Google Apps Scriptではスプレッドシートを操作するための基本的なコードがSpreadsheetAppという名称で用意されています。
SpreadsheetAppとは、Google Apps ScriptでGoogleスプレッドシートの操作を行う際に利用するコードのことですが、SpreadsheetAppでは、みなさんが普段スプレッドシートを操作して実行していることをプログラムで実行するための様々なコードが用意されています。
- セルに値を入れる
- セルに数式を入れる
- 新しいシートを作成する
- 既存シートの名前を変更する
- 表示形式を変更する
Class Banding
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
copyTo | Banding | Copies this banding to another range. |
getFirstColumnColor | String | Returns the first column color that is alternating, or null if no color is set. |
getFirstColumnColorObject | Color | Returns the first alternating column color in the banding, or null if no color is set. |
getFirstRowColor | String | Returns the first row color that is alternating or null if no color is set. |
getFirstRowColorObject | Color | Returns the first alternating row color, or null if no color is set. |
getFooterColumnColor | String | Returns the color of the last column, or null if no color is set. |
getFooterColumnColorObject | Color | Returns the color of the last column in the banding, or null if no color is set. |
getFooterRowColor | String | Returns the color of the last row, or null if no color is set. |
getFooterRowColorObject | Color | Returns the last row color in the banding, or null if no color is set. |
getHeaderColumnColor | String | Returns the color of the header column, or null if no color is set. |
getHeaderColumnColorObject | Color | Returns the color of the first column in the banding, or null if no color is set. |
getHeaderRowColor | String | Returns the color of the header row or null if no color is set. |
getHeaderRowColorObject | Color | Returns the color of the header row or null if no color is set. |
getRange | Range | Returns the range for this banding. |
getSecondColumnColor | String | Returns the second column color that is alternating, or null if no color is set. |
getSecondColumnColorObject | Color | Returns the second alternating column color in the banding, or null if no color is set. |
getSecondRowColor | String | Returns the second row color that is alternating or null if no color is set. |
getSecondRowColorObject | Color | Returns the second alternating row color, or null if no color is set. |
remove | void | Removes this banding. |
setFirstColumnColor | Banding | Sets the first column color that is alternating. |
setFirstColumnColorObject | Banding | Sets the first alternating column color in the banding. |
setFirstRowColor | Banding | Sets the first row color that is alternating. |
setFirstRowColorObject | Banding | Sets the first alternating row color in the banding. |
setFooterColumnColor | Banding | Sets the color of the last column. |
setFooterColumnColorObject | Banding | Sets the color of the last column in the banding. |
setFooterRowColor | Banding | Sets the color of the last row. |
setFooterRowColorObject | Banding | Sets the color of the footer row in the banding. |
setHeaderColumnColor | Banding | Sets the color of the header column. |
setHeaderColumnColorObject | Banding | Sets the color of the header column. |
setHeaderRowColor | Banding | Sets the color of the header row. |
setHeaderRowColorObject | Banding | Sets the color of the header row. |
setRange | Banding | Sets the range for this banding. |
setSecondColumnColor | Banding | Sets the second column color that is alternating. |
setSecondColumnColorObject | Banding | Sets the second alternating column color in the banding. |
setSecondRowColor | Banding | Sets the second row color that is alternating. |
setSecondRowColorObject | Banding | Sets the second alternating color in the banding. |
Class BigQueryDataSourceSpec
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
copy | DataSourceSpecBuilder | Creates a DataSourceSpecBuilder based on this data source’s settings. |
getDatasetId | String | Gets the BigQuery dataset ID. |
getParameters | DataSourceParameter[] | Gets the parameters of the data source. |
getProjectId | String | Gets the billing project ID. |
getRawQuery | String | Gets the raw query string. |
getTableId | String | Gets the BigQuery table ID. |
getTableProjectId | String | Gets the BigQuery project ID for the table. |
getType | DataSourceType | Gets the type of the data source. |
Class BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
build | DataSourceSpec | Builds a data source specification from the settings in this builder. |
copy | DataSourceSpecBuilder | Creates a DataSourceSpecBuilder based on this data source’s settings. |
getDatasetId | String | Gets the BigQuery dataset ID. |
getParameters | DataSourceParameter[] | Gets the parameters of the data source. |
getProjectId | String | Gets the billing project ID. |
getRawQuery | String | Gets the raw query string. |
getTableId | String | Gets the BigQuery table ID. |
getTableProjectId | String | Gets the BigQuery project ID for the table. |
getType | DataSourceType | Gets the type of the data source. |
removeAllParameters | BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder | Removes all the parameters. |
removeParameter | BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder | Removes the specified parameter. |
setDatasetId | BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder | Sets the BigQuery dataset ID. |
setParameterFromCell | BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder | Adds a parameter, or if the parameter with the name exists, updates its source cell. |
setProjectId | BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder | Sets the billing BigQuery project ID. |
setRawQuery | BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder | Sets the raw query string. |
setTableId | BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder | Sets the BigQuery table ID. |
setTableProjectId | BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder | Sets the BigQuery project ID for the table. |
