.
getCellTableCellReturns the specified cell in the table.
getColumnTableColumnReturns the specified column in the table.
getConnectionSitesConnectionSite[]Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites.
getDescriptionStringReturns the page element’s description.
getHeightNumberGets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
getInherentHeightNumberReturns the element’s inherent height in points.
getInherentWidthNumberReturns the element’s inherent width in points.
getLeftNumberReturns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getNumColumnsIntegerReturns the number of columns in the table.
getNumRowsIntegerReturns the number of rows in the table.
getObjectIdStringReturns the unique ID for this object.
getPageElementTypePageElementTypeReturns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum.
getParentGroupGroupReturns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group.
getParentPagePageReturns the page this page element is on.
getRotationNumberReturns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation.
getRowTableRowReturns the specified row in the table.
getTitleStringReturns the page element’s title.
getTopNumberGets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getTransformAffineTransformReturns the page element’s transform.
getWidthNumberReturns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
insertColumnTableColumnInserts a new column at the specified index of the table.
insertRowTableRowInserts a new row at the specified index of the table.
preconcatenateTransformTablePreconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element.
removevoidRemoves the page element.
scaleHeightTableScales the element’s height by the specified ratio.
scaleWidthTableScales the element’s width by the specified ratio.
selectvoidSelects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection.
sendBackwardTableSends the page element backward on the page by one element.
sendToBackTableSends the page element to the back of the page.
setDescriptionTableSets the page element’s alt text description.
setHeightTableSets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
setLeftTableSets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setRotationTableSets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees.
setTitleTableSets the page element’s alt text title.
setTopTableSets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setTransformTableSets the transform of the page element with the provided transform.
setWidthTableSets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.

Class TableCell

getColumnIndexIntegerReturns the 0-based column index of the table cell.
getColumnSpanIntegerReturns the column span of the table cell.
getContentAlignmentContentAlignmentReturns the ContentAlignment of the text in the table cell.
getFillFillReturns the fill of the table cell.
getHeadCellTableCellReturns the head cell of this table cell.
getMergeStateCellMergeStateReturns the merge state of the table cell.
getParentColumnTableColumnReturns the table column containing the current cell.
getParentRowTableRowReturns the table row containing the current cell.
getParentTableTableReturns the table containing the current cell.
getRowIndexIntegerReturns the 0-based row index of the table cell.
getRowSpanIntegerReturns the row span of the table cell.
getTextTextRangeReturns the text content of the table cell.
setContentAlignmentTableCellSets the ContentAlignment of the text in the table cell.

Class TableCellRange

getTableCellsTableCell[]Returns the list of TableCell instances.

Class TableColumn

getCellTableCellReturns the cell at the specified index.
getIndexIntegerReturns the 0-based index of the column.
getNumCellsIntegerReturns the number of cells in this column.
getParentTableTableReturns the table containing the current column.
getWidthNumberReturns the width of the column in points.
removevoidRemoves the table column.

Class TableRow

getCellTableCellReturns the cell at the specified index.
getIndexIntegerReturns the 0-based index of the row.
getMinimumHeightNumberReturns the minimum height of the row in points.
getNumCellsIntegerReturns the number of cells in this row.
getParentTableTableReturns the table containing the current row.
removevoidRemoves the table row.

