本記事では、Google Apps ScriptでGoogleスライドに対して使うことができるSlidesAppという処理の一覧表を用意しました。Googleの公式ドキュメントは英語なので、分かりづらいところもありますので、みなさんがそこで挫折しないように日本語で内容が把握できるようにします。
SlidesAppとは、Google Apps ScriptでGoogleスライドに対する操作を行うコードですが、SlidesAppに用意されているメソッドでは、次のような操作を行うことができます。
- スライドファイルの作成
- スライドの編集
- 図形の挿入
- グラフの挿入
Class AffineTransform
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getScaleX | Number | Gets the X coordinate scaling element. |
getScaleY | Number | Gets the Y coordinate scaling element. |
getShearX | Number | Gets the X coordinate shearing element. |
getShearY | Number | Gets the Y coordinate shearing element. |
getTranslateX | Number | Gets the X coordinate translation element in points. |
getTranslateY | Number | Gets the Y coordinate translation element in points. |
toBuilder | AffineTransformBuilder | Returns a new AffineTransformBuilder based on this transform. |
Class AffineTransformBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
build | AffineTransform | Creates an AffineTransform object initialized with the elements set in the builder. |
setScaleX | AffineTransformBuilder | Sets the X coordinate scaling element and returns the builder. |
setScaleY | AffineTransformBuilder | Sets the Y coordinate scaling element and returns the builder. |
setShearX | AffineTransformBuilder | Sets the X coordinate shearing element and returns the builder. |
setShearY | AffineTransformBuilder | Sets the Y coordinate shearing element and returns the builder. |
setTranslateX | AffineTransformBuilder | Sets the X coordinate translation element in points, and returns the builder. |
setTranslateY | AffineTransformBuilder | Sets the Y coordinate translation element in points, and returns the builder. |
Class Autofit
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
disableAutofit | Autofit | Sets the AutofitType of a shape to AutofitType.NONE. |
getAutofitType | AutofitType | Gets the AutofitType of the shape. |
getFontScale | Number | Gets the font scale applied to the shape. |
getLineSpacingReduction | Number | Gets the line spacing reduction applied to the shape. |
Class AutoText
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getAutoTextType | AutoTextType | Returns the type of auto text. |
getIndex | Integer | Returns the index of the auto text. |
getRange | TextRange | Returns a TextRange spanning the auto text. |
Class Border
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getDashStyle | DashStyle | Gets the DashStyle of the border. |
getLineFill | LineFill | Gets the LineFill of the border. |
getWeight | Number | Gets the thickness of the border in points. |
isVisible | Boolean | Gets whether the border is visible or not. |
setDashStyle | Border | Sets the DashStyle of the border. |
setTransparent | Border | Sets the border to be transparent. |
setWeight | Border | Sets the thickness of the border in points. |
Class Color
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
asRgbColor | RgbColor | Converts this color to an RgbColor. |
asThemeColor | ThemeColor | Converts this color to a ThemeColor. |
getColorType | ColorType | Get the type of this color. |
Class ColorScheme
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getConcreteColor | Color | Returns the concrete Color associated with the ThemeColorType in this color scheme. |
getThemeColors | ThemeColorType[] | Returns a list of all possible theme color types in a color scheme. |
setConcreteColor | ColorScheme | Sets the concrete color associated with the ThemeColorType in this color scheme to the given color. |
Class ConnectionSite
getIndex | Integer | Returns the index of the connection site. |
getPageElement | PageElement | Returns the PageElement that the connection site is on. |
Class Fill
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getSolidFill | SolidFill | Get the solid fill of this background, or null if the fill type is not FillType.SOLID. |
getType | FillType | Get the type of this fill. |
isVisible | Boolean | Whether the background is visible. |
setSolidFill | void | Sets the solid fill to the given Color. |
setTransparent | void | Sets the background to transparent. |
Class Group
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
alignOnPage | Group | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bringForward | Group | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bringToFront | Group | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate | PageElement | Duplicates the page element. |
getChildren | PageElement[] | Gets the collection of page elements in the group. |
getConnectionSites | ConnectionSite[] | Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites. |
getDescription | String | Returns the page element’s description. |
getHeight | Number | Gets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
getInherentHeight | Number | Returns the element’s inherent height in points. |
getInherentWidth | Number | Returns the element’s inherent width in points. |
getLeft | Number | Returns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getObjectId | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
getPageElementType | PageElementType | Returns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum. |
getParentGroup | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group. |
getParentPage | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
getRotation | Number | Returns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
getTitle | String | Returns the page element’s title. |
getTop | Number | Gets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getTransform | AffineTransform | Gets the page element’s transform. |
getWidth | Number | Returns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenateTransform | Group | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove | void | Removes the page element. |
scaleHeight | Group | Scales the element’s height by the specified ratio. |
scaleWidth | Group | Scales the element’s width by the specified ratio. |
select | void | Selects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection. |
sendBackward | Group | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
sendToBack | Group | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
setDescription | Group | Sets the page element’s alt text description. |
setHeight | Group | Sets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
setLeft | Group | Sets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setRotation | Group | Sets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
setTitle | Group | Sets the page element’s alt text title. |
setTop | Group | Sets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setTransform | Group | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
setWidth | Group | Sets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
ungroup | void | Ungroups the elements of the group. |
Class Image
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
alignOnPage | Image | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bringForward | Image | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bringToFront | Image | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate | PageElement | Duplicates the page element. |
getAs | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type. |
getBlob | Blob | Return the data inside this image as a blob. |
getBorder | Border | Returns the Border of the image. |
getConnectionSites | ConnectionSite[] | Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites. |
getContentUrl | String | Gets a URL to the image. |
getDescription | String | Returns the page element’s description. |
getHeight | Number | Gets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
getInherentHeight | Number | Returns the element’s inherent height in points. |
getInherentWidth | Number | Returns the element’s inherent width in points. |
getLeft | Number | Returns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getLink | Link | Returns the Link or null if there is no link. |
getObjectId | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
getPageElementType | PageElementType | Returns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum. |
getParentGroup | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group. |
getParentPage | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
getRotation | Number | Returns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
getSourceUrl | String | Gets the image’s source URL, if available. |
getTitle | String | Returns the page element’s title. |
getTop | Number | Gets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getTransform | AffineTransform | Returns the page element’s transform. |
getWidth | Number | Returns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenateTransform | Image | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove | void | Removes the page element. |
removeLink | void | Removes a Link. |
replace | Image | Replaces this image with an image described by a BlobSource object. |
scaleHeight | Image | Scales the element’s height by the specified ratio. |
scaleWidth | Image | Scales the element’s width by the specified ratio. |
select | void | Selects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection. |
sendBackward | Image | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
sendToBack | Image | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
setDescription | Image | Sets the page element’s alt text description. |
setHeight | Image | Sets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
setLeft | Image | Sets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setLinkSlide | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
setLinkUrl | Link | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
setRotation | Image | Sets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
setTitle | Image | Sets the page element’s alt text title. |
setTop | Image | Sets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setTransform | Image | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
setWidth | Image | Sets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Class Layout
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getBackground | PageBackground | Gets the page’s background. |
getColorScheme | ColorScheme | Gets the ColorScheme associated with the page. |
getGroups | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
getImages | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
getLayoutName | String | Gets the name of the layout. |
getLines | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
getMaster | Master | Gets the master that the layout is based on. |
getObjectId | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
getPageElementById | PageElement | Returns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
getPageElements | PageElement[] | Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page. |
getPageType | PageType | Gets the type of the page. |
getPlaceholder | PageElement | Returns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
getPlaceholders | PageElement[] | Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page. |
getShapes | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
getSheetsCharts | SheetsChart[] | Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page. |
getTables | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
getVideos | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
getWordArts | WordArt[] | Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page. |
group | Group | Groups all the specified page elements. |
insertGroup | Group | Inserts a copy of the provided Group on the page. |