Class BooleanCondition
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getBackground | String | Gets the background color string for this boolean condition. |
getBackgroundObject | Color | Gets the background color for this boolean condition. |
getBold | Boolean | Returns true if this boolean condition bolds the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes bolding from the text. |
getCriteriaType | BooleanCriteria | Gets the rule’s criteria type as defined in the BooleanCriteria enum. |
getCriteriaValues | Object[] | Gets an array of arguments for the rule’s criteria. |
getFontColor | String | Gets the font color string for this boolean condition. |
getFontColorObject | Color | Gets the font color for this boolean condition. |
getItalic | Boolean | Returns true if this boolean condition italicises the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes italics from the text. |
getStrikethrough | Boolean | Returns true if this boolean condition strikes through the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes strikethrough from the text. |
getUnderline | Boolean | Returns true if this boolean condition underlines the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes underlining from the text. |
Class Color
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
asRgbColor | RgbColor | Converts this color to an RgbColor. |
asThemeColor | ThemeColor | Converts this color to a ThemeColor. |
getColorType | ColorType | Get the type of this color. |
Class ColorBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
asRgbColor | RgbColor | Converts this color to an RgbColor. |
asThemeColor | ThemeColor | Converts this color to a ThemeColor. |
build | Color | Creates a color object from the settings supplied to the builder. |
getColorType | ColorType | Get the type of this color. |
setRgbColor | ColorBuilder | Sets as RGB color. |
setThemeColor | ColorBuilder | Sets as theme color. |
Class ConditionalFormatRule
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
copy | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Returns a rule builder preset with this rule’s settings. |
getBooleanCondition | BooleanCondition | Retrieves the rule’s BooleanCondition information if this rule uses boolean condition criteria. |
getGradientCondition | GradientCondition | Retrieves the rule’s GradientCondition information, if this rule uses gradient condition criteria. |
getRanges | Range[] | Retrieves the ranges to which this conditional format rule is applied. |
Class ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
build | ConditionalFormatRule | Constructs a conditional format rule from the settings applied to the builder. |
copy | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Returns a rule builder preset with this rule’s settings. |
getBooleanCondition | BooleanCondition | Retrieves the rule’s BooleanCondition information if this rule uses boolean condition criteria. |
getGradientCondition | GradientCondition | Retrieves the rule’s GradientCondition information, if this rule uses gradient condition criteria. |
getRanges | Range[] | Retrieves the ranges to which this conditional format rule is applied. |
setBackground | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the background color for the conditional format rule’s format. |
setBackgroundObject | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the background color for the conditional format rule’s format. |
setBold | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets text bolding for the conditional format rule’s format. |
setFontColor | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the font color for the conditional format rule’s format. |
setFontColorObject | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the font color for the conditional format rule’s format. |
setGradientMaxpoint | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Clears the conditional format rule’s gradient maxpoint value, and instead uses the maximum value in the rule’s ranges. |
setGradientMaxpointObject | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Clears the conditional format rule’s gradient maxpoint value, and instead uses the maximum value in the rule’s ranges. |
setGradientMaxpointObjectWithValue | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule’s gradient maxpoint fields. |
setGradientMaxpointWithValue | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule’s gradient maxpoint fields. |
setGradientMidpointObjectWithValue | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule’s gradient midpoint fields. |
setGradientMidpointWithValue | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule’s gradient midpoint fields. |
setGradientMinpoint | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Clears the conditional format rule’s gradient minpoint value, and instead uses the minimum value in the rule’s ranges. |
setGradientMinpointObject | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Clears the conditional format rule’s gradient minpoint value, and instead uses the minimum value in the rule’s ranges. |
setGradientMinpointObjectWithValue | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule’s gradient minpoint fields. |
setGradientMinpointWithValue | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule’s gradient minpoint fields. |
setItalic | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets text italics for the conditional format rule’s format. |
setRanges | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets one or more ranges to which this conditional format rule is applied. |
setStrikethrough | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets text strikethrough for the conditional format rule’s format. |
setUnderline | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets text underlining for the conditional format rule’s format. |
