

本記事では、Google Apps ScriptでGoogleドキュメントに対して使うことができるDocumentAppという処理の一覧表を用意しました。Googleの公式ドキュメントは英語なので、分かりづらいところもありますので、みなさんがそこで挫折しないように日本語で内容が把握できるようにします。




DocumentAppとは、Google Apps ScriptでGoogleドキュメントに対する操作を行うコードですが、DocumentAppに用意されているメソッドでは、次のような操作を行うことができます。

  • ドキュメントファイルの作成
  • アクセス権限の編集
  • ドキュメントファイルの修正


 Body  Bookmark  ContainerElement
 Document  Equation  EquationFunction
 EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator  EquationSymbol  FooterSection
 HeaderSection  HorizontalRule  InlineDrawing
 InlineImage  ListItem  NamedRange
 PageBreak  Paragraph  Position
 PositionedImage  Range  RangeBuilder
 RangeElement  Table  TableCell
 TableOfContents  TableRow  Text





VerticalAlignment TextAlignment PositionedLayout
ParagraphHeading HorizontalAlignment GlyphType
FontFamily(非推奨) ElementType Attribute



Class Body



Class Body

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 appendHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule.
 appendImage  InlineImage  Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
 appendListItem  ListItem  Appends the given ListItem.
 appendPageBreak  PageBreak  Creates and appends a new PageBreak.
 appendParagraph  Paragraph  Appends the given Paragraph.
 appendTable  Table  Creates and appends a new Table.
 clear  Body  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  Body  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getHeadingAttributes  Object  Retrieves the set of attributes for the provided ParagraphHeading.
 getImages  InlineImage[]  Retrieves all the InlineImages contained in the section.
 getListItems  ListItem[]  Retrieves all the ListItems contained in the section.
 getMarginBottom  Number  Retrieves the bottom margin, in points.
 getMarginLeft  Number  Retrieves the left margin, in points.
 getMarginRight  Number  Retrieves the right margin.
 getMarginTop  Number  Retrieves the top margin.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getPageHeight  Number  Retrieves the page height, in points.
 getPageWidth  Number  Retrieves the page width, in points.
 getParagraphs  Paragraph[]  Retrieves all the Paragraphs contained in the section (including ListItems).
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getTables  Table[]  Retrieves all the Tables contained in the section.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 insertHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and inserts a new HorizontalRule at the specified index.
 insertImage  InlineImage  Creates and inserts an InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
 insertListItem  ListItem  Inserts the given ListItem at the specified index.
 insertPageBreak  PageBreak  Creates and inserts a new PageBreak at the specified index.
 insertParagraph  Paragraph  Inserts the given Paragraph at the specified index.
 insertTable  Table  Creates and inserts a new Table at the specified index.
 removeChild  Body  Removes the specified child element.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  Body  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setHeadingAttributes  Body  Sets the attributes for the provided ParagraphHeading.
 setMarginBottom  Body  Sets the bottom margin, in points.
 setMarginLeft  Body  Sets the left margin, in points.
 setMarginRight  Body  Sets the right margin, in points.
 setMarginTop  Body  Sets the top margin.
 setPageHeight  Body  Sets the page height, in points.
 setPageWidth  Body  Sets the page width, in points.
 setText  Body  Sets the contents as plain text.
 setTextAlignment  Body  Sets the text alignment.

Class Bookmark

 メソッド名  タイプ  簡単な説明
 getId  String  ブックマークのIDを取得
 getPosition  Position  ブックマークの位置を取得
 remove  void  ブックマークを削除

Class ContainerElement

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 asBody  Body  Returns the current element as a Body.
 asEquation  Equation  Returns the current element as a Equation.
 asFooterSection  FooterSection  Returns the current element as a FooterSection.
 asFootnoteSection  FootnoteSection  Returns the current element as a FootnoteSection.
 asHeaderSection  HeaderSection  Returns the current element as a HeaderSection.
 asListItem  ListItem  Returns the current element as a ListItem.
 asParagraph  Paragraph  Returns the current element as a Paragraph.
 asTable  Table  Returns the current element as a Table.
 asTableCell  TableCell  Returns the current element as a TableCell.
 asTableOfContents  TableOfContents  Returns the current element as a TableOfContents.
 asTableRow  TableRow  Returns the current element as a TableRow.
 clear  ContainerElement  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  ContainerElement  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link url.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 merge  ContainerElement  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeFromParent  ContainerElement  Removes the element from its parent.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  ContainerElement  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setLinkUrl  ContainerElement  Sets the link url.
 setTextAlignment  ContainerElement  Sets the text alignment.