insertImage | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob. |
insertLine | Line | Inserts a copy of the provided Line on the page. |
insertPageElement | PageElement | Inserts a copy of the provided PageElement on the page. |
insertShape | Shape | Inserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page. |
insertSheetsChart | SheetsChart | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page. |
insertSheetsChartAsImage | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page. |
insertTable | Table | Inserts a table on the page. |
insertTextBox | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insertVideo | Video | Inserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size. |
insertWordArt | WordArt | Inserts a copy of the provided WordArt on the page. |
remove | void | Removes the page. |
replaceAllText | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
selectAsCurrentPage | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection. |
Class Line
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
alignOnPage | Line | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bringForward | Line | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bringToFront | Line | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate | PageElement | Duplicates the page element. |
getConnectionSites | ConnectionSite[] | Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites. |
getDashStyle | DashStyle | Gets the DashStyle of the line. |
getDescription | String | Returns the page element’s description. |
getEnd | Point | Returns the end point of the line, measured from the upper-left corner of the page. |
getEndArrow | ArrowStyle | Gets the ArrowStyle of the arrow at the end of the line. |
getEndConnection | ConnectionSite | Returns the connection at the end of the line, or null if there is no connection. |
getHeight | Number | Gets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
getInherentHeight | Number | Returns the element’s inherent height in points. |
getInherentWidth | Number | Returns the element’s inherent width in points. |
getLeft | Number | Returns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getLineCategory | LineCategory | Gets the LineCategory of the line. |
getLineFill | LineFill | Gets the LineFill of the line. |
getLineType | LineType | Gets the LineType of the line. |
getLink | Link | Returns the Link or null if there is no link. |
getObjectId | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
getPageElementType | PageElementType | Returns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum. |
getParentGroup | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group. |
getParentPage | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
getRotation | Number | Returns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
getStart | Point | Returns the start point of the line, measured from the upper-left corner of the page. |
getStartArrow | ArrowStyle | Gets the ArrowStyle of the arrow at the beginning of the line. |
getStartConnection | ConnectionSite | Returns the connection at the beginning of the line, or null if there is no connection. |
getTitle | String | Returns the page element’s title. |
getTop | Number | Gets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getTransform | AffineTransform | Returns the page element’s transform. |
getWeight | Number | Returns the thickness of the line in points. |
getWidth | Number | Returns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
isConnector | Boolean | Returns true if the line is a connector, or false if not. |
preconcatenateTransform | Line | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove | void | Removes the page element. |
removeLink | void | Removes a Link. |
reroute | Line | Reroutes the start and end of the line to the closest two connection sites on the connected page elements. |
scaleHeight | Line | Scales the element’s height by the specified ratio. |
scaleWidth | Line | Scales the element’s width by the specified ratio. |
select | void | Selects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection. |
sendBackward | Line | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
sendToBack | Line | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
setDashStyle | Line | Sets the DashStyle of the line. |
setDescription | Line | Sets the page element’s alt text description. |
setEnd | Line | Sets the position of the end point of the line. |
setEndArrow | Line | Sets the ArrowStyle of the arrow at the end of the line. |
setEndConnection | Line | Sets the connection at the end of the line. |
setHeight | Line | Sets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
setLeft | Line | Sets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setLineCategory | Line | Sets the LineCategory of the line. |
setLinkSlide | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
setLinkUrl | Link | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
setRotation | Line | Sets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
setStart | Line | Sets the position of the start point of the line. |
setStartArrow | Line | Sets the ArrowStyle of the arrow at the beginning of the line. |
setStartConnection | Line | Sets the connection at the beginning of the line. |
setTitle | Line | Sets the page element’s alt text title. |
setTop | Line | Sets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setTransform | Line | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
setWeight | Line | Sets the thickness of the line in points. |
setWidth | Line | Sets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Class LineFill
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getFillType | LineFillType | Gets the type of the line fill. |
getSolidFill | SolidFill | Gets the solid fill of the line, or null if the fill type is not LineFillType.SOLID. |
setSolidFill | void | Sets the solid fill to the given Color. |
Class Link
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getLinkType | LinkType | Returns the LinkType. |
getLinkedSlide | Slide | Returns the linked Slide for non-URL links types, if it exists. |
getSlideId | String | Returns the ID of the linked Slide or null if the LinkType is not LinkType.SLIDE_ID. |
getSlideIndex | Integer | Returns the zero-based index of the linked Slide or null if the LinkType is not LinkType.SLIDE_INDEX. |
getSlidePosition | SlidePosition | Returns the SlidePosition of the linked Slide or null if the LinkType is not LinkType.SLIDE_POSITION. |
getUrl | String | Returns the URL to the external web page or null if the LinkType is not LinkType.URL. |
Class List
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getListId | String | Returns the ID of the list. |
getListParagraphs | Paragraph[] | Returns all the Paragraphs in the list. |
Class ListStyle
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
applyListPreset | ListStyle | Applies the specified ListPreset to all of the paragraphs that overlap with the text. |
getGlyph | String | Returns the rendered glyph for the text. |
getList | List | Returns the List the text is in, or null if none of the text is in a list, or part of the text is in a list, or the text is in multiple lists. |
getNestingLevel | Integer | Returns the 0-based nesting level of the text. |
isInList | Boolean | Returns true if the text is in exactly one list, false if none of the text is in a list, and null if only some of the text is in a list or if the text is in multiple lists. |
removeFromList | ListStyle | Removes the paragraphs that overlap with the text from any lists. |
Class Master
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getBackground | PageBackground | Gets the page’s background. |
getColorScheme | ColorScheme | Gets the ColorScheme associated with the page. |
getGroups | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
getImages | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
getLayouts | Layout[] | Gets this master’s layouts. |
getLines | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
getObjectId | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
getPageElementById | PageElement | Returns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
getPageElements | PageElement[] | Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page. |
getPageType | PageType | Gets the type of the page. |
getPlaceholder | PageElement | Returns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
getPlaceholders | PageElement[] | Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page. |
getShapes | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
getSheetsCharts | SheetsChart[] | Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page. |
getTables | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
getVideos | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
getWordArts | WordArt[] | Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page. |
group | Group | Groups all the specified page elements. |
insertGroup | Group | Inserts a copy of the provided Group on the page. |
insertImage | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob. |
insertLine | Line | Inserts a copy of the provided Line on the page. |
insertPageElement | PageElement | Inserts a copy of the provided PageElement on the page. |
insertShape | Shape | Inserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page. |
insertSheetsChart | SheetsChart | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page. |
insertSheetsChartAsImage | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page. |
insertTable | Table | Inserts a table on the page. |
insertTextBox | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insertVideo | Video | Inserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size. |
insertWordArt | WordArt | Inserts a copy of the provided WordArt on the page. |
remove | void | Removes the page. |
replaceAllText | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
selectAsCurrentPage | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection. |
Class NotesMaster
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getGroups | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
getImages | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
getLines | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
getObjectId | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
getPageElementById | PageElement | Returns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
getPageElements | PageElement[] | Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page. |
getPlaceholder | PageElement | Returns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
getPlaceholders | PageElement[] | Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page. |
getShapes | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
getSheetsCharts | SheetsChart[] | Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page. |
getTables | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
getVideos | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
getWordArts | WordArt[] | Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page. |
Class NotesPage
getGroups | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
getImages | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
getLines | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
getObjectId | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
getPageElementById | PageElement | Returns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
getPageElements | PageElement[] | Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page. |