whenCellEmpty | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | セルが空欄の場合に適用される条件付き書式ルールを設定する。 |
whenCellNotEmpty | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | セルが空欄でない場合に適用される条件付き書式ルールを設定する。 |
whenDateAfter | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a date is after the given value. |
whenDateAfter | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a date is after the given relative date. |
whenDateBefore | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a date is before the given date. |
whenDateBefore | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a date is before the given relative date. |
whenDateEqualTo | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a date is equal to the given date. |
whenDateEqualTo | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a date is equal to the given relative date. |
whenFormulaSatisfied | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when that the given formula evaluates to true. |
whenNumberBetween | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a number falls between, or is either of, two specified values. |
whenNumberEqualTo | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a number is equal to the given value. |
whenNumberGreaterThan | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a number is greater than the given value. |
whenNumberGreaterThanOrEqualTo | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a number is greater than or equal to the given value. |
whenNumberLessThan | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional conditional format rule to trigger when a number less than the given value. |
whenNumberLessThanOrEqualTo | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a number less than or equal to the given value. |
whenNumberNotBetween | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a number does not fall between, and is neither of, two specified values. |
whenNumberNotEqualTo | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a number is not equal to the given value. |
whenTextContains | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when that the input contains the given value. |
whenTextDoesNotContain | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when that the input does not contain the given value. |
whenTextEndsWith | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when that the input ends with the given value. |
whenTextEqualTo | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when that the input is equal to the given value. |
whenTextStartsWith | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when that the input starts with the given value. |
withCriteria | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | Sets the conditional format rule to criteria defined by BooleanCriteria values, typically taken from the criteria and arguments of an existing rule. |
Class ContainerInfo
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getAnchorColumn | Integer | The chart’s left side is anchored in this column. |
getAnchorRow | Integer | The chart’s top side is anchored in this row. |
getOffsetX | Integer | The chart’s upper left hand corner is offset from the anchor column by this many pixels. |
getOffsetY | Integer | The chart’s upper left hand corner is offset from the anchor row by this many pixels. |
Class DataExecutionStatus
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getErrorCode | DataExecutionErrorCode | Gets the error code of the data execution. |
getErrorMessage | String | Gets the error message of the data execution. |
getExecutionState | DataExecutionState | Gets the state of the data execution. |
getLastExecutionTime | Date | Gets the time the last data execution completed regardless of the execution state. |
getLastRefreshedTime | Date | Gets the time the data last successfully refreshed. |
isTruncated | Boolean | Returns true if the data from last successful execution is truncated, or false otherwise. |
Class DataSource
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
createCalculatedColumn | DataSourceColumn | Creates a calculated column. |
createDataSourcePivotTableOnNewSheet | DataSourcePivotTable | Creates a data source pivot table from this data source in the first cell of a new sheet. |
createDataSourceTableOnNewSheet | DataSourceTable | Creates a data source table from this data source in the first cell of a new sheet. |
getCalculatedColumnByName | DataSourceColumn | Returns the calculated column in the data source that matches the column name. |
getCalculatedColumns | DataSourceColumn[] | Returns all the calculated columns in the data source. |
getColumns | DataSourceColumn[] | Returns all the columns in the data source. |
getDataSourceSheets | DataSourceSheet[] | Returns the data source sheets associated with this data source. |
getSpec | DataSourceSpec | Gets the data source specification. |
refreshAllLinkedDataSourceObjects | void | Refreshes all data source objects linked to the data source. |
updateSpec | DataSource | Updates the data source specification and refreshes the data source objects linked with this data source with the new specification. |
waitForAllDataExecutionsCompletion | void | Waits until all the current executions of the linked data source objects complete, timing out after the provided number of seconds. |
Class DataSourceChart
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
forceRefreshData | DataSourceChart | Refreshes the data of this object regardless of the current state. |
getDataSource | DataSource | Gets the data source the object is linked to. |
getStatus | DataExecutionStatus | Gets the data execution status of the object. |
refreshData | DataSourceChart | Refreshes the data of the object. |