Class DocumentApp

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 addBookmark  Bookmark  Adds a Bookmark at the given Position.
 addEditor  Document  Adds the given user to the list of editors for the Document.
 addEditors  Document  Adds the given array of users to the list of editors for the Document.
 addFooter  FooterSection  Adds a document footer section, if none exists.
 addHeader  HeaderSection  Adds a document header section, if none exists.
 addNamedRange  NamedRange  Adds a new NamedRange, which is a Range that has a name and ID to allow later retrieval.
 addViewer  Document  Adds the given user to the list of viewers for the Document.
 addViewers  Document  Adds the given array of users to the list of viewers for the Document.
 getAs  Blob  Retrieves the current Document contents as a blob of the specified type.
 getBlob  Blob  Retrieves the current Document contents as a blob.
 getBody  Body  Retrieves the active document’s Body.
 getBookmark  Bookmark  Gets the Bookmark with the given ID.
 getBookmarks  Bookmark[]  Gets all Bookmark objects in the document.
 getCursor  Position  Gets the user’s cursor in the active document.
 getEditors  User[]  Gets the list of editors for this Document.
 getFooter  FooterSection  Retrieves the document’s footer section, if one exists.
 getFootnotes  Footnote[]  Retrieves all the Footnote elements in the document body.
 getHeader  HeaderSection  Retrieves the document’s header section, if one exists.
 getId  String  Retrieves the document’s unique identifier.
 getLanguage  String  Gets the document’s language code.
 getName  String  Retrieves the title of the document.
 getNamedRangeById  NamedRange  Gets the NamedRange with the given ID.
 getNamedRanges  NamedRange[]  Gets all NamedRange objects in the document.
 getSelection  Range  Gets the user’s selection in the active document.
 getSupportedLanguageCodes  String[]  Gets all language codes that are supported in Google Docs files.
 getUrl  String  Retrieves the URL to access the current document.
 getViewers  User[]  Gets the list of viewers and commenters for this Document.
 newPosition  Position  Creates a new Position, which is a reference to a location in the document, relative to a specific element.
 newRange  RangeBuilder  Creates a builder used to construct Range objects from document elements.
 removeEditor  Document  Removes the given user from the list of editors for the Document.
 removeViewer  Document  Removes the given user from the list of viewers and commenters for the Document.
 saveAndClose  void  Saves the current Document.
 setCursor  Document  Sets the user’s cursor in the active document, given a Position.
 setLanguage  Document  Sets the document’s language code.
 setName  Document  Sets the document title.
 setSelection  Document  Sets the user’s selection in the active document, given a Range.

Class Equation

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 clear  Equation  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  Equation  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link url.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 merge  Equation  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeFromParent  Equation  Removes the element from its parent.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  Equation  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setLinkUrl  Equation  Sets the link url.
 setTextAlignment  Equation  Sets the text alignment.

Class EquationFunction

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 clear  EquationFunction  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  EquationFunction  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getCode  String  Retrieves the code corresponding to the equation function.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link url.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 merge  EquationFunction  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeFromParent  EquationFunction  Removes the element from its parent.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  EquationFunction  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setLinkUrl  EquationFunction  Sets the link url.
 setTextAlignment  EquationFunction  Sets the text alignment.

Class EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 copy  EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 merge  EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeFromParent  EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator  Removes the element from its parent.
 setAttributes  EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator  Sets the element’s attributes.

Class EquationSymbol

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 copy  EquationSymbol  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getCode  String  Retrieves the code corresponding to the equation symbol.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 merge  EquationSymbol  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeFromParent  EquationSymbol  Removes the element from its parent.
 setAttributes  EquationSymbol  Sets the element’s attributes.

Class FooterSection

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 appendHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule.
 appendImage  InlineImage  Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
 appendListItem  ListItem  Appends the given ListItem.
 appendParagraph  Paragraph  Appends the given Paragraph.
 appendTable  Table  Creates and appends a new Table.
 clear  FooterSection  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  FooterSection  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getImages  InlineImage[]  Retrieves all the InlineImages contained in the section.
 getListItems  ListItem[]  Retrieves all the ListItems contained in the section.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getParagraphs  Paragraph[]  Retrieves all the Paragraphs contained in the section (including ListItems).
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getTables  Table[]  Retrieves all the Tables contained in the section.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 insertHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and inserts a new HorizontalRule at the specified index.
 insertImage  InlineImage  Creates and inserts an InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
 insertListItem  ListItem  Inserts the given ListItem at the specified index.
 insertParagraph  Paragraph  Inserts the given Paragraph at the specified index.
 insertTable  Table  Creates and inserts a new Table at the specified index.
 removeChild  FooterSection  Removes the specified child element.
 removeFromParent  FooterSection  Removes the element from its parent.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  FooterSection  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setText  FooterSection  Sets the contents as plain text.
 setTextAlignment  FooterSection  Sets the text alignment.