Class TextRange

appendParagraphParagraphAppends a paragraph at the end of the text range.
appendRangeTextRangeAppends a copy of the provided text range to the end of the current text range.
appendTextTextRangeAppends text at the end of the text range.
asRenderedStringStringReturns the rendered text bounded by this range of the associated shape or table cell in a format appropriate to display to end users.
asStringStringReturns the raw text bounded by this range of the associated shape or table cell.
clearvoidClears the text bounded by this range.
findTextRange[]Returns all the ranges matching the search pattern in the current text range.
getAutoTextsAutoText[]Returns the auto texts within the current text range.
getEndIndexIntegerReturns the exclusive, 0-based index for the last character in this range.
getLengthIntegerReturns the number of characters in this range.
getLinksTextRange[]Returns a collection of text ranges that correspond to all Links within the current text range or overlapping the current text range.
getListParagraphsParagraph[]Returns the paragraphs in lists that overlap the current text range.
getListStyleListStyleReturns the ListStyle of the current text range.
getParagraphStyleParagraphStyleReturns the ParagraphStyle of the current text range.
getParagraphsParagraph[]Returns the paragraphs that overlap the current text range.
getRangeTextRangeReturns a new TextRange covering part of the range from which it is derived.
getRunsTextRange[]Returns the text runs that overlap the current text range.
getStartIndexIntegerReturns the inclusive, 0-based index for the first character in this range.
getTextStyleTextStyleReturns the text style of the range, or null if the range is empty.
insertParagraphParagraphInserts a paragraph at the start offset.
insertRangeTextRangeInserts a copy of the provided text range at the start offset.
insertTextTextRangeInserts text at the start offset.
isEmptyBooleanReturns true if there are no characters in this range, and returns false otherwise.
replaceAllTextIntegerReplaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text.
selectvoidSelects only the TextRange in the active presentation and removes any previous selection.
setTextTextRangeSets the text bounded by this range of the associated shape or table cell.

Class TextStyle

getBackgroundColorColorReturns the background color of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
getBaselineOffsetTextBaselineOffsetReturns the vertical offset of text from its normal position, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
getFontFamilyStringReturns the font family of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
getFontSizeNumberReturns the font size of the text in points, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
getFontWeightIntegerReturns the font weight of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
getForegroundColorColorReturns the foreground color of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
getLinkLinkReturns the Link on the text, or null if there is no link or if the link is on part of the text or if there are multiple links.
hasLinkBooleanReturns true if there is link on the text, false if not, or null if the link is on part of the text or there are multiple links.
isBackgroundTransparentBooleanReturns true if the background of the text is transparent, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
isBoldBooleanReturns true if the text is rendered as bold, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
isItalicBooleanReturns true if the text is italicized, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
isSmallCapsBooleanReturns true if the text is in small capital letters, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
isStrikethroughBooleanReturns true if the text is struck through, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
isUnderlineBooleanReturns true if the text is underlined, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text.
removeLinkTextStyleRemoves a Link.
setBackgroundColorTextStyleSets the background color of the text.
setBackgroundColorTransparentTextStyleSets the background color of the text to transparent.
setBaselineOffsetTextStyleSets the vertical offset of the text relative to its normal position.
setBoldTextStyleSets whether the text should be rendered as bold.
setFontFamilyTextStyleSets the font family of the text .
setFontFamilyAndWeightTextStyleSets the font family and weight of the text.
setFontSizeTextStyleSets the font size of the text, in points.
setForegroundColorTextStyleSets the foreground color of the text.
setItalicTextStyleSets the whether the text is italicized.
setLinkSlideTextStyleSets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide.
setLinkUrlTextStyleSets a Link to the given non-empty URL string.
setSmallCapsTextStyleSets whether the text is rendered in small capital letters.
setStrikethroughTextStyleSets whether the text is struck through.
setUnderlineTextStyleSets whether the text is underlined.

Class ThemeColor

getColorTypeColorTypeGet the type of this color.
getThemeColorTypeThemeColorTypeGet the theme color type of this color.