waitForCompletion | DataExecutionStatus | Waits until the current execution completes, timing out after the provided number of seconds. |
Class DataSourceColumn
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getDataSource | DataSource | Gets the data source associated with the data source column. |
getFormula | String | Gets the formula for the data source column. |
getName | String | Gets the name for the data source column. |
hasArrayDependency | Boolean | Returns whether the column has an array dependency. |
isCalculatedColumn | Boolean | Returns whether the column is a calculated column. |
remove | void | Removes the data source column. |
setFormula | DataSourceColumn | Sets the formula for the data source column. |
setName | DataSourceColumn | Sets the name of the data source column. |
Class DataSourceFormula
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
forceRefreshData | DataSourceFormula | Refreshes the data of this object regardless of the current state. |
getAnchorCell | Range | Returns the Range representing the cell where this data source formula is anchored. |
getDataSource | DataSource | Gets the data source the object is linked to. |
getDisplayValue | String | Returns the display value of the data source formula. |
getFormula | String | Returns the formula for this data source formula. |
getStatus | DataExecutionStatus | Gets the data execution status of the object. |
refreshData | DataSourceFormula | Refreshes the data of the object. |
setFormula | DataSourceFormula | Updates the formula. |
waitForCompletion | DataExecutionStatus | Waits until the current execution completes, timing out after the provided number of seconds. |
Class DataSourceParameter
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getName | String | Gets the parameter name. |
getSourceCell | String | Gets the source cell the parameter is valued based on, or null if the parameter type is not DataSourceParameterType.CELL. |
getType | DataSourceParameterType | Gets the parameter type. |
Class DataSourcePivotTable
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addColumnGroup | PivotGroup | Adds a new pivot column group based on the specified data source column. |
addFilter | PivotFilter | Adds a new filter based on the specified data source column with the specified filter criteria. |
addPivotValue | PivotValue | Adds a new pivot value based on the specified data source column with the specified summarize function. |
addRowGroup | PivotGroup | Adds a new pivot row group based on the specified data source column. |
asPivotTable | PivotTable | Returns the data source pivot table as a regular pivot table object. |
forceRefreshData | DataSourcePivotTable | Refreshes the data of this object regardless of the current state. |
getDataSource | DataSource | Gets the data source the object is linked to. |
getStatus | DataExecutionStatus | Gets the data execution status of the object. |
refreshData | DataSourcePivotTable | Refreshes the data of the object. |
waitForCompletion | DataExecutionStatus | Waits until the current execution completes, timing out after the provided number of seconds. |
Class DataSourceRefreshSchedule
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getFrequency | DataSourceRefreshScheduleFrequency | Gets the refresh schedule frequency, which specifies how often and when to refresh. |
getScope | DataSourceRefreshScope | Gets the scope of this refresh schedule. |
getTimeIntervalOfNextRun | TimeInterval | Gets the time window of the next run of this refresh schedule. |
isEnabled | Boolean | Determines whether this refresh schedule is enabled. |
Class DataSourceRefreshScheduleFrequency
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getDaysOfTheMonth | Integer[] | Gets the days of the month as numbers (1-28) on which to refresh the data source. |
getDaysOfTheWeek | Weekday[] | Gets the days of the week on which to refresh the data source. |
getFrequencyType | FrequencyType | Gets the frequency type. |
getStartHour | Integer | Gets the start hour (as a number 0-23) of the time interval during which the refresh schedule runs. |
Class DataSourceSheet
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addFilter | DataSourceSheet | Adds a filter applied to the data source sheet. |
asSheet | Sheet | Returns the data source sheet as a regular sheet object. |
autoResizeColumn | DataSourceSheet | Auto resizes the width of the specified column. |
autoResizeColumns | DataSourceSheet | Auto resizes the width of the specified columns. |
forceRefreshData | DataSourceSheet | Refreshes the data of this object regardless of the current state. |
getColumnWidth | Integer | Returns the width of the specified column. |
getDataSource | DataSource | Gets the data source the object is linked to. |
getFilters | DataSourceSheetFilter[] | Returns all filters applied to the data source sheet. |
getSheetValues | Object[] | Returns all the values for the data source sheet for the provided column name. |
getSortSpecs | SortSpec[] | Gets all the sort specs in the data source sheet. |
getStatus | DataExecutionStatus | Gets the data execution status of the object. |
refreshData | DataSourceSheet | Refreshes the data of the object. |
removeFilters | DataSourceSheet | Removes all filters applied to the data source sheet column. |
removeSortSpec | DataSourceSheet | Removes the sort spec on a column in the data source sheet. |
setColumnWidth | DataSourceSheet | Sets the width of the specified column. |
setColumnWidths | DataSourceSheet | Sets the width of the specified columns. |
setSortSpec | DataSourceSheet | Sets the sort spec on a column in the data source sheet. |
waitForCompletion | DataExecutionStatus | Waits until the current execution completes, timing out after the provided number of seconds. |
Class DataSourceSheetFilter