Class Footnote

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 copy  Footnote  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getFootnoteContents  FootnoteSection  Retrieves the contents of the footnote element.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 removeFromParent  Footnote  Removes the element from its parent.
 setAttributes  Footnote  Sets the element’s attributes.

Class FootnoteSection

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 appendParagraph  Paragraph  Appends the given Paragraph.
 clear  FootnoteSection  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  FootnoteSection  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getParagraphs  Paragraph[]  Retrieves all the Paragraphs contained in the section (including ListItems).
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 insertParagraph  Paragraph  Inserts the given Paragraph at the specified index.
 removeChild  FootnoteSection  Removes the specified child element.
 removeFromParent  FootnoteSection  Removes the element from its parent.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  FootnoteSection  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setText  FootnoteSection  Sets the contents as plain text.
 setTextAlignment  FootnoteSection  Sets the text alignment.

Class HeaderSection

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 appendHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule.
 appendImage  InlineImage  Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
 appendListItem  ListItem  Appends the given ListItem.
 appendParagraph  Paragraph  Appends the given Paragraph.
 appendTable  Table  Creates and appends a new Table.
 clear  HeaderSection  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  HeaderSection  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getImages  InlineImage[]  Retrieves all the InlineImages contained in the section.
 getListItems  ListItem[]  Retrieves all the ListItems contained in the section.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getParagraphs  Paragraph[]  Retrieves all the Paragraphs contained in the section (including ListItems).
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getTables  Table[]  Retrieves all the Tables contained in the section.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 insertHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and inserts a new HorizontalRule at the specified index.
 insertImage  InlineImage  Creates and inserts an InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
 insertListItem  ListItem  Inserts the given ListItem at the specified index.
 insertParagraph  Paragraph  Inserts the given Paragraph at the specified index.
 insertTable  Table  Creates and inserts a new Table at the specified index.
 removeChild  HeaderSection  Removes the specified child element.
 removeFromParent  HeaderSection  Removes the element from its parent.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  HeaderSection  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setText  HeaderSection  Sets the contents as plain text.
 setTextAlignment  HeaderSection  Sets the text alignment.

Class HorizontalRule

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 copy  HorizontalRule  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 removeFromParent  HorizontalRule  Removes the element from its parent.
 setAttributes  HorizontalRule  Sets the element’s attributes.

Class InlineDrawing

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 copy  InlineDrawing  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 getAltDescription  String  Returns the drawing’s alternate description.
 getAltTitle  String  Returns the drawing’s alternate title.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 merge  InlineDrawing  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeFromParent  InlineDrawing  Removes the element from its parent.
 setAltDescription  InlineDrawing  Sets the drawing’s alternate description.
 setAltTitle  InlineDrawing  Sets the drawing’s alternate title.
 setAttributes  InlineDrawing  Sets the element’s attributes.

Class InlineImage

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 copy  InlineImage  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 getAltDescription  String  Returns the image’s alternate description.
 getAltTitle  String  Returns the image’s alternate title.
 getAs  Blob  Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getBlob  Blob  Return the data inside this object as a blob.
 getHeight  Integer  Retrieves the image’s height, in pixels.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link URL.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 getWidth  Integer  Retrieves the image’s width, in pixels.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 merge  InlineImage  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeFromParent  InlineImage  Removes the element from its parent.
 setAltDescription  InlineImage  Sets the image’s alternate description.
 setAltTitle  InlineImage  Sets the image’s alternate title.
 setAttributes  InlineImage  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setHeight  InlineImage  Sets the image’s height, in pixels.
 setLinkUrl  InlineImage  Sets the link URL.
 setWidth  InlineImage  Sets the image’s width, in pixels.