Class Video

alignOnPageVideoAligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page.
bringForwardVideoBrings the page element forward on the page by one element.
bringToFrontVideoBrings the page element to the front of the page.
duplicatePageElementDuplicates the page element.
getBorderBorderReturns the Border of the video.
getConnectionSitesConnectionSite[]Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites.
getDescriptionStringReturns the page element’s description.
getHeightNumberGets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
getInherentHeightNumberReturns the element’s inherent height in points.
getInherentWidthNumberReturns the element’s inherent width in points.
getLeftNumberReturns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getObjectIdStringReturns the unique ID for this object.
getPageElementTypePageElementTypeReturns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum.
getParentGroupGroupReturns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group.
getParentPagePageReturns the page this page element is on.
getRotationNumberReturns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation.
getSourceVideoSourceTypeGets the video source.
getThumbnailUrlStringGets an URL to the video thumbnail.
getTitleStringReturns the page element’s title.
getTopNumberGets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getTransformAffineTransformReturns the page element’s transform.
getUrlStringGets an URL to the video.
getVideoIdStringGets the video source’s unique identifier for this video.
getWidthNumberReturns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
preconcatenateTransformVideoPreconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element.
removevoidRemoves the page element.
scaleHeightVideoScales the element’s height by the specified ratio.
scaleWidthVideoScales the element’s width by the specified ratio.
selectvoidSelects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection.
sendBackwardVideoSends the page element backward on the page by one element.
sendToBackVideoSends the page element to the back of the page.
setDescriptionVideoSets the page element’s alt text description.
setHeightVideoSets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
setLeftVideoSets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setRotationVideoSets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees.
setTitleVideoSets the page element’s alt text title.
setTopVideoSets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setTransformVideoSets the transform of the page element with the provided transform.
setWidthVideoSets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.

Class WordArt

alignOnPageWordArtAligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page.
bringForwardWordArtBrings the page element forward on the page by one element.
bringToFrontWordArtBrings the page element to the front of the page.
duplicatePageElementDuplicates the page element.
getConnectionSitesConnectionSite[]Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites.
getDescriptionStringReturns the page element’s description.
getHeightNumberGets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
getInherentHeightNumberReturns the element’s inherent height in points.
getInherentWidthNumberReturns the element’s inherent width in points.
getLeftNumberReturns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getLinkLinkReturns the Link or null if there is no link.
getObjectIdStringReturns the unique ID for this object.
getPageElementTypePageElementTypeReturns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum.
getParentGroupGroupReturns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group.
getParentPagePageReturns the page this page element is on.
getRenderedTextStringGets the text that is rendered as word art.
getRotationNumberReturns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation.
getTitleStringReturns the page element’s title.
getTopNumberGets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
getTransformAffineTransformReturns the page element’s transform.
getWidthNumberReturns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
preconcatenateTransformWordArtPreconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element.
removevoidRemoves the page element.
removeLinkvoidRemoves a Link.
scaleHeightWordArtScales the element’s height by the specified ratio.
scaleWidthWordArtScales the element’s width by the specified ratio.
selectvoidSelects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection.
sendBackwardWordArtSends the page element backward on the page by one element.
sendToBackWordArtSends the page element to the back of the page.
setDescriptionWordArtSets the page element’s alt text description.
setHeightWordArtSets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.
setLeftWordArtSets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setLinkSlideLinkSets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide.
setLinkUrlLinkSets a Link to the given non-empty URL string.
setRotationWordArtSets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees.
setTitleWordArtSets the page element’s alt text title.
setTopWordArtSets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation.
setTransformWordArtSets the transform of the page element with the provided transform.
setWidthWordArtSets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation.






Enum AlignmentPosition

CENTEREnumAlign to the center.
HORIZONTAL_CENTEREnumAlign to the horizontal center.
VERTICAL_CENTEREnumAlign to the vertical center.

Enum AutofitType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumAn autofit type that is not supported.
NONEEnumAutofit isn’t applied.
TEXT_AUTOFITEnumShrinks the text on overflow.
SHAPE_AUTOFITEnumResizes the shape to fit the text.

Enum AutoTextType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumAn auto text type that is not supported.
SLIDE_NUMBEREnumA slide number.

Enum CellMergeState

NORMALEnumThe cell is not merged.
HEADEnumThe cell is merged and it is the head (i.e. upper left) cell within the merged set of cells. As an example, assume the following table.
If the first two cells are merged to form the following table, cell (0,0) is the head cell and (0,1) is a merged cell.
|(0,0) |(0,2)|
MERGEDEnumThe cell is merged but is not the head (i.e. upper left) cell. As an example, assume the following table.
If the first two cells are merged to form the following table, cell (0,0) is the head cell and (0,1) is a merged cell.
|(0,0) |(0,2)|

Enum ContentAlignment

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA content alignment that is not supported.
TOPEnumAligns the content to the top of the content holder. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_TextAnchoringType ‘t’.
MIDDLEEnumAligns the content to the middle of the content holder. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_TextAnchoringType ‘ctr’.
BOTTOMEnumAligns the content to the bottom of the content holder. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_TextAnchoringType ‘b’.