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getDataSourceColumn | DataSourceColumn | Returns the data source column this filter applies to. |
getDataSourceSheet | DataSourceSheet | Returns the DataSourceSheet that this filter belongs to. |
getFilterCriteria | FilterCriteria | Returns the filter criteria for this filter. |
remove | void | Removes this filter from the data source object. |
setFilterCriteria | DataSourceSheetFilter | Sets the filter criteria for this filter. |
Class DataSourceSpec
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
asBigQuery | BigQueryDataSourceSpec | Gets the spec for BigQuery data source. |
copy | DataSourceSpecBuilder | Creates a DataSourceSpecBuilder based on this data source’s settings. |
getParameters | DataSourceParameter[] | Gets the parameters of the data source. |
getType | DataSourceType | Gets the type of the data source. |
Class DataSourceSpecBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
asBigQuery | BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder | Gets the builder for BigQuery data source. |
build | DataSourceSpec | Builds a data source specification from the settings in this builder. |
copy | DataSourceSpecBuilder | Creates a DataSourceSpecBuilder based on this data source’s settings. |
getParameters | DataSourceParameter[] | Gets the parameters of the data source. |
getType | DataSourceType | Gets the type of the data source. |
removeAllParameters | DataSourceSpecBuilder | Removes all the parameters. |
removeParameter | DataSourceSpecBuilder | Removes the specified parameter. |
setParameterFromCell | DataSourceSpecBuilder | Adds a parameter, or if the parameter with the name exists, updates its source cell. |
Class DataSourceTable
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addColumns | DataSourceTable | Adds columns to the data source table. |
addFilter | DataSourceTable | Adds a filter applied to the data source table. |
addSortSpec | DataSourceTable | Adds a sort spec on a column in the data source table. |
addSortSpec | DataSourceTable | Adds a sort spec on a column in the data source table. |
forceRefreshData | DataSourceTable | Refreshes the data of this object regardless of the current state. |
getColumns | DataSourceTableColumn[] | Gets all the data source columns added to the data source table. |
getDataSource | DataSource | Gets the data source the object is linked to. |
getFilters | DataSourceTableFilter[] | Returns all filters applied to the data source table. |
getRange | Range | Gets the Range this data source table spans. |
getRowLimit | Integer | Returns the row limit for the data source table. |
getSortSpecs | SortSpec[] | Gets all the sort specs in the data source table. |
getStatus | DataExecutionStatus | Gets the data execution status of the object. |
isSyncingAllColumns | Boolean | Returns whether the data source table is syncing all columns in the associated data source. |
refreshData | DataSourceTable | Refreshes the data of the object. |
removeAllColumns | DataSourceTable | Removes all the columns in the data source table. |
removeAllSortSpecs | DataSourceTable | Removes all the sort specs in the data source table. |
setRowLimit | DataSourceTable | Updates the row limit for the data source table. |
syncAllColumns | DataSourceTable | Sync all current and future columns in the associated data source to the data source table. |
waitForCompletion | DataExecutionStatus | Waits until the current execution completes, timing out after the provided number of seconds. |
Class DataSourceTableColumn
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getDataSourceColumn | DataSourceColumn | Gets the data souce column. |
remove | void | Removes the column from the DataSourceTable. |
Class DataSourceTableFilter
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getDataSourceColumn | DataSourceColumn | Returns the data source column this filter applies to. |
getDataSourceTable | DataSourceTable | Returns the DataSourceTable that this filter belongs to. |
getFilterCriteria | FilterCriteria | Returns the filter criteria for this filter. |
remove | void | Removes this filter from the data source object. |
setFilterCriteria | DataSourceTableFilter | Sets the filter criteria for this filter. |
Class DataValidation
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
copy | DataValidationBuilder | Creates a builder for a data validation rule based on this rule’s settings. |
getAllowInvalid | Boolean | Returns true if the rule shows a warning when input fails data validation, or false if it rejects the input entirely. |
getCriteriaType | DataValidationCriteria | Gets the rule’s criteria type as defined in the DataValidationCriteria enum. |
getCriteriaValues | Object[] | Gets an array of arguments for the rule’s criteria. |
getHelpText | String | Gets the rule’s help text, or null if no help text is set. |
Class DataValidationBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
build | DataValidation | Constructs a data validation rule from the settings applied to the builder. |
copy | DataValidationBuilder | Creates a builder for a data validation rule based on this rule’s settings. |
getAllowInvalid | Boolean | Returns true if the rule shows a warning when input fails data validation, or false if it rejects the input entirely. |
getCriteriaType | DataValidationCriteria | Gets the rule’s criteria type as defined in the DataValidationCriteria enum. |
getCriteriaValues | Object[] | Gets an array of arguments for the rule’s criteria. |
getHelpText | String | Gets the rule’s help text, or null if no help text is set. |
requireCheckbox | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require that the input is a boolean value; this value is rendered as a checkbox. |
requireDate | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a date. |
requireDateAfter | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a date after the given value. |