getPlaceholder | PageElement | Returns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
getPlaceholders | PageElement[] | Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page. |
getShapes | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
getSheetsCharts | SheetsChart[] | Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page. |
getSpeakerNotesShape | Shape | Gets the shape containing the speaker notes on the page. |
getTables | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
getVideos | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
getWordArts | WordArt[] | Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page. |
replaceAllText | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
Class Page
asLayout | Layout | Returns the page as a layout. |
asMaster | Master | Returns the page as a master. |
asSlide | Slide | Returns the page as a slide. |
getBackground | PageBackground | Gets the page’s background. |
getColorScheme | ColorScheme | Gets the ColorScheme associated with the page. |
getGroups | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
getImages | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
getLines | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
getObjectId | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
getPageElementById | PageElement | Returns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
getPageElements | PageElement[] | Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page. |
getPageType | PageType | Gets the type of the page. |
getPlaceholder | PageElement | Returns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
getPlaceholders | PageElement[] | Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page. |
getShapes | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
getSheetsCharts | SheetsChart[] | Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page. |
getTables | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
getVideos | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
getWordArts | WordArt[] | Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page. |
group | Group | Groups all the specified page elements. |
insertGroup | Group | Inserts a copy of the provided Group on the page. |
insertImage | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob. |
insertLine | Line | Inserts a copy of the provided Line on the page. |
insertPageElement | PageElement | Inserts a copy of the provided PageElement on the page. |
insertShape | Shape | Inserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page. |
insertSheetsChart | SheetsChart | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page. |
insertSheetsChartAsImage | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page. |
insertTable | Table | Inserts a table on the page. |
insertTextBox | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insertVideo | Video | Inserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size. |
insertWordArt | WordArt | Inserts a copy of the provided WordArt on the page. |
remove | void | Removes the page. |
replaceAllText | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
selectAsCurrentPage | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection. |
Class PageBackground
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getPictureFill | PictureFill | Get the stretched picture fill of this background, or null if the background fill type is not PageBackgroundType.PICTURE. |
getSolidFill | SolidFill | Get the solid fill of this background, or null if the background fill type is not PageBackgroundType.SOLID. |
getType | PageBackgroundType | Get the type of this page background. |
isVisible | Boolean | Whether the background is visible. |
setPictureFill | void | Sets an image from the specified image blob as the page background. |
setSolidFill | void | Sets the solid fill to the given Color. |
setTransparent | void | Sets the background to transparent. |
Class PageElement
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
alignOnPage | PageElement | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
asGroup | Group | Returns the page element as a group. |
asImage | Image | Returns the page element as an image. |
asLine | Line | Returns the page element as a line. |
asShape | Shape | Returns the page element as a shape. |
asSheetsChart | SheetsChart | Returns the page element as a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets. |
asTable | Table | Returns the page element as a table. |
asVideo | Video | Returns the page element as a video. |
asWordArt | WordArt | Returns the page element as word art. |
bringForward | PageElement | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bringToFront | PageElement | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate | PageElement | Duplicates the page element. |
getConnectionSites | ConnectionSite[] | Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites. |
getDescription | String | Returns the page element’s description. |
getHeight | Number | Gets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
getInherentHeight | Number | Returns the element’s inherent height in points. |
getInherentWidth | Number | Returns the element’s inherent width in points. |
getLeft | Number | Returns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getObjectId | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
getPageElementType | PageElementType | Returns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum. |
getParentGroup | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group. |
getParentPage | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
getRotation | Number | Returns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
getTitle | String | Returns the page element’s title. |
getTop | Number | Gets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getTransform | AffineTransform | Returns the page element’s transform. |
getWidth | Number | Returns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenateTransform | PageElement | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove | void | Removes the page element. |
scaleHeight | PageElement | Scales the element’s height by the specified ratio. |
scaleWidth | PageElement | Scales the element’s width by the specified ratio. |
select | void | Selects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection. |
sendBackward | PageElement | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
sendToBack | PageElement | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
setDescription | PageElement | Sets the page element’s alt text description. |
setHeight | PageElement | Sets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
setLeft | PageElement | Sets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setRotation | PageElement | Sets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
setTitle | PageElement | Sets the page element’s alt text title. |
setTop | PageElement | Sets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setTransform | PageElement | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
setWidth | PageElement | Sets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Class PageElementRange
Class Paragraph
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getIndex | Integer | Returns the index of the paragraph’s newline. |
getRange | TextRange | Returns a TextRange spanning the text in the paragraph ended by this object’s newline character. |
Class ParagraphStyle
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getIndentEnd | Number | Returns the text end indentation for paragraphs in the TextRange in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
getIndentFirstLine | Number | Returns the indentation for the first line of paragraphs in the TextRange in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
getIndentStart | Number | Returns the text start indentation for paragraphs in the TextRange in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
getLineSpacing | Number | Returns the line spacing, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
getParagraphAlignment | ParagraphAlignment | Returns the ParagraphAlignment of paragraphs in the TextRange, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
getSpaceAbove | Number | Returns the extra space above paragraphs in the TextRange in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
getSpaceBelow | Number | Returns the extra space below paragraphs in the TextRange in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
getSpacingMode | SpacingMode | Returns the SpacingMode for paragraphs in the TextRange, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
getTextDirection | TextDirection | Returns the TextDirection for paragraphs in the TextRange, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
setIndentEnd | ParagraphStyle | Sets the text end indentation for paragraphs in the TextRange in points. |
setIndentFirstLine | ParagraphStyle | Sets the indentation for the first line of paragraphs in the TextRange in points. |
setIndentStart | ParagraphStyle | Sets the text start indentation for paragraphs in the TextRange in points. |
setLineSpacing | ParagraphStyle | Sets the line spacing. |
setParagraphAlignment | ParagraphStyle | Sets the ParagraphAlignment of paragraphs in the TextRange. |
setSpaceAbove | ParagraphStyle | Sets the extra space above paragraphs in the TextRange in points. |
setSpaceBelow | ParagraphStyle | Sets the extra space below paragraphs in the TextRange in points. |
setSpacingMode | ParagraphStyle | Sets the SpacingMode for paragraphs in the TextRange. |
setTextDirection | ParagraphStyle | Sets the TextDirection for paragraphs in the TextRange. |
Class PictureFill
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getAs | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type. |
getBlob | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob. |
getContentUrl | String | Gets a URL to the image. |
getSourceUrl | String | Gets the image’s source URL, if available. |
Class Point
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getX | Number | Gets the horizontal coordinate, measured in points. |
getY | Number | Gets the vertical coordinate, measured in points. |
Class Presentation
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addEditor | Presentation | Adds the given user to the list of editors for the Presentation. |
addEditors | Presentation | Adds the given array of users to the list of editors for the Presentation. |
addViewer | Presentation | Adds the given user to the list of viewers for the Presentation. |
addViewers | Presentation | Adds the given array of users to the list of viewers for the Presentation. |
appendSlide | Slide | Appends a slide to the end of the presentation using the PredefinedLayout.BLANK predefined layout based on the current master. |
getEditors | User[] | Gets the list of editors for this Presentation. |
getId | String | Gets the presentation’s unique identifier. |
getLayouts | Layout[] | Gets the layouts in the presentation. |
getMasters | Master[] | Gets the masters in the presentation. |
getName | String | Gets the name or title of the presentation. |
getNotesMaster | NotesMaster | Gets the notes master of the presentation. |
getNotesPageHeight | Number | Gets the page height of the notes master and notes pages in the presentation in points. |
getNotesPageWidth | Number | Gets the page width of the notes master and notes pages in the presentation in points. |
getPageElementById | PageElement | Returns the PageElement with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