Class ListItem

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 addPositionedImage  PositionedImage  Creates and inserts a new PositionedImage from the specified image blob.
 appendHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule.
 appendInlineImage  InlineImage  Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
 appendPageBreak  PageBreak  Creates and appends a new PageBreak.
 appendText  Text  Creates and appends a new Text element with the specified contents.
 clear  ListItem  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  ListItem  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAlignment  HorizontalAlignment  Retrieves the HorizontalAlignment.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getGlyphType  GlyphType  Retrieves the list item’s GlyphType.
 getHeading  ParagraphHeading  Retrieves the ParagraphHeading.
 getIndentEnd  Number  Retrieves the end indentation, in points.
 getIndentFirstLine  Number  Retrieves the first line indentation, in points.
 getIndentStart  Number  Retrieves the start indentation.
 getLineSpacing  Number  Retrieves the line spacing, in points.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link url.
 getListId  String  Retrieves the list ID.
 getNestingLevel  Integer  Retrieves the list item’s nesting level.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPositionedImage  PositionedImage  Gets a PositionedImage by the image’s ID.
 getPositionedImages  PositionedImage[]  Gets all PositionedImage objects anchored to the paragraph.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getSpacingAfter  Number  Retrieves the spacing after the element, in points.
 getSpacingBefore  Number  Retrieves the spacing before the element, in points.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 insertHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and inserts a HorizontalRule at the specified index.
 insertInlineImage  InlineImage  Creates and inserts a new InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
 insertPageBreak  PageBreak  Creates and inserts a new PageBreak at the specified index.
 insertText  Text  Creates and inserts a new text element at the specified index.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 isLeftToRight  Boolean  Retrieves the left-to-right setting.
 merge  ListItem  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeChild  ListItem  Removes the specified child element.
 removeFromParent  ListItem  Removes the element from its parent.
 removePositionedImage  Boolean  Removes a PositionedImage by the image’s ID.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAlignment  ListItem  Sets the HorizontalAlignment.
 setAttributes  ListItem  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setGlyphType  ListItem  Sets the list item’s GlyphType.
 setHeading  ListItem  Sets the ParagraphHeading.
 setIndentEnd  ListItem  Sets the end indentation, in points.
 setIndentFirstLine  ListItem  Sets the first line indentation, in points.
 setIndentStart  ListItem  Sets the start indentation, in points.
 setLeftToRight  ListItem  Sets the left-to-right setting.
 setLineSpacing  ListItem  Sets the line spacing, as a quantity indicating the number of lines to use for spacing.
 setLinkUrl  ListItem  Sets the link url.
 setListId  ListItem  Sets the list ID.
 setNestingLevel  ListItem  Sets the list item’s nesting level.
 setSpacingAfter  ListItem  Sets the spacing after the element, in points.
 setSpacingBefore  ListItem  Sets the spacing before the element, in points.
 setText  void  Sets the contents of the list item as text.
 setTextAlignment  ListItem  Sets the text alignment.

Class NamedRange

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 getId  String  Gets the ID of this NamedRange.
 getName  String  Gets the name of this NamedRange.
 getRange  Range  Gets the range of elements associated with this NamedRange.
 remove  void  Removes this NamedRange from the document.

Class PageBreak

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 copy  PageBreak  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 removeFromParent  PageBreak  Removes the element from its parent.
 setAttributes  PageBreak  Sets the element’s attributes.

Class Paragraph

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 addPositionedImage  PositionedImage  Creates and inserts a new PositionedImage from the specified image blob.
 appendHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule.
 appendInlineImage  InlineImage  Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
 appendPageBreak  PageBreak  Creates and appends a new PageBreak.
 appendText  Text  Creates and appends a new Text element with the specified contents.
 clear  Paragraph  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  Paragraph  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAlignment  HorizontalAlignment  Retrieves the HorizontalAlignment.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getHeading  ParagraphHeading  Retrieves the ParagraphHeading.
 getIndentEnd  Number  Retrieves the end indentation, in points.
 getIndentFirstLine  Number  Retrieves the first line indentation, in points.
 getIndentStart  Number  Retrieves the start indentation.
 getLineSpacing  Number  Retrieves the line spacing, in points.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link url.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPositionedImage  PositionedImage  Gets a PositionedImage by the image’s ID.
 getPositionedImages  PositionedImage[]  Gets all PositionedImage objects anchored to the paragraph.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getSpacingAfter  Number  Retrieves the spacing after the element, in points.
 getSpacingBefore  Number  Retrieves the spacing before the element, in points.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 insertHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and inserts a HorizontalRule at the specified index.
 insertInlineImage  InlineImage  Creates and inserts a new InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
 insertPageBreak  PageBreak  Creates and inserts a new PageBreak at the specified index.
 insertText  Text  Creates and inserts a new text element at the specified index.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 isLeftToRight  Boolean  Retrieves the left-to-right setting.
 merge  Paragraph  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeChild  Paragraph  Removes the specified child element.
 removeFromParent  Paragraph  Removes the element from its parent.
 removePositionedImage  Boolean  Removes a PositionedImage by the image’s ID.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAlignment  Paragraph  Sets the HorizontalAlignment.
 setAttributes  Paragraph  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setHeading  Paragraph  Sets the ParagraphHeading.
 setIndentEnd  Paragraph  Sets the end indentation, in points.
 setIndentFirstLine  Paragraph  Sets the first line indentation, in points.
 setIndentStart  Paragraph  Sets the start indentation, in points.
 setLeftToRight  Paragraph  Sets the left-to-right setting.
 setLineSpacing  Paragraph  Sets the line spacing, as a quantity indicating the number of lines to use for spacing.
 setLinkUrl  Paragraph  Sets the link url.
 setSpacingAfter  Paragraph  Sets the spacing after the element, in points.
 setSpacingBefore  Paragraph  Sets the spacing before the element, in points.
 setText  void  Sets the contents of the paragraph as text.
 setTextAlignment  Paragraph  Sets the text alignment.