requireDateBefore | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a date before the given value. |
requireDateBetween | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a date that falls between, or is either of, two specified dates. |
requireDateEqualTo | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a date equal to the given value. |
requireDateNotBetween | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a date that does not fall between, and is neither of, two specified dates. |
requireDateOnOrAfter | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a date on or after the given value. |
requireDateOnOrBefore | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a date on or before the given value. |
requireFormulaSatisfied | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require that the given formula evaluates to true. |
requireNumberBetween | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a number that falls between, or is either of, two specified numbers. |
requireNumberEqualTo | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a number equal to the given value. |
requireNumberGreaterThan | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a number greater than the given value. |
requireNumberGreaterThanOrEqualTo | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a number greater than or equal to the given value. |
requireNumberLessThan | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a number less than the given value. |
requireNumberLessThanOrEqualTo | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a number less than or equal to the given value. |
requireNumberNotBetween | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a number that does not fall between, and is neither of, two specified numbers. |
requireNumberNotEqualTo | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require a number not equal to the given value. |
requireTextContains | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require that the input contains the given value. |
requireTextDoesNotContain | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require that the input does not contain the given value. |
requireTextEqualTo | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require that the input is equal to the given value. |
requireTextIsEmail | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require that the input is in the form of an email address. |
requireTextIsUrl | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require that the input is in the form of a URL. |
requireValueInList | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require that the input is equal to one of the given values. |
requireValueInRange | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to require that the input is equal to a value in the given range. |
setAllowInvalid | DataValidationBuilder | Sets whether to show a warning when input fails data validation or whether to reject the input entirely. |
setHelpText | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the help text that appears when the user hovers over the cell on which data validation is set. |
withCriteria | DataValidationBuilder | Sets the data validation rule to criteria defined by DataValidationCriteria values, typically taken from the criteria and arguments of an existing rule. |
Class DateTimeGroupingRule
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getRuleType | DateTimeGroupingRuleType | Gets the type of the date-time grouping rule. |
Class DeveloperMetadata
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getId | Integer | Returns the unique ID associated with this developer metadata. |
getKey | String | Returns the key associated with this developer metadata. |
getLocation | DeveloperMetadataLocation | Returns the location of this developer metadata. |
getValue | String | Returns the value associated with this developer metadata, or null if this metadata has no value. |
getVisibility | DeveloperMetadataVisibility | Returns the visibility of this developer metadata. |
moveToColumn | DeveloperMetadata | Moves this developer metadata to the specified column. |
moveToRow | DeveloperMetadata | Moves this developer metadata to the specified row. |
moveToSheet | DeveloperMetadata | Moves this developer metadata to the specified sheet. |
moveToSpreadsheet | DeveloperMetadata | Moves this developer metadata to the top-level spreadsheet. |
remove | void | Deletes this metadata. |
setKey | DeveloperMetadata | Sets the key of this developer metadata to the specified value. |
setValue | DeveloperMetadata | Sets the value associated with this developer metadata to the specified value. |
setVisibility | DeveloperMetadata | Sets the visibility of this developer metadata to the specified visibility. |
Class DeveloperMetadataFinder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
find | DeveloperMetadata[] | Executes this search and returns the matching metadata. |
onIntersectingLocations | DeveloperMetadataFinder | Configures the search to consider intersecting locations that have metadata. |
withId | DeveloperMetadataFinder | Limits this search to consider only metadata that match the specified ID. |
withKey | DeveloperMetadataFinder | Limits this search to consider only metadata that match the specified key. |
withLocationType | DeveloperMetadataFinder | Limits this search to consider only metadata that match the specified location type. |
withValue | DeveloperMetadataFinder | Limits this search to consider only metadata that match the specified value. |
withVisibility | DeveloperMetadataFinder | Limits this search to consider only metadata that match the specified visibility. |
Class DeveloperMetadataLocation