Enum DashStyle

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA dash style that is not supported.
SOLIDEnumSolid line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘solid’. This is the default dash style.
DOTEnumDotted line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘dot’.
DASHEnumDashed line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘dash’.
DASH_DOTEnumAlternating dashes and dots. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘dashDot’.
LONG_DASHEnumLine with large dashes. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘lgDash’.
LONG_DASH_DOTEnumAlternating large dashes and dots. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘lgDashDot’.

Enum FillType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA fill type that is not supported.
NONEEnumNo fill, so the background is transparent.
SOLIDEnumA solid color fill.

Enum LineCategory

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA line category that is not supported.
STRAIGHTEnumStraight connectors, including straight connector 1.
BENTEnumBent connectors, including bent connector 2 to 5.
CURVEDEnumCurved connectors, including curved connector 2 to 5.

Enum LineFillType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA line fill type that is not supported.
NONEEnumNo fill, so the line or outline is transparent.
SOLIDEnumA solid color fill.

Enum LineType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA line type that is not supported.
STRAIGHT_CONNECTOR_1EnumStraight connector 1 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘straightConnector1’.
BENT_CONNECTOR_2EnumBent connector 2 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentConnector2’.
BENT_CONNECTOR_3EnumBent connector 3 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentConnector3’.
BENT_CONNECTOR_4EnumBent connector 4 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentConnector4’.
BENT_CONNECTOR_5EnumBent connector 5 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentConnector5’.
CURVED_CONNECTOR_2EnumCurved connector 2 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedConnector2’.
CURVED_CONNECTOR_3EnumCurved connector 3 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedConnector3’.
CURVED_CONNECTOR_4EnumCurved connector 4 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedConnector4’.
CURVED_CONNECTOR_5EnumCurved connector 5 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedConnector5’.
STRAIGHT_LINEEnumStraight line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘line’. This line type is not a connector.

Enum LinkType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA link type that is not supported.
URLEnumA link to an external web page.
SLIDE_POSITIONEnumA link to a specific slide in this presentation, addressed by its position.
SLIDE_IDEnumA link to a specific slide in this presentation, addressed by its ID.
SLIDE_INDEXEnumA link to a specific slide in this presentation, addressed by its zero-based index.

Enum ListPreset

DISC_CIRCLE_SQUAREEnumA list with a `DISC`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
DIAMONDX_ARROW3D_SQUAREEnumA list with a `DIAMONDX`, `ARROW3D` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
CHECKBOXEnumA list with `CHECKBOX` glyphs for all list nesting levels.
ARROW_DIAMOND_DISCEnumA list with a `ARROW`, `DIAMOND` and `DISC` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
STAR_CIRCLE_SQUAREEnumA list with a `STAR`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
ARROW3D_CIRCLE_SQUAREEnumA list with a `ARROW3D`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
LEFTTRIANGLE_DIAMOND_DISCEnumA list with a `LEFTTRIANGLE`, `DIAMOND` and `DISC` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
DIAMONDX_HOLLOWDIAMOND_SQUAREEnumA list with a `DIAMONDX`, `HOLLOWDIAMOND` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
DIAMOND_CIRCLE_SQUAREEnumA list with a `DIAMOND`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
DIGIT_ALPHA_ROMANEnumA list with `DIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods.
DIGIT_ALPHA_ROMAN_PARENSEnumA list with `DIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by parenthesis.
DIGIT_NESTEDEnumA list with `DIGIT` glyphs separated by periods, where each nesting level uses the previous nesting level’s glyph as a prefix. For example: ‘1.’, ‘1.1.’, ‘2.’, ‘2.2.’.
UPPERALPHA_ALPHA_ROMANEnumA list with `UPPERALPHA`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods.
UPPERROMAN_UPPERALPHA_DIGITEnumA list with `UPPERROMAN`, `UPPERALPHA` and `DIGIT` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods.
ZERODIGIT_ALPHA_ROMANEnumA list with `ZERODIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods.