Class Position

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 getElement  Element  Gets the element that contains this Position.
 getOffset  Integer  Gets this Position’s relative location within the element that contains it.
 getSurroundingText  Text  Creates an artificial Text element that represents the text and formatting of the Paragraph or ListItem that contains the Position, either directly or through a chain of child elements.
 getSurroundingTextOffset  Integer  Gets the offset of this Position within the Text element returned by getSurroundingText().
 insertBookmark  Bookmark  Creates and inserts a new Bookmark at this Position.
 insertInlineImage  InlineImage  Creates and inserts a new InlineImage at this Position from the specified image blob.
 insertText  Text  Inserts the specified text at this Position.

Class PositionedImage

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 getAs  Blob  Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type.
 getBlob  Blob  Return the data inside this object as a blob.
 getHeight  Integer  Retrieves the image’s height, in pixels.
 getId  String  Gets the image’s ID.
 getLayout  PositionedLayout  Gets an enum value that represents how the image is laid out.
 getLeftOffset  Number  Gets the image’s offset, in points, from the paragraph’s left.
 getParagraph  Paragraph  Gets the Paragraph the image is anchored to.
 getTopOffset  Number  Gets the image’s offset, in points, from the paragraph’s top.
 getWidth  Integer  Retrieves the image’s width, in pixels.
 setHeight  PositionedImage  Sets the image’s height, in pixels.
 setLayout  PositionedImage  Sets the definition of how the image is laid out.
 setLeftOffset  PositionedImage  Sets the image’s offset, in points, from the paragraph’s left.
 setTopOffset  PositionedImage  Sets the image’s offset, in points, from the paragraph’s top.
 setWidth  PositionedImage  Sets the image’s width, in pixels.

Class Range

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 getRangeElements  RangeElement[]  Gets all elements in this Range, including any partial Text elements (for example, in the case of a selection that includes only part of a Text element).

Class RangeBuilder

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 addElement  RangeBuilder  Adds an entire Element to this RangeBuilder.
 addElementsBetween  RangeBuilder  Adds two entire elements, and all elements between them, to this RangeBuilder.
 addRange  RangeBuilder  Adds the contents of another Range to this RangeBuilder.
 build  Range  Constructs a Range from the settings applied to the builder.
 getRangeElements  RangeElement[]  Gets all elements in this Range, including any partial Text elements (for example, in the case of a selection that includes only part of a Text element).

Class Table

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 appendTableRow  TableRow  Creates and appends a new TableRow.
 clear  Table  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  Table  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getBorderColor  String  Retrieves the border color.
 getBorderWidth  Number  Retrieves the border width, in points.
 getCell  TableCell  Retrieves the TableCell at the specified row and cell indices.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getColumnWidth  Number  Retrieves the width of the specified table column, in points.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link url.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getNumRows  Integer  Retrieves the number of TableRows.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getRow  TableRow  Retrieves the TableRow at the specified row index.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 insertTableRow  TableRow  Creates and inserts a new TableRow at the specified index.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 removeChild  Table  Removes the specified child element.
 removeFromParent  Table  Removes the element from its parent.
 removeRow  TableRow  Removes the TableRow at the specified row index.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  Table  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setBorderColor  Table  Sets the border color.
 setBorderWidth  Table  Sets the border width, in points.
 setColumnWidth  Table  Sets the width of the specified column, in points.
 setLinkUrl  Table  Sets the link url.
 setTextAlignment  Table  Sets the text alignment.