getPageHeight | Number | Gets the page height of the slides, layouts, and masters in the presentation in points. |
getPageWidth | Number | Gets the page width of the slides, layouts, and masters in the presentation in points. |
getSelection | Selection | Gets the user’s selection in the active presentation. |
getSlideById | Slide | Returns the Slide with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
getSlides | Slide[] | Gets the slides in the presentation. |
getUrl | String | Retrieves the URL to access this presentation. |
getViewers | User[] | Gets the list of viewers and commenters for this Presentation. |
insertSlide | Slide | Inserts a slide at the specified index in the presentation using the PredefinedLayout.BLANK predefined layout based on the current master. |
removeEditor | Presentation | Removes the given user from the list of editors for the Presentation. |
removeViewer | Presentation | Removes the given user from the list of viewers and commenters for the Presentation. |
replaceAllText | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
saveAndClose | void | Saves the current Presentation. |
setName | void | Sets the name or title of the presentation. |
Class Selection
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getCurrentPage | Page | Returns the currently active Page or null if there is no active page. |
getPageElementRange | PageElementRange | Returns the PageElementRange collection of PageElement instances that are selected or null if there are no PageElement instances selected. |
getPageRange | PageRange | Returns the PageRange a collection of Page instances in the flimstrip that are selected or null if the selection is not of type SelectionType.PAGE. |
getSelectionType | SelectionType | Returns the SelectionType. |
getTableCellRange | TableCellRange | Returns the TableCellRange collection of TableCell instances that are selected or null if there are no TableCell instances selected. |
getTextRange | TextRange | Returns the TextRange that is selected or null if the selection is not of type SelectionType.TEXT. |
Class Shape
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
alignOnPage | Shape | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bringForward | Shape | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bringToFront | Shape | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate | PageElement | Duplicates the page element. |
getAutofit | Autofit | Returns the Autofit of the text within this shape. |
getBorder | Border | Returns the Border of the shape. |
getConnectionSites | ConnectionSite[] | Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites. |
getContentAlignment | ContentAlignment | Returns the ContentAlignment of the text in the shape. |
getDescription | String | Returns the page element’s description. |
getFill | Fill | Returns the Fill of the shape. |
getHeight | Number | Gets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
getInherentHeight | Number | Returns the element’s inherent height in points. |
getInherentWidth | Number | Returns the element’s inherent width in points. |
getLeft | Number | Returns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getLink | Link | Returns the Link or null if there is no link. |
getObjectId | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
getPageElementType | PageElementType | Returns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum. |
getParentGroup | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group. |
getParentPage | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
getParentPlaceholder | PageElement | Returns the parent page element of the placeholder. |
getPlaceholderIndex | Integer | Returns the placeholder index of the shape. |
getPlaceholderType | PlaceholderType | Returns the placeholder type of the shape, or PlaceholderType.NONE if the shape is not a placeholder. |
getRotation | Number | Returns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
getShapeType | ShapeType | Returns the type of the shape. |
getText | TextRange | Returns the text content of the shape. |
getTitle | String | Returns the page element’s title. |
getTop | Number | Gets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getTransform | AffineTransform | Returns the page element’s transform. |
getWidth | Number | Returns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenateTransform | Shape | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove | void | Removes the page element. |
removeLink | void | Removes a Link. |
replaceWithImage | Image | Replaces this shape with an image provided by a BlobSource. |
replaceWithSheetsChart | SheetsChart | Replaces this shape with an Google Sheets chart. |
replaceWithSheetsChartAsImage | Image | Replaces this shape with an image of a Google Sheets chart. |
scaleHeight | Shape | Scales the element’s height by the specified ratio. |
scaleWidth | Shape | Scales the element’s width by the specified ratio. |
select | void | Selects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection. |
sendBackward | Shape | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
sendToBack | Shape | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
setContentAlignment | Shape | Sets the ContentAlignment of the text in the shape. |
setDescription | Shape | Sets the page element’s alt text description. |
setHeight | Shape | Sets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
setLeft | Shape | Sets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setLinkSlide | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
setLinkUrl | Link | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
setRotation | Shape | Sets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
setTitle | Shape | Sets the page element’s alt text title. |
setTop | Shape | Sets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setTransform | Shape | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
setWidth | Shape | Sets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Class SheetsChart
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
alignOnPage | SheetsChart | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
asImage | Image | Returns the chart as an image or null if the chart is not an embedded image. |
bringForward | SheetsChart | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bringToFront | SheetsChart | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate | PageElement | Duplicates the page element. |
getChartId | Integer | Gets the ID of the specific chart in the Google Sheets spreadsheet that is embedded. |
getConnectionSites | ConnectionSite[] | Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites. |
getDescription | String | Returns the page element’s description. |
getEmbedType | SheetsChartEmbedType | Returns the embed type of the Sheets chart. |
getHeight | Number | Gets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
getInherentHeight | Number | Returns the element’s inherent height in points. |
getInherentWidth | Number | Returns the element’s inherent width in points. |
getLeft | Number | Returns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getLink | Link | Returns the Link or null if there is no link. |
getObjectId | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
getPageElementType | PageElementType | Returns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum. |
getParentGroup | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group. |
getParentPage | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
getRotation | Number | Returns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
getSpreadsheetId | String | Gets the ID of the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the source chart. |
getTitle | String | Returns the page element’s title. |
getTop | Number | Gets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getTransform | AffineTransform | Returns the page element’s transform. |
getWidth | Number | Returns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenateTransform | SheetsChart | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
refresh | void | Refreshes the chart by replacing it with the latest version of the chart from Google Sheets. |
remove | void | Removes the page element. |
removeLink | void | Removes a Link. |
scaleHeight | SheetsChart | Scales the element’s height by the specified ratio. |
scaleWidth | SheetsChart | Scales the element’s width by the specified ratio. |
select | void | Selects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection. |
sendBackward | SheetsChart | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
sendToBack | SheetsChart | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
setDescription | SheetsChart | Sets the page element’s alt text description. |
setHeight | SheetsChart | Sets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
setLeft | SheetsChart | Sets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setLinkSlide | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
setLinkUrl | Link | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
setRotation | SheetsChart | Sets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
setTitle | SheetsChart | Sets the page element’s alt text title. |
setTop | SheetsChart | Sets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setTransform | SheetsChart | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
setWidth | SheetsChart | Sets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Class Slide
duplicate | Slide | Duplicates the slide. |
getBackground | PageBackground | Gets the page’s background. |
getColorScheme | ColorScheme | Gets the ColorScheme associated with the page. |
getGroups | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
getImages | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
getLayout | Layout | Gets the layout that the slide is based on or null if the slide is not based on a layout. |
getLines | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
getNotesPage | NotesPage | Returns the notes page associated with the slide. |
getObjectId | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
getPageElementById | PageElement | Returns the PageElement on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
getPageElements | PageElement[] | Returns the list of PageElement objects rendered on the page. |
getPageType | PageType | Gets the type of the page. |
getPlaceholder | PageElement | Returns the placeholder PageElement object for a specified PlaceholderType or null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
getPlaceholders | PageElement[] | Returns the list of placeholder PageElement objects in the page. |
getShapes | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
getSheetsCharts | SheetsChart[] | Returns the list of SheetsChart objects on the page. |
getSlideLinkingMode | SlideLinkingMode | Returns a SlideLinkingMode indicating if the slide is linked to another slide. |
getSourcePresentationId | String | Returns the source Presentation ID or null if the slide is not linked. |
getSourceSlideObjectId | String | Returns the source slide ID or null if the slide is not linked. |
getTables | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
getVideos | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
getWordArts | WordArt[] | Returns the list of WordArt objects on the page. |
group | Group | Groups all the specified page elements. |
insertGroup | Group | Inserts a copy of the provided Group on the page. |
insertImage | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob. |
insertLine | Line | Inserts a copy of the provided Line on the page. |