Enum PageBackgroundType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA page background type that is not supported.
NONEEnumNo fill, so the background is rendered white.
SOLIDEnumA solid color fill.
PICTUREEnumA picture that is stretched to fill the page.

Enum PageElementType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumRepresents a page element that is not supported and cannot be further classified.
SHAPEEnumRepresents a generic shape that does not have a more specific classification.
IMAGEEnumRepresents an image.
VIDEOEnumRepresents a video.
TABLEEnumRepresents a table.
GROUPEnumRepresents a collection of page elements joined as a single unit.
LINEEnumRepresents a line.
WORD_ARTEnumRepresents word art.
SHEETS_CHARTEnumRepresents a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets.

Enum PageType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA page type that is not supported.
SLIDEEnumA slide page.
LAYOUTEnumA layout page.
MASTEREnumA master page.

Enum ParagraphAlignment

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA paragraph alignment that is not supported.
STARTEnumThe paragraph is aligned to the start of the line. Left-aligned for left-to-right text, right-aligned otherwise.
CENTEREnumThe paragraph is centered.
ENDEnumThe paragraph is aligned to the end of the line. Right-aligned for left-to-right text, left-aligned otherwise.
JUSTIFIEDEnumThe paragraph is justified.

Enum PlaceholderType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA placeholder type that is not supported.
NONEEnumNot a Placeholder.
BODYEnumBody text.
CHARTEnumChart or graph.
CLIP_ARTEnumClip art image.
CENTERED_TITLEEnumTitle centered.
DATE_AND_TIMEEnumDate and time.
FOOTEREnumFooter text.
HEADEREnumHeader text.
OBJECTEnumAny content type.
SLIDE_NUMBEREnumNumber of a slide.
TITLEEnumSlide title.
SLIDE_IMAGEEnumSlide image.

Enum PredefinedLayout

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA layout that is not supported.
BLANKEnumBlank layout, with no placeholders.
CAPTION_ONLYEnumLayout with a caption at the bottom.
TITLEEnumLayout with a title and a subtitle.
TITLE_AND_BODYEnumLayout with a title and body.
TITLE_AND_TWO_COLUMNSEnumLayout with a title and two columns.
TITLE_ONLYEnumLayout with only a title.
SECTION_HEADEREnumLayout with a section title.
SECTION_TITLE_AND_DESCRIPTIONEnumLayout with a title and subtitle on one side and description on the other.
ONE_COLUMN_TEXTEnumLayout with one title and one body, arranged in a single column.
MAIN_POINTEnumLayout with a main point.
BIG_NUMBEREnumLayout with a big number heading.

Enum SelectionType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA selection type that is not supported.
NONEEnumNo selection.
TEXTEnumText selection.
TABLE_CELLEnumTable cell selection.
PAGEEnumPage selection in the thumbnail flimstrip.
PAGE_ELEMENTEnumPage element selection.
CURRENT_PAGEEnumCurrent page selection.