Class TableCell

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 appendHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule.
 appendImage  InlineImage  Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
 appendListItem  ListItem  Appends the given ListItem.
 appendParagraph  Paragraph  Appends the given Paragraph.
 appendTable  Table  Creates and appends a new Table.
 clear  TableCell  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  TableCell  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getBackgroundColor  String  Retrieves the background color.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getColSpan  Integer  Retrieves the column span, which is the number of columns of table cells this cell spans.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link url.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getPaddingBottom  Number  Retrieves the bottom padding, in points.
 getPaddingLeft  Number  Retrieves the left padding, in points.
 getPaddingRight  Number  Retrieves the right padding, in points.
 getPaddingTop  Number  Retrieves the top padding, in points.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getParentRow  TableRow  Retrieves the TableRow containing the current TableCell.
 getParentTable  Table  Retrieves the Table containing the current TableCell.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getRowSpan  Integer  Retrieves the row span, which is the number of rows of table cells this cell spans.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 getVerticalAlignment  VerticalAlignment  Retrieves the VerticalAlignment.
 getWidth  Number  Retrieves the width of the column containing the cell, in points.
 insertHorizontalRule  HorizontalRule  Creates and inserts a new HorizontalRule at the specified index.
 insertImage  InlineImage  Creates and inserts an InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
 insertListItem  ListItem  Inserts the given ListItem at the specified index.
 insertParagraph  Paragraph  Inserts the given Paragraph at the specified index.
 insertTable  Table  Creates and inserts a new Table at the specified index.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 merge  TableCell  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeChild  TableCell  Removes the specified child element.
 removeFromParent  TableCell  Removes the element from its parent.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  TableCell  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setBackgroundColor  TableCell  Sets the background color.
 setLinkUrl  TableCell  Sets the link url.
 setPaddingBottom  TableCell  Sets the bottom padding, in points.
 setPaddingLeft  TableCell  Sets the left padding, in points.
 setPaddingRight  TableCell  Sets the right padding, in points.
 setPaddingTop  TableCell  Sets the top padding, in points.
 setText  TableCell  Sets the contents as plain text.
 setTextAlignment  TableCell  Sets the text alignment.
 setVerticalAlignment  TableCell  Sets the vertical alignment.
 setWidth  TableCell  Sets the width of the column containing the current cell, in points.

Class TableOfContents

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 clear  TableOfContents  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  TableOfContents  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link url.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 removeFromParent  TableOfContents  Removes the element from its parent.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  TableOfContents  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setLinkUrl  TableOfContents  Sets the link url.
 setTextAlignment  TableOfContents  Sets the text alignment.

Class TableRow

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 appendTableCell  TableCell  Creates and appends a new TableCell.
 clear  TableRow  Clears the contents of the element.
 copy  TableRow  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findElement  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getCell  TableCell  Retrieves the TableCell at the specified cell index.
 getChild  Element  Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
 getChildIndex  Integer  Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link url.
 getMinimumHeight  Number  Retrieves the minimum height, in points.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getNumCells  Integer  Retrieves the number of cells in the row.
 getNumChildren  Integer  Retrieves the number of children.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getParentTable  Table  Retrieves the Table containing the current row.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 insertTableCell  TableCell  Creates and inserts a new TableCell at the specified index.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 merge  TableRow  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeCell  TableCell  Removes the TableCell at the specified cell index.
 removeChild  TableRow  Removes the specified child element.
 removeFromParent  TableRow  Removes the element from its parent.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  TableRow  Sets the element’s attributes.
 setLinkUrl  TableRow  Sets the link url.
 setMinimumHeight  TableRow  Sets the minimum height, in points.
 setTextAlignment  TableRow  Sets the text alignment.

Class Text

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 appendText  Text  Adds the specified text to the end of this text region.
 copy  Text  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 deleteText  Text  Deletes a range of text.
 editAsText  Text  Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
 findText  RangeElement  Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getBackgroundColor  String  Retrieves the background color setting.
 getFontFamily  String  Retrieves the font family setting.
 getFontSize  Number  Retrieves the font size setting.
 getForegroundColor  String  Retrieves the foreground color setting.
 getLinkUrl  String  Retrieves the link url.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getText  String  Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
 getTextAlignment  TextAlignment  Gets the text alignment.
 getTextAttributeIndices  Integer[]  Retrieves the set of text indices that correspond to the start of distinct text formatting runs.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 insertText  Text  Inserts the specified text at the given character offset.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 isBold  Boolean  Retrieves the bold setting.
 isItalic  Boolean  Retrieves the italic setting.
 isStrikethrough  Boolean  Retrieves the strikethrough setting.
 isUnderline  Boolean  Retrieves the underline setting.
 merge  Text  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeFromParent  Text  Removes the element from its parent.
 replaceText  Element  Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
 setAttributes  Text  Applies the specified attributes to the given character range.
 setBackgroundColor  Text  Sets the background color for the specified character range.
 setBold  Text  Sets the bold setting.
 setFontFamily  Text  Sets the font family for the specified character range.
 setFontSize  Text  Sets the font size for the specified character range.
 setForegroundColor  Text  Sets the foreground color for the specified character range.
 setItalic  Text  Sets the italic setting.
 setLinkUrl  Text  Sets the link url for the specified character range.
 setStrikethrough  Text  Sets the strikethrough setting.
 setText  Text  Sets the text contents.
 setTextAlignment  Text  Sets the text alignment for a given character range.
 setUnderline  Text  Sets the underline setting.