insertPageElement | PageElement | Inserts a copy of the provided PageElement on the page. |
insertShape | Shape | Inserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page. |
insertSheetsChart | SheetsChart | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page. |
insertSheetsChartAsImage | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page. |
insertTable | Table | Inserts a table on the page. |
insertTextBox | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insertVideo | Video | Inserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size. |
insertWordArt | WordArt | Inserts a copy of the provided WordArt on the page. |
move | void | Move the slide to the specified index. |
refreshSlide | void | Refreshes the slide to reflect any changes made to the linked source slide. |
remove | void | Removes the page. |
replaceAllText | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
selectAsCurrentPage | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection. |
unlink | void | Unlinks the current Slide from its source slide. |
Class SolidFill
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getAlpha | Number | Get the opacity of the color, in the interval from [0, 1.0], where 1.0 means fully opaque. |
getColor | Color | Get the color of the fill. |
Class Table
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
alignOnPage | Table | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
appendColumn | TableColumn | Appends a new column to the right of the last column of the table. |
appendRow | TableRow | Appends a new row below the last row of the table. |
bringForward | Table | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bringToFront | Table | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate | PageElement | Duplicates the page element. |
getCell | TableCell | Returns the specified cell in the table. |
getColumn | TableColumn | Returns the specified column in the table. |
getConnectionSites | ConnectionSite[] | Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites. |
getDescription | String | Returns the page element’s description. |
getHeight | Number | Gets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
getInherentHeight | Number | Returns the element’s inherent height in points. |
getInherentWidth | Number | Returns the element’s inherent width in points. |
getLeft | Number | Returns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getNumColumns | Integer | Returns the number of columns in the table. |
getNumRows | Integer | Returns the number of rows in the table. |
getObjectId | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
getPageElementType | PageElementType | Returns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum. |
getParentGroup | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group. |
getParentPage | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
getRotation | Number | Returns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
getRow | TableRow | Returns the specified row in the table. |
getTitle | String | Returns the page element’s title. |
getTop | Number | Gets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getTransform | AffineTransform | Returns the page element’s transform. |
getWidth | Number | Returns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
insertColumn | TableColumn | Inserts a new column at the specified index of the table. |
insertRow | TableRow | Inserts a new row at the specified index of the table. |
preconcatenateTransform | Table | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove | void | Removes the page element. |
scaleHeight | Table | Scales the element’s height by the specified ratio. |
scaleWidth | Table | Scales the element’s width by the specified ratio. |
select | void | Selects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection. |
sendBackward | Table | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
sendToBack | Table | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
setDescription | Table | Sets the page element’s alt text description. |
setHeight | Table | Sets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
setLeft | Table | Sets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setRotation | Table | Sets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
setTitle | Table | Sets the page element’s alt text title. |
setTop | Table | Sets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setTransform | Table | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
setWidth | Table | Sets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Class TableCell
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getColumnIndex | Integer | Returns the 0-based column index of the table cell. |
getColumnSpan | Integer | Returns the column span of the table cell. |
getContentAlignment | ContentAlignment | Returns the ContentAlignment of the text in the table cell. |
getFill | Fill | Returns the fill of the table cell. |
getHeadCell | TableCell | Returns the head cell of this table cell. |
getMergeState | CellMergeState | Returns the merge state of the table cell. |
getParentColumn | TableColumn | Returns the table column containing the current cell. |
getParentRow | TableRow | Returns the table row containing the current cell. |
getParentTable | Table | Returns the table containing the current cell. |
getRowIndex | Integer | Returns the 0-based row index of the table cell. |
getRowSpan | Integer | Returns the row span of the table cell. |
getText | TextRange | Returns the text content of the table cell. |
setContentAlignment | TableCell | Sets the ContentAlignment of the text in the table cell. |
Class TableCellRange
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getTableCells | TableCell[] | Returns the list of TableCell instances. |
Class TableColumn
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getCell | TableCell | Returns the cell at the specified index. |
getIndex | Integer | Returns the 0-based index of the column. |
getNumCells | Integer | Returns the number of cells in this column. |
getParentTable | Table | Returns the table containing the current column. |
getWidth | Number | Returns the width of the column in points. |
remove | void | Removes the table column. |
Class TableRow
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getCell | TableCell | Returns the cell at the specified index. |
getIndex | Integer | Returns the 0-based index of the row. |
getMinimumHeight | Number | Returns the minimum height of the row in points. |
getNumCells | Integer | Returns the number of cells in this row. |
getParentTable | Table | Returns the table containing the current row. |
remove | void | Removes the table row. |
Class TextRange
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
appendParagraph | Paragraph | Appends a paragraph at the end of the text range. |
appendRange | TextRange | Appends a copy of the provided text range to the end of the current text range. |
appendText | TextRange | Appends text at the end of the text range. |
asRenderedString | String | Returns the rendered text bounded by this range of the associated shape or table cell in a format appropriate to display to end users. |
asString | String | Returns the raw text bounded by this range of the associated shape or table cell. |
clear | void | Clears the text bounded by this range. |
find | TextRange[] | Returns all the ranges matching the search pattern in the current text range. |
getAutoTexts | AutoText[] | Returns the auto texts within the current text range. |
getEndIndex | Integer | Returns the exclusive, 0-based index for the last character in this range. |
getLength | Integer | Returns the number of characters in this range. |
getLinks | TextRange[] | Returns a collection of text ranges that correspond to all Links within the current text range or overlapping the current text range. |
getListParagraphs | Paragraph[] | Returns the paragraphs in lists that overlap the current text range. |
getListStyle | ListStyle | Returns the ListStyle of the current text range. |
getParagraphStyle | ParagraphStyle | Returns the ParagraphStyle of the current text range. |
getParagraphs | Paragraph[] | Returns the paragraphs that overlap the current text range. |
getRange | TextRange | Returns a new TextRange covering part of the range from which it is derived. |
getRuns | TextRange[] | Returns the text runs that overlap the current text range. |
getStartIndex | Integer | Returns the inclusive, 0-based index for the first character in this range. |
getTextStyle | TextStyle | Returns the text style of the range, or null if the range is empty. |
insertParagraph | Paragraph | Inserts a paragraph at the start offset. |
insertRange | TextRange | Inserts a copy of the provided text range at the start offset. |
insertText | TextRange | Inserts text at the start offset. |
isEmpty | Boolean | Returns true if there are no characters in this range, and returns false otherwise. |
replaceAllText | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
select | void | Selects only the TextRange in the active presentation and removes any previous selection. |
setText | TextRange | Sets the text bounded by this range of the associated shape or table cell. |
Class TextStyle
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getBackgroundColor | Color | Returns the background color of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
getBaselineOffset | TextBaselineOffset | Returns the vertical offset of text from its normal position, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
getFontFamily | String | Returns the font family of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
getFontSize | Number | Returns the font size of the text in points, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
getFontWeight | Integer | Returns the font weight of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
getForegroundColor | Color | Returns the foreground color of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
getLink | Link | Returns the Link on the text, or null if there is no link or if the link is on part of the text or if there are multiple links. |
hasLink | Boolean | Returns true if there is link on the text, false if not, or null if the link is on part of the text or there are multiple links. |
isBackgroundTransparent | Boolean | Returns true if the background of the text is transparent, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
isBold | Boolean | Returns true if the text is rendered as bold, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
isItalic | Boolean | Returns true if the text is italicized, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
isSmallCaps | Boolean | Returns true if the text is in small capital letters, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
isStrikethrough | Boolean | Returns true if the text is struck through, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
isUnderline | Boolean | Returns true if the text is underlined, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
removeLink | TextStyle | Removes a Link. |
setBackgroundColor | TextStyle | Sets the background color of the text. |
setBackgroundColorTransparent | TextStyle | Sets the background color of the text to transparent. |
setBaselineOffset | TextStyle | Sets the vertical offset of the text relative to its normal position. |
setBold | TextStyle | Sets whether the text should be rendered as bold. |
setFontFamily | TextStyle | Sets the font family of the text . |
setFontFamilyAndWeight | TextStyle | Sets the font family and weight of the text. |