Enum ShapeType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA shape type that is not supported.
TEXT_BOXEnumText box shape.
RECTANGLEEnumRectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rect’.
ROUND_RECTANGLEEnumRound corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘roundRect’.
ELLIPSEEnumEllipse shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘ellipse’.
ARCEnumCurved arc shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘arc’.
BENT_ARROWEnumBent arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentArrow’.
BENT_UP_ARROWEnumBent up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentUpArrow’.
BEVELEnumBevel shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bevel’.
BLOCK_ARCEnumBlock arc shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘blockArc’.
BRACE_PAIREnumBrace pair shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bracePair’.
BRACKET_PAIREnumBracket pair shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bracketPair’.
CANEnumCan shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘can’.
CHEVRONEnumChevron shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘chevron’.
CHORDEnumChord shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘chord’.
CLOUDEnumCloud shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘cloud’.
CORNEREnumCorner shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘corner’.
CUBEEnumCube shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘cube’.
CURVED_DOWN_ARROWEnumCurved down arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedDownArrow’.
CURVED_LEFT_ARROWEnumCurved left arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedLeftArrow’.
CURVED_RIGHT_ARROWEnumCurved right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedRightArrow’.
CURVED_UP_ARROWEnumCurved up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedUpArrow’.
DECAGONEnumDecagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘decagon’.
DIAGONAL_STRIPEEnumDiagonal stripe shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘diagStripe’.
DIAMONDEnumDiamond shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘diamond’.
DODECAGONEnumDodecagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘dodecagon’.
DONUTEnumDonut shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘donut’.
DOUBLE_WAVEEnumDouble wave shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘doubleWave’.
DOWN_ARROWEnumDown arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘downArrow’.
DOWN_ARROW_CALLOUTEnumCallout down arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘downArrowCallout’.
FOLDED_CORNEREnumFolded corner shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘foldedCorner’.
FRAMEEnumFrame shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘frame’.
HALF_FRAMEEnumHalf frame shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘halfFrame’.
HEARTEnumHeart shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘heart’.
HEPTAGONEnumHeptagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘heptagon’.
HEXAGONEnumHexagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘hexagon’.
HOME_PLATEEnumHome plate shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘homePlate’.
HORIZONTAL_SCROLLEnumHorizontal scroll shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘horizontalScroll’.
IRREGULAR_SEAL_1EnumIrregular seal 1 shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘irregularSeal1’.
IRREGULAR_SEAL_2EnumIrregular seal 2 shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘irregularSeal2’.
LEFT_ARROWEnumLeft arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftArrow’.
LEFT_ARROW_CALLOUTEnumCallout left arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftArrowCallout’.
LEFT_BRACEEnumLeft brace shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftBrace’.
LEFT_BRACKETEnumLeft bracket shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftBracket’.
LEFT_RIGHT_ARROWEnumLeft right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftRightArrow’.
LEFT_RIGHT_ARROW_CALLOUTEnumCallout left right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftRightArrowCallout’.
LEFT_RIGHT_UP_ARROWEnumLeft right up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftRightUpArrow’.
LEFT_UP_ARROWEnumLeft up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftUpArrow’.
LIGHTNING_BOLTEnumLightning bolt shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘lightningBolt’.
MATH_DIVIDEEnumDivide math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathDivide’.
MATH_EQUALEnumEqual math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathEqual’.
MATH_MINUSEnumMinus math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathMinus’.
MATH_MULTIPLYEnumMultiply math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathMultiply’.
MATH_NOT_EQUALEnumNot equal math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathNotEqual’.
MATH_PLUSEnumPlus math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathPlus’.
MOONEnumMoon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘moon’.
NO_SMOKINGEnumNo smoking shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘noSmoking’.
NOTCHED_RIGHT_ARROWEnumNotched right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘notchedRightArrow’.
OCTAGONEnumOctagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘octagon’.
PARALLELOGRAMEnumParallelogram shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘parallelogram’.
PENTAGONEnumPentagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘pentagon’.
PIEEnumPie shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘pie’.
PLAQUEEnumPlaque shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘plaque’.
PLUSEnumPlus shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘plus’.
QUAD_ARROWEnumQuad-arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘quadArrow’.
QUAD_ARROW_CALLOUTEnumCallout quad-arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘quadArrowCallout’.
RIBBONEnumRibbon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘ribbon’.
RIBBON_2EnumRibbon 2 shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘ribbon2’.
RIGHT_ARROWEnumRight arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rightArrow’.
RIGHT_ARROW_CALLOUTEnumCallout right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rightArrowCallout’.
RIGHT_BRACEEnumRight brace shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rightBrace’.
RIGHT_BRACKETEnumRight bracket shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rightBracket’.
ROUND_1_RECTANGLEEnumOne round corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘round1Rect’.