Class UnsupportedElement

 メソッド名  返り値  簡単な説明
 copy  UnsupportedElement  Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
 getAttributes  Object  Retrieves the element’s attributes.
 getNextSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s next sibling element.
 getParent  ContainerElement  Retrieves the element’s parent element.
 getPreviousSibling  Element  Retrieves the element’s previous sibling element.
 getType  ElementType  Retrieves the element’s ElementType.
 isAtDocumentEnd  Boolean  Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document.
 merge  UnsupportedElement  Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
 removeFromParent  UnsupportedElement  Removes the element from its parent.
 setAttributes  UnsupportedElement  Sets the element’s attributes.



Enoms Attribute

 プロパティ  タイプ  説明
 BACKGROUND_COLOR  Enum  The background color of an element (Paragraph, Table, etc) or document.
 BOLD  Enum  The font weight setting, for rich text.
 BORDER_COLOR  Enum  The border color, for table elements.
 BORDER_WIDTH  Enum  The border width in points, for table elements.
 CODE  Enum  The code contents, for equation elements.
 FONT_FAMILY  Enum  The font family setting, for rich text.
 FONT_SIZE  Enum  The font size setting in points, for rich text.
 FOREGROUND_COLOR  Enum  The foreground color setting, for rich text.
 HEADING  Enum  The heading type, for paragraph elements (for example, DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING1).
 HEIGHT  Enum  The height setting, for image elements.
 HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT  Enum  The horizontal alignment, for paragraph elements (for example, DocumentApp.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER).
 INDENT_END  Enum  The end indentation setting in points, for paragraph elements.
 INDENT_FIRST_LINE  Enum  The first line indentation setting in points, for paragraph elements.
 INDENT_START  Enum  The start indentation setting in points, for paragraph elements.
 ITALIC  Enum  The font style setting, for rich text.
 GLYPH_TYPE  Enum  The glyph type, for list item elements.
 LEFT_TO_RIGHT  Enum  The text direction setting, for rich text.
 LINE_SPACING  Enum  The line spacing setting as a multiplier, for paragraph elements.
 LINK_URL  Enum  The link URL, for rich text. The default link style (foreground color, underline) is automatically applied.
 LIST_ID  Enum  The ID of the encompassing list, for list item elements.
 MARGIN_BOTTOM  Enum  The bottom margin setting in points, for paragraph elements.
 MARGIN_LEFT  Enum  The left margin setting in points, for paragraph elements.
 MARGIN_RIGHT  Enum  The right margin setting in points, for paragraph elements.
 MARGIN_TOP  Enum  The top margin setting in points, for paragraph elements.
 NESTING_LEVEL  Enum  The item nesting level, for list item elements.
 MINIMUM_HEIGHT  Enum  The minimum height setting in points, for table row elements.
 PADDING_BOTTOM  Enum  The bottom padding setting in points, for table cell elements.
 PADDING_LEFT  Enum  The left padding setting in points, for table cell elements.
 PADDING_RIGHT  Enum  The right padding setting in points, for table cell elements.
 PADDING_TOP  Enum  The top padding setting in points, for table cell elements.
 PAGE_HEIGHT  Enum  The page height setting in points, for documents.
 PAGE_WIDTH  Enum  The page width setting in points, for documents.
 SPACING_AFTER  Enum  The bottom spacing setting in points, for paragraph elements.
 SPACING_BEFORE  Enum  The top spacing setting in points, for paragraph elements.
 STRIKETHROUGH  Enum  The strike-through setting, for rich text.
 UNDERLINE  Enum  The underline setting, for rich text.
 VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT  Enum  The vertical alignment setting, for table cell elements.
 WIDTH  Enum  The width setting, for table cell and image elements.