setFontSize | TextStyle | Sets the font size of the text, in points. |
setForegroundColor | TextStyle | Sets the foreground color of the text. |
setItalic | TextStyle | Sets the whether the text is italicized. |
setLinkSlide | TextStyle | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
setLinkUrl | TextStyle | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
setSmallCaps | TextStyle | Sets whether the text is rendered in small capital letters. |
setStrikethrough | TextStyle | Sets whether the text is struck through. |
setUnderline | TextStyle | Sets whether the text is underlined. |
Class ThemeColor
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getColorType | ColorType | Get the type of this color. |
getThemeColorType | ThemeColorType | Get the theme color type of this color. |
Class Video
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
alignOnPage | Video | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bringForward | Video | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bringToFront | Video | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate | PageElement | Duplicates the page element. |
getBorder | Border | Returns the Border of the video. |
getConnectionSites | ConnectionSite[] | Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites. |
getDescription | String | Returns the page element’s description. |
getHeight | Number | Gets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
getInherentHeight | Number | Returns the element’s inherent height in points. |
getInherentWidth | Number | Returns the element’s inherent width in points. |
getLeft | Number | Returns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getObjectId | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
getPageElementType | PageElementType | Returns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum. |
getParentGroup | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group. |
getParentPage | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
getRotation | Number | Returns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
getSource | VideoSourceType | Gets the video source. |
getThumbnailUrl | String | Gets an URL to the video thumbnail. |
getTitle | String | Returns the page element’s title. |
getTop | Number | Gets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getTransform | AffineTransform | Returns the page element’s transform. |
getUrl | String | Gets an URL to the video. |
getVideoId | String | Gets the video source’s unique identifier for this video. |
getWidth | Number | Returns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenateTransform | Video | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove | void | Removes the page element. |
scaleHeight | Video | Scales the element’s height by the specified ratio. |
scaleWidth | Video | Scales the element’s width by the specified ratio. |
select | void | Selects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection. |
sendBackward | Video | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
sendToBack | Video | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
setDescription | Video | Sets the page element’s alt text description. |
setHeight | Video | Sets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
setLeft | Video | Sets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setRotation | Video | Sets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
setTitle | Video | Sets the page element’s alt text title. |
setTop | Video | Sets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setTransform | Video | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
setWidth | Video | Sets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Class WordArt
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
alignOnPage | WordArt | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bringForward | WordArt | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bringToFront | WordArt | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate | PageElement | Duplicates the page element. |
getConnectionSites | ConnectionSite[] | Returns the list of ConnectionSites on the page element, or an empty list if the page element does not have any connection sites. |
getDescription | String | Returns the page element’s description. |
getHeight | Number | Gets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
getInherentHeight | Number | Returns the element’s inherent height in points. |
getInherentWidth | Number | Returns the element’s inherent width in points. |
getLeft | Number | Returns the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getLink | Link | Returns the Link or null if there is no link. |
getObjectId | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
getPageElementType | PageElementType | Returns the page element’s type, represented as a PageElementType enum. |
getParentGroup | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a group. |
getParentPage | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
getRenderedText | String | Gets the text that is rendered as word art. |
getRotation | Number | Returns the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
getTitle | String | Returns the page element’s title. |
getTop | Number | Gets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
getTransform | AffineTransform | Returns the page element’s transform. |
getWidth | Number | Returns the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenateTransform | WordArt | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove | void | Removes the page element. |
removeLink | void | Removes a Link. |
scaleHeight | WordArt | Scales the element’s height by the specified ratio. |
scaleWidth | WordArt | Scales the element’s width by the specified ratio. |
select | void | Selects only the PageElement in the active presentation and removes any previous selection. |
sendBackward | WordArt | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
sendToBack | WordArt | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
setDescription | WordArt | Sets the page element’s alt text description. |
setHeight | WordArt | Sets the element’s height in points, which is the height of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
setLeft | WordArt | Sets the element’s horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setLinkSlide | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
setLinkUrl | Link | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
setRotation | WordArt | Sets the element’s clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
setTitle | WordArt | Sets the page element’s alt text title. |
setTop | WordArt | Sets the element’s vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
setTransform | WordArt | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
setWidth | WordArt | Sets the element’s width in points, which is the width of the element’s bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Enum AlignmentPosition
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
CENTER | Enum | Align to the center. |
HORIZONTAL_CENTER | Enum | Align to the horizontal center. |
VERTICAL_CENTER | Enum | Align to the vertical center. |
Enum AutofitType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | An autofit type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | Autofit isn’t applied. |
TEXT_AUTOFIT | Enum | Shrinks the text on overflow. |
SHAPE_AUTOFIT | Enum | Resizes the shape to fit the text. |
Enum AutoTextType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | An auto text type that is not supported. |
SLIDE_NUMBER | Enum | A slide number. |
Enum CellMergeState
NORMAL | Enum | The cell is not merged. |
HEAD | Enum | The cell is merged and it is the head (i.e. upper left) cell within the merged set of cells. As an example, assume the following table. |(0,0)|(0,1)|(0,2)| If the first two cells are merged to form the following table, cell (0,0) is the head cell and (0,1) is a merged cell. |(0,0) |(0,2)| |
MERGED | Enum | The cell is merged but is not the head (i.e. upper left) cell. As an example, assume the following table. |(0,0)|(0,1)|(0,2)| If the first two cells are merged to form the following table, cell (0,0) is the head cell and (0,1) is a merged cell. |(0,0) |(0,2)| |
Enum ContentAlignment
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A content alignment that is not supported. |
TOP | Enum | Aligns the content to the top of the content holder. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_TextAnchoringType ‘t’. |
MIDDLE | Enum | Aligns the content to the middle of the content holder. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_TextAnchoringType ‘ctr’. |
BOTTOM | Enum | Aligns the content to the bottom of the content holder. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_TextAnchoringType ‘b’. |
Enum DashStyle
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A dash style that is not supported. |
SOLID | Enum | Solid line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘solid’. This is the default dash style. |
DOT | Enum | Dotted line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘dot’. |
DASH | Enum | Dashed line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘dash’. |
DASH_DOT | Enum | Alternating dashes and dots. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘dashDot’. |
LONG_DASH | Enum | Line with large dashes. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘lgDash’. |
LONG_DASH_DOT | Enum | Alternating large dashes and dots. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value ‘lgDashDot’. |
Enum FillType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A fill type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | No fill, so the background is transparent. |
SOLID | Enum | A solid color fill. |
Enum LineCategory
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A line category that is not supported. |
STRAIGHT | Enum | Straight connectors, including straight connector 1. |
BENT | Enum | Bent connectors, including bent connector 2 to 5. |
CURVED | Enum | Curved connectors, including curved connector 2 to 5. |
Enum LineFillType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A line fill type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | No fill, so the line or outline is transparent. |
SOLID | Enum | A solid color fill. |
Enum LineType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A line type that is not supported. |
STRAIGHT_CONNECTOR_1 | Enum | Straight connector 1 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘straightConnector1’. |
BENT_CONNECTOR_2 | Enum | Bent connector 2 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentConnector2’. |
BENT_CONNECTOR_3 | Enum | Bent connector 3 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentConnector3’. |
BENT_CONNECTOR_4 | Enum | Bent connector 4 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentConnector4’. |
BENT_CONNECTOR_5 | Enum | Bent connector 5 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentConnector5’. |
CURVED_CONNECTOR_2 | Enum | Curved connector 2 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedConnector2’. |
CURVED_CONNECTOR_3 | Enum | Curved connector 3 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedConnector3’. |
CURVED_CONNECTOR_4 | Enum | Curved connector 4 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedConnector4’. |
CURVED_CONNECTOR_5 | Enum | Curved connector 5 form. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedConnector5’. |
STRAIGHT_LINE | Enum | Straight line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘line’. This line type is not a connector. |