ROUND_2_DIAGONAL_RECTANGLEEnumTwo diagonal round corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘round2DiagRect’.
ROUND_2_SAME_RECTANGLEEnumTwo same-side round corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘round2SameRect’.
RIGHT_TRIANGLEEnumRight triangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rtTriangle’.
SMILEY_FACEEnumSmiley face shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘smileyFace’.
SNIP_1_RECTANGLEEnumOne snip corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘snip1Rect’.
SNIP_2_DIAGONAL_RECTANGLEEnumTwo diagonal snip corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘snip2DiagRect’.
SNIP_2_SAME_RECTANGLEEnumTwo same-side snip corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘snip2SameRect’.
SNIP_ROUND_RECTANGLEEnumOne snip one round corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘snipRoundRect’.
STAR_10EnumTen pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star10’.
STAR_12EnumTwelve pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star12’.
STAR_16EnumSixteen pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star16’.
STAR_24EnumTwenty four pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star24’.
STAR_32EnumThirty two pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star32’.
STAR_4EnumFour pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star4’.
STAR_5EnumFive pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star5’.
STAR_6EnumSix pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star6’.
STAR_7EnumSeven pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star7’.
STAR_8EnumEight pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star8’.
STRIPED_RIGHT_ARROWEnumStriped right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘stripedRightArrow’.
SUNEnumSun shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘sun’.
TRAPEZOIDEnumTrapezoid shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘trapezoid’.
TRIANGLEEnumTriangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘triangle’.
UP_ARROWEnumUp arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘upArrow’.
UP_ARROW_CALLOUTEnumCallout up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘upArrowCallout’.
UP_DOWN_ARROWEnumUp down arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘upDownArrow’.
UTURN_ARROWEnumU-turn arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘uturnArrow’.
VERTICAL_SCROLLEnumVertical scroll shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘verticalScroll’.
WAVEEnumWave shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘wave’.
WEDGE_ELLIPSE_CALLOUTEnumCallout wedge ellipse shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘wedgeEllipseCallout’.
WEDGE_RECTANGLE_CALLOUTEnumCallout wedge rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘wedgeRectCallout’.
WEDGE_ROUND_RECTANGLE_CALLOUTEnumCallout wedge round rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘wedgeRoundRectCallout’.
FLOW_CHART_ALTERNATE_PROCESSEnumAlternate process flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartAlternateProcess’.
FLOW_CHART_COLLATEEnumCollate flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartCollate’.
FLOW_CHART_CONNECTOREnumConnector flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartConnector’.
FLOW_CHART_DECISIONEnumDecision flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartDecision’.
FLOW_CHART_DELAYEnumDelay flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartDelay’.
FLOW_CHART_DISPLAYEnumDisplay flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartDisplay’.
FLOW_CHART_DOCUMENTEnumDocument flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartDocument’.
FLOW_CHART_EXTRACTEnumExtract flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartExtract’.
FLOW_CHART_INPUT_OUTPUTEnumInput output flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartInputOutput’.
FLOW_CHART_INTERNAL_STORAGEEnumInternal storage flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartInternalStorage’.
FLOW_CHART_MAGNETIC_DISKEnumMagnetic disk flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartMagneticDisk’.
FLOW_CHART_MAGNETIC_DRUMEnumMagnetic drum flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartMagneticDrum’.
FLOW_CHART_MAGNETIC_TAPEEnumMagnetic tape flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartMagneticTape’.
FLOW_CHART_MANUAL_INPUTEnumManual input flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartManualInput’.
FLOW_CHART_MANUAL_OPERATIONEnumManual operation flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartManualOperation’.
FLOW_CHART_MERGEEnumMerge flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartMerge’.
FLOW_CHART_MULTIDOCUMENTEnumMulti-document flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartMultidocument’.
FLOW_CHART_OFFLINE_STORAGEEnumOffline storage flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartOfflineStorage’.
FLOW_CHART_OFFPAGE_CONNECTOREnumOff-page connector flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartOffpageConnector’.
FLOW_CHART_ONLINE_STORAGEEnumOnline storage flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartOnlineStorage’.
FLOW_CHART_OREnumOr flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartOr’.
FLOW_CHART_PREDEFINED_PROCESSEnumPredefined process flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartPredefinedProcess’.
FLOW_CHART_PREPARATIONEnumPreparation flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartPreparation’.
FLOW_CHART_PROCESSEnumProcess flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartProcess’.
FLOW_CHART_PUNCHED_CARDEnumPunched card flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartPunchedCard’.
FLOW_CHART_PUNCHED_TAPEEnumPunched tape flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartPunchedTape’.
FLOW_CHART_SORTEnumSort flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartSort’.
FLOW_CHART_SUMMING_JUNCTIONEnumSumming junction flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartSummingJunction’.
FLOW_CHART_TERMINATOREnumTerminator flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartTerminator’.
ARROW_EASTEnumEast arrow shape.
ARROW_NORTH_EASTEnumNortheast arrow shape.
ARROW_NORTHEnumNorth arrow shape.
SPEECHEnumSpeech shape.
STARBURSTEnumStar burst shape.
TEARDROPEnumTeardrop shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘teardrop’.
ELLIPSE_RIBBONEnumEllipse ribbon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘ellipseRibbon’.
ELLIPSE_RIBBON_2EnumEllipse ribbon 2 shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘ellipseRibbon2’.
CLOUD_CALLOUTEnumCallout cloud shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘cloudCallout’.
CUSTOMEnumCustom shape.