Enoms ElementType


function sampleCodeForGetAllCalendars() {
  var firstChild = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody().getChild(0);
  if (firstChild.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH) {
 プロパティ  タイプ  説明
 BODY_SECTION  Enum  本文に対応する構成要素
 COMMENT_SECTION  Enum  コメントセクションに対応する構成要素
 DOCUMENT  Enum  ルートドキュメンに対応する構成要素
 EQUATION  Enum  計算式に対応する構成要素
 EQUATION_FUNCTION  Enum  関数に対応する構成要素
 Enum  計算式の引数分割に対応する構成要素
 EQUATION_SYMBOL  Enum  計算式のシンボルに対応する構成要素
 FOOTER_SECTION  Enum  フッター部に対応する構成要素
 FOOTNOTE  Enum  柱脚に対応する構成要素
 FOOTNOTE_SECTION  Enum  柱脚セクションに対応する構成要素
 HEADER_SECTION  Enum  ヘッダー部に対応する構成要素
 HORIZONTAL_RULE  Enum  水平方向のルールに対応する構成要素
 INLINE_DRAWING  Enum  インライン描画に対応する構成要素
 INLINE_IMAGE  Enum  インライン画像に対応する構成要素
 LIST_ITEM  Enum  箇条書きに対応する構成要素
 PAGE_BREAK  Enum  改行に対応する構成要素
 PARAGRAPH  Enum  段落に対応する構成要素
 TABLE  Enum  表に対応する構成要素
 TABLE_CELL  Enum  表のセルに対応する構成要素
 TABLE_OF_CONTENTS  Enum  目次に対応する構成要素
 TABLE_ROW  Enum  表の列に対応する構成要素
 TEXT  Enum  文字に対応する構成要素
 UNSUPPORTED  Enum  UnsupportedElementに対応する構成要素。UnsupportedElementはスクリプトが適用できない文書部分のこと

Enoms FontFamily(非推奨)

FontFamilyはフォントの種類を設定します。 現在は非推奨です。

 プロパティ  タイプ  説明
 ARIAL  Enum  ARIALに設定する
 ARIAL_BLACK  Enum  The Arial Black font family.
 ARVO  Enum  ARVOに設定する
 ROBOTO  Enum  ROBOTOに設定する
 TAHOMA  Enum  TAHOMAに設定する
 UBUNTU  Enum  UBUNTUに設定する

Enoms GlyphType


 プロパティ  タイプ  説明
 BULLET  Enum  ・ドット
 HOLLOW_BULLET  Enum  ○ 中抜きドット
 SQUARE_BULLET  Enum  □ スクエア
 NUMBER  Enum  数字
 LATIN_UPPER  Enum  大文字アルファベット
 LATIN_LOWER  Enum  小文字アルファベット
 ROMAN_UPPER  Enum  大文字ローマ数字
 ROMAN_LOWER  Enum  小文字ローマ数字

Enoms HorizontalAlignment


 プロパティ  タイプ  説明
 LEFT  Enum  左揃えオプション
 CENTER  Enum  中央揃えオプション
 RIGHT  Enum  右揃えオプション
 JUSTIFY  Enum  両端揃えオプション

Enoms ParagraphHeading


 プロパティ  タイプ  説明
 NORMAL  Enum  標準テキスト
 HEADING1  Enum  H1見出し
 HEADING2  Enum  H2見出し
 HEADING3  Enum  H3見出し
 HEADING4  Enum  H4見出し
 HEADING5  Enum  H5見出し
 HEADING6  Enum  H6見出し
 TITLE  Enum  タイトル
 SUBTITLE  Enum  サブタイトル

Enoms PositionedLayout


 プロパティ  タイプ  説明
 ABOVE_TEXT  Enum  画像は文字の上部に配置されます。
 BREAK_BOTH  Enum  画像は文字を左右に二等分して配置されます。
 BREAK_LEFT  Enum  The image breaks the text on the left.
 BREAK_RIGHT  Enum  The image breaks the text on the right.
 WRAP_TEXT  Enum  The image is wrapped by text.

Enoms TextAlignment


 プロパティ  タイプ  説明
 NORMAL  Enum  通常配置
 SUPERSCRIPT  Enum  上付き文字
 SUBSCRIPT  Enum  下付き文字

Enoms VerticalAlignment


 プロパティ  タイプ  説明
 BOTTOM  Enum  文字の下揃えオプション
 CENTER  Enum  文字の中央揃えオプション
 TOP  Enum  文字の上揃えオプション

いいね または フォローしてね!

  • URLをコピーしました!


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