Enum LinkType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A link type that is not supported. |
URL | Enum | A link to an external web page. |
SLIDE_POSITION | Enum | A link to a specific slide in this presentation, addressed by its position. |
SLIDE_ID | Enum | A link to a specific slide in this presentation, addressed by its ID. |
SLIDE_INDEX | Enum | A link to a specific slide in this presentation, addressed by its zero-based index. |
Enum ListPreset
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
DISC_CIRCLE_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `DISC`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
DIAMONDX_ARROW3D_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `DIAMONDX`, `ARROW3D` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
CHECKBOX | Enum | A list with `CHECKBOX` glyphs for all list nesting levels. |
ARROW_DIAMOND_DISC | Enum | A list with a `ARROW`, `DIAMOND` and `DISC` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
STAR_CIRCLE_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `STAR`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
ARROW3D_CIRCLE_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `ARROW3D`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
LEFTTRIANGLE_DIAMOND_DISC | Enum | A list with a `LEFTTRIANGLE`, `DIAMOND` and `DISC` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
DIAMONDX_HOLLOWDIAMOND_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `DIAMONDX`, `HOLLOWDIAMOND` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
DIAMOND_CIRCLE_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `DIAMOND`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
DIGIT_ALPHA_ROMAN | Enum | A list with `DIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods. |
DIGIT_ALPHA_ROMAN_PARENS | Enum | A list with `DIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by parenthesis. |
DIGIT_NESTED | Enum | A list with `DIGIT` glyphs separated by periods, where each nesting level uses the previous nesting level’s glyph as a prefix. For example: ‘1.’, ‘1.1.’, ‘2.’, ‘2.2.’. |
UPPERALPHA_ALPHA_ROMAN | Enum | A list with `UPPERALPHA`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods. |
UPPERROMAN_UPPERALPHA_DIGIT | Enum | A list with `UPPERROMAN`, `UPPERALPHA` and `DIGIT` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods. |
ZERODIGIT_ALPHA_ROMAN | Enum | A list with `ZERODIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods. |
Enum PageBackgroundType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A page background type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | No fill, so the background is rendered white. |
SOLID | Enum | A solid color fill. |
PICTURE | Enum | A picture that is stretched to fill the page. |
Enum PageElementType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | Represents a page element that is not supported and cannot be further classified. |
SHAPE | Enum | Represents a generic shape that does not have a more specific classification. |
IMAGE | Enum | Represents an image. |
VIDEO | Enum | Represents a video. |
TABLE | Enum | Represents a table. |
GROUP | Enum | Represents a collection of page elements joined as a single unit. |
LINE | Enum | Represents a line. |
WORD_ART | Enum | Represents word art. |
SHEETS_CHART | Enum | Represents a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets. |
Enum PageType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A page type that is not supported. |
SLIDE | Enum | A slide page. |
LAYOUT | Enum | A layout page. |
MASTER | Enum | A master page. |
Enum ParagraphAlignment
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A paragraph alignment that is not supported. |
START | Enum | The paragraph is aligned to the start of the line. Left-aligned for left-to-right text, right-aligned otherwise. |
CENTER | Enum | The paragraph is centered. |
END | Enum | The paragraph is aligned to the end of the line. Right-aligned for left-to-right text, left-aligned otherwise. |
JUSTIFIED | Enum | The paragraph is justified. |
Enum PlaceholderType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A placeholder type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | Not a Placeholder. |
BODY | Enum | Body text. |
CHART | Enum | Chart or graph. |
CLIP_ART | Enum | Clip art image. |
CENTERED_TITLE | Enum | Title centered. |
DIAGRAM | Enum | Diagram. |
DATE_AND_TIME | Enum | Date and time. |
FOOTER | Enum | Footer text. |
HEADER | Enum | Header text. |
MEDIA | Enum | Multimedia. |
OBJECT | Enum | Any content type. |
PICTURE | Enum | Picture. |
SLIDE_NUMBER | Enum | Number of a slide. |
SUBTITLE | Enum | Subtitle. |
TABLE | Enum | Table. |
TITLE | Enum | Slide title. |
SLIDE_IMAGE | Enum | Slide image. |
Enum PredefinedLayout
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A layout that is not supported. |
BLANK | Enum | Blank layout, with no placeholders. |
CAPTION_ONLY | Enum | Layout with a caption at the bottom. |
TITLE | Enum | Layout with a title and a subtitle. |
TITLE_AND_BODY | Enum | Layout with a title and body. |
TITLE_AND_TWO_COLUMNS | Enum | Layout with a title and two columns. |
TITLE_ONLY | Enum | Layout with only a title. |
SECTION_HEADER | Enum | Layout with a section title. |
SECTION_TITLE_AND_DESCRIPTION | Enum | Layout with a title and subtitle on one side and description on the other. |
ONE_COLUMN_TEXT | Enum | Layout with one title and one body, arranged in a single column. |
MAIN_POINT | Enum | Layout with a main point. |
BIG_NUMBER | Enum | Layout with a big number heading. |
Enum SelectionType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A selection type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | No selection. |
TEXT | Enum | Text selection. |
TABLE_CELL | Enum | Table cell selection. |
PAGE | Enum | Page selection in the thumbnail flimstrip. |
PAGE_ELEMENT | Enum | Page element selection. |
CURRENT_PAGE | Enum | Current page selection. |
Enum ShapeType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A shape type that is not supported. |
TEXT_BOX | Enum | Text box shape. |
RECTANGLE | Enum | Rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rect’. |
ROUND_RECTANGLE | Enum | Round corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘roundRect’. |
ELLIPSE | Enum | Ellipse shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘ellipse’. |
ARC | Enum | Curved arc shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘arc’. |
BENT_ARROW | Enum | Bent arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentArrow’. |
BENT_UP_ARROW | Enum | Bent up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bentUpArrow’. |
BEVEL | Enum | Bevel shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bevel’. |
BLOCK_ARC | Enum | Block arc shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘blockArc’. |
BRACE_PAIR | Enum | Brace pair shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bracePair’. |
BRACKET_PAIR | Enum | Bracket pair shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘bracketPair’. |
CAN | Enum | Can shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘can’. |
CHEVRON | Enum | Chevron shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘chevron’. |
CHORD | Enum | Chord shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘chord’. |
CLOUD | Enum | Cloud shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘cloud’. |
CORNER | Enum | Corner shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘corner’. |
CUBE | Enum | Cube shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘cube’. |
CURVED_DOWN_ARROW | Enum | Curved down arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedDownArrow’. |
CURVED_LEFT_ARROW | Enum | Curved left arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedLeftArrow’. |
CURVED_RIGHT_ARROW | Enum | Curved right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedRightArrow’. |
CURVED_UP_ARROW | Enum | Curved up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘curvedUpArrow’. |
DECAGON | Enum | Decagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘decagon’. |
DIAGONAL_STRIPE | Enum | Diagonal stripe shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘diagStripe’. |
DIAMOND | Enum | Diamond shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘diamond’. |
DODECAGON | Enum | Dodecagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘dodecagon’. |
DONUT | Enum | Donut shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘donut’. |
DOUBLE_WAVE | Enum | Double wave shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘doubleWave’. |
DOWN_ARROW | Enum | Down arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘downArrow’. |
DOWN_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout down arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘downArrowCallout’. |
FOLDED_CORNER | Enum | Folded corner shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘foldedCorner’. |
FRAME | Enum | Frame shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘frame’. |
HALF_FRAME | Enum | Half frame shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘halfFrame’. |
HEART | Enum | Heart shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘heart’. |
HEPTAGON | Enum | Heptagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘heptagon’. |
HEXAGON | Enum | Hexagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘hexagon’. |
HOME_PLATE | Enum | Home plate shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘homePlate’. |
HORIZONTAL_SCROLL | Enum | Horizontal scroll shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘horizontalScroll’. |
IRREGULAR_SEAL_1 | Enum | Irregular seal 1 shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘irregularSeal1’. |
IRREGULAR_SEAL_2 | Enum | Irregular seal 2 shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘irregularSeal2’. |
LEFT_ARROW | Enum | Left arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftArrow’. |
LEFT_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout left arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftArrowCallout’. |
LEFT_BRACE | Enum | Left brace shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftBrace’. |
LEFT_BRACKET | Enum | Left bracket shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftBracket’. |
LEFT_RIGHT_ARROW | Enum | Left right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftRightArrow’. |
LEFT_RIGHT_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout left right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftRightArrowCallout’. |
LEFT_RIGHT_UP_ARROW | Enum | Left right up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftRightUpArrow’. |
LEFT_UP_ARROW | Enum | Left up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘leftUpArrow’. |
LIGHTNING_BOLT | Enum | Lightning bolt shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘lightningBolt’. |
MATH_DIVIDE | Enum | Divide math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathDivide’. |
MATH_EQUAL | Enum | Equal math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathEqual’. |
MATH_MINUS | Enum | Minus math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathMinus’. |
MATH_MULTIPLY | Enum | Multiply math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathMultiply’. |
MATH_NOT_EQUAL | Enum | Not equal math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathNotEqual’. |
MATH_PLUS | Enum | Plus math shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘mathPlus’. |
MOON | Enum | Moon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘moon’. |
NO_SMOKING | Enum | No smoking shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘noSmoking’. |
NOTCHED_RIGHT_ARROW | Enum | Notched right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘notchedRightArrow’. |
OCTAGON | Enum | Octagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘octagon’. |
PARALLELOGRAM | Enum | Parallelogram shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘parallelogram’. |
PENTAGON | Enum | Pentagon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘pentagon’. |
PIE | Enum | Pie shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘pie’. |
PLAQUE | Enum | Plaque shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘plaque’. |
PLUS | Enum | Plus shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘plus’. |
QUAD_ARROW | Enum | Quad-arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘quadArrow’. |
QUAD_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout quad-arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘quadArrowCallout’. |
RIBBON | Enum | Ribbon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘ribbon’. |
RIBBON_2 | Enum | Ribbon 2 shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘ribbon2’. |
RIGHT_ARROW | Enum | Right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rightArrow’. |
RIGHT_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rightArrowCallout’. |
RIGHT_BRACE | Enum | Right brace shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rightBrace’. |
RIGHT_BRACKET | Enum | Right bracket shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rightBracket’. |
ROUND_1_RECTANGLE | Enum | One round corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘round1Rect’. |
ROUND_2_DIAGONAL_RECTANGLE | Enum | Two diagonal round corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘round2DiagRect’. |
ROUND_2_SAME_RECTANGLE | Enum | Two same-side round corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘round2SameRect’. |
RIGHT_TRIANGLE | Enum | Right triangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘rtTriangle’. |
SMILEY_FACE | Enum | Smiley face shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘smileyFace’. |
SNIP_1_RECTANGLE | Enum | One snip corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘snip1Rect’. |
SNIP_2_DIAGONAL_RECTANGLE | Enum | Two diagonal snip corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘snip2DiagRect’. |
SNIP_2_SAME_RECTANGLE | Enum | Two same-side snip corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘snip2SameRect’. |
SNIP_ROUND_RECTANGLE | Enum | One snip one round corner rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘snipRoundRect’. |
STAR_10 | Enum | Ten pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star10’. |
STAR_12 | Enum | Twelve pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star12’. |
STAR_16 | Enum | Sixteen pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star16’. |
STAR_24 | Enum | Twenty four pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star24’. |
STAR_32 | Enum | Thirty two pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star32’. |
STAR_4 | Enum | Four pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star4’. |
STAR_5 | Enum | Five pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star5’. |
STAR_6 | Enum | Six pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star6’. |
STAR_7 | Enum | Seven pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star7’. |
STAR_8 | Enum | Eight pointed star shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘star8’. |
STRIPED_RIGHT_ARROW | Enum | Striped right arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘stripedRightArrow’. |
SUN | Enum | Sun shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘sun’. |
TRAPEZOID | Enum | Trapezoid shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘trapezoid’. |
TRIANGLE | Enum | Triangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘triangle’. |
UP_ARROW | Enum | Up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘upArrow’. |
UP_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout up arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘upArrowCallout’. |
UP_DOWN_ARROW | Enum | Up down arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘upDownArrow’. |
UTURN_ARROW | Enum | U-turn arrow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘uturnArrow’. |
VERTICAL_SCROLL | Enum | Vertical scroll shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘verticalScroll’. |
WAVE | Enum | Wave shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘wave’. |
WEDGE_ELLIPSE_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout wedge ellipse shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘wedgeEllipseCallout’. |
WEDGE_RECTANGLE_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout wedge rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘wedgeRectCallout’. |
WEDGE_ROUND_RECTANGLE_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout wedge round rectangle shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘wedgeRoundRectCallout’. |
FLOW_CHART_ALTERNATE_PROCESS | Enum | Alternate process flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartAlternateProcess’. |
FLOW_CHART_COLLATE | Enum | Collate flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartCollate’. |
FLOW_CHART_CONNECTOR | Enum | Connector flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartConnector’. |
FLOW_CHART_DECISION | Enum | Decision flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartDecision’. |
FLOW_CHART_DELAY | Enum | Delay flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartDelay’. |
FLOW_CHART_DISPLAY | Enum | Display flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartDisplay’. |
FLOW_CHART_DOCUMENT | Enum | Document flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartDocument’. |
FLOW_CHART_EXTRACT | Enum | Extract flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartExtract’. |
FLOW_CHART_INPUT_OUTPUT | Enum | Input output flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartInputOutput’. |
FLOW_CHART_INTERNAL_STORAGE | Enum | Internal storage flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartInternalStorage’. |
FLOW_CHART_MAGNETIC_DISK | Enum | Magnetic disk flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartMagneticDisk’. |
FLOW_CHART_MAGNETIC_DRUM | Enum | Magnetic drum flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartMagneticDrum’. |
FLOW_CHART_MAGNETIC_TAPE | Enum | Magnetic tape flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartMagneticTape’. |
FLOW_CHART_MANUAL_INPUT | Enum | Manual input flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartManualInput’. |
FLOW_CHART_MANUAL_OPERATION | Enum | Manual operation flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartManualOperation’. |
FLOW_CHART_MERGE | Enum | Merge flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartMerge’. |
FLOW_CHART_MULTIDOCUMENT | Enum | Multi-document flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartMultidocument’. |
FLOW_CHART_OFFLINE_STORAGE | Enum | Offline storage flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartOfflineStorage’. |
FLOW_CHART_OFFPAGE_CONNECTOR | Enum | Off-page connector flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartOffpageConnector’. |
FLOW_CHART_ONLINE_STORAGE | Enum | Online storage flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartOnlineStorage’. |
FLOW_CHART_OR | Enum | Or flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartOr’. |
FLOW_CHART_PREDEFINED_PROCESS | Enum | Predefined process flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartPredefinedProcess’. |
FLOW_CHART_PREPARATION | Enum | Preparation flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartPreparation’. |
FLOW_CHART_PROCESS | Enum | Process flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartProcess’. |
FLOW_CHART_PUNCHED_CARD | Enum | Punched card flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartPunchedCard’. |
FLOW_CHART_PUNCHED_TAPE | Enum | Punched tape flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartPunchedTape’. |
FLOW_CHART_SORT | Enum | Sort flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartSort’. |
FLOW_CHART_SUMMING_JUNCTION | Enum | Summing junction flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartSummingJunction’. |
FLOW_CHART_TERMINATOR | Enum | Terminator flow shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘flowChartTerminator’. |
ARROW_EAST | Enum | East arrow shape. |
ARROW_NORTH_EAST | Enum | Northeast arrow shape. |
ARROW_NORTH | Enum | North arrow shape. |
SPEECH | Enum | Speech shape. |
STARBURST | Enum | Star burst shape. |
TEARDROP | Enum | Teardrop shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘teardrop’. |
ELLIPSE_RIBBON | Enum | Ellipse ribbon shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘ellipseRibbon’. |
ELLIPSE_RIBBON_2 | Enum | Ellipse ribbon 2 shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘ellipseRibbon2’. |
CLOUD_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout cloud shape. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_ShapeType ‘cloudCallout’. |
CUSTOM | Enum | Custom shape. |
Enum SheetsChartEmbedType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | Represents a chart that is not supported and cannot be further classified. |
IMAGE | Enum | Indicates that the chart is embedded as an image. |
Enum SlideLinkingMode
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A slide linking mode that isn’t supported. |
LINKED | Enum | Indicates that slides are linked. |
NOT_LINKED | Enum | Indicates that slides aren’t linked. |
Enum SlidePosition
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
NEXT_SLIDE | Enum | The next slide. |
PREVIOUS_SLIDE | Enum | The previous slide. |
FIRST_SLIDE | Enum | The first slide in the presentation. |
LAST_SLIDE | Enum | The last slide in the presentation. |
Enum SpacingMode
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A spacing mode that is not supported. |
NEVER_COLLAPSE | Enum | Paragraph spacing is always rendered. |
COLLAPSE_LISTS | Enum | Paragraph spacing is skipped between list elements. |
Enum TextBaselineOffset
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | An text baseline offset that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | The text is not vertically offset. |
SUPERSCRIPT | Enum | The text is vertically offset upwards. |
SUBSCRIPT | Enum | The text is vertically offset downwards. |
Enum TextDirection
プロパティ | タイプ | |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A text direction that is not supported. |
LEFT_TO_RIGHT | Enum | The text goes from left to right. |
RIGHT_TO_LEFT | Enum | The text goes from right to left. |
Enum ThemeColorType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | Represents a theme color that is not supported. |
DARK1 | Enum | Represents the first dark color. |
LIGHT1 | Enum | Represents the first light color. |
DARK2 | Enum | Represents the second dark color. |
LIGHT2 | Enum | Represents the second light color. |
ACCENT1 | Enum | Represents the first accent color. |
ACCENT2 | Enum | Represents the second accent color. |
ACCENT3 | Enum | Represents the third accent color. |
ACCENT4 | Enum | Represents the fourth accent color. |
ACCENT5 | Enum | Represents the fifth accent color. |
ACCENT6 | Enum | Represents the sixth accent color. |
HYPERLINK | Enum | Represents the color to use for hyperlinks. |
FOLLOWED_HYPERLINK | Enum | Represents the color to use for visited hyperlinks. |
Enum VideoSourceType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A video source type that is not supported. |
YOUTUBE | Enum | YouTube video. |