Enum SheetsChartEmbedType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumRepresents a chart that is not supported and cannot be further classified.
IMAGEEnumIndicates that the chart is embedded as an image.

Enum SlideLinkingMode

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA slide linking mode that isn’t supported.
LINKEDEnumIndicates that slides are linked.
NOT_LINKEDEnumIndicates that slides aren’t linked.

Enum SlidePosition

NEXT_SLIDEEnumThe next slide.
PREVIOUS_SLIDEEnumThe previous slide.
FIRST_SLIDEEnumThe first slide in the presentation.
LAST_SLIDEEnumThe last slide in the presentation.

Enum SpacingMode

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA spacing mode that is not supported.
NEVER_COLLAPSEEnumParagraph spacing is always rendered.
COLLAPSE_LISTSEnumParagraph spacing is skipped between list elements.

Enum TextBaselineOffset

UNSUPPORTEDEnumAn text baseline offset that is not supported.
NONEEnumThe text is not vertically offset.
SUPERSCRIPTEnumThe text is vertically offset upwards.
SUBSCRIPTEnumThe text is vertically offset downwards.

Enum TextDirection

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA text direction that is not supported.
LEFT_TO_RIGHTEnumThe text goes from left to right.
RIGHT_TO_LEFTEnumThe text goes from right to left.

Enum ThemeColorType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumRepresents a theme color that is not supported.
DARK1EnumRepresents the first dark color.
LIGHT1EnumRepresents the first light color.
DARK2EnumRepresents the second dark color.
LIGHT2EnumRepresents the second light color.
ACCENT1EnumRepresents the first accent color.
ACCENT2EnumRepresents the second accent color.
ACCENT3EnumRepresents the third accent color.
ACCENT4EnumRepresents the fourth accent color.
ACCENT5EnumRepresents the fifth accent color.
ACCENT6EnumRepresents the sixth accent color.
HYPERLINKEnumRepresents the color to use for hyperlinks.
FOLLOWED_HYPERLINKEnumRepresents the color to use for visited hyperlinks.

Enum VideoSourceType

UNSUPPORTEDEnumA video source type that is not supported.
YOUTUBEEnumYouTube video.

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