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getColumn | Range | Returns the Range for the column location of this metadata, or null if the location type is not DeveloperMetadataLocationType.COLUMN. |
getLocationType | DeveloperMetadataLocationType | Gets the type of location. |
getRow | Range | Returns the Range for the row location of this metadata, or null if the location type is not DeveloperMetadataLocationType.ROW. |
getSheet | Sheet | Returns the Sheet location of this metadata, or null if the location type is not DeveloperMetadataLocationType.SHEET. |
getSpreadsheet | Spreadsheet | Returns the Spreadsheet location of this metadata, or null if the location type is not DeveloperMetadataLocationType.SPREADSHEET. |
Class Drawing
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getContainerInfo | ContainerInfo | Gets information about where the drawing is positioned in the sheet. |
getHeight | Integer | Returns the actual height of this drawing in pixels. |
getOnAction | String | Returns the name of the macro attached to this drawing. |
getSheet | Sheet | Returns the sheet this drawing appears on. |
getWidth | Integer | Returns the actual width of this drawing in pixels. |
getZIndex | Number | Returns the z-index of this drawing. |
remove | void | Deletes this drawing from the spreadsheet. |
setHeight | Drawing | Sets the actual height of this drawing in pixels. |
setOnAction | Drawing | Assigns a macro function to this drawing. |
setPosition | Drawing | Sets the position where the drawing appears on the sheet. |
setWidth | Drawing | Sets the actual width of this drawing in pixels. |
setZIndex | Drawing | Sets the z-index of this drawing. |
Class EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Adds a range to the chart this builder modifies. |
asAreaChart | EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to AreaChart and returns an EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder. |
asBarChart | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to BarChart and returns an EmbeddedBarChartBuilder. |
asColumnChart | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ColumnChart and returns an EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder. |
asComboChart | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ComboChart and returns an EmbeddedComboChartBuilder. |
asHistogramChart | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to HistogramChart and returns an EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder. |
asLineChart | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to LineChart and returns an EmbeddedLineChartBuilder. |
asPieChart | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to PieChart and returns an EmbeddedPieChartBuilder. |
asScatterChart | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ScatterChart and returns an EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder. |
asTableChart | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to TableChart and returns an EmbeddedTableChartBuilder. |
build | EmbeddedChart | Builds the chart to reflect all changes made to it. |
clearRanges | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. |
getChartType | ChartType | Returns the current chart type. |
getContainer | ContainerInfo | Return the chart ContainerInfo, which encapsulates where the chart appears on the sheet. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a copy of the list of ranges currently providing data for this chart. |
removeRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes the specified range from the chart this builder modifies. |
reverseCategories | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
reverseDirection | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Reverses the direction in which the bars grow along the horizontal axis. |
setBackgroundColor | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setChartType | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Changes the type of chart. |
setColors | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setHiddenDimensionStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the strategy to use for hidden rows and columns. |
setLegendPosition | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setMergeStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. |
setNumHeaders | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the number of rows or columns of the range that should be treated as headers. |
setOption | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPosition | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. |
setRange | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the range for the chart. |
setStacked | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Uses stacked lines, meaning that line and bar values are stacked (accumulated). |
setTitle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setTransposeRowsAndColumns | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets whether the chart’s rows and columns are transposed. |
setXAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
useLogScale | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
Class EmbeddedBarChartBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Adds a range to the chart this builder modifies. |
asAreaChart | EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to AreaChart and returns an EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder. |
asBarChart | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to BarChart and returns an EmbeddedBarChartBuilder. |
asColumnChart | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ColumnChart and returns an EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder. |
asComboChart | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ComboChart and returns an EmbeddedComboChartBuilder. |
asHistogramChart | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to HistogramChart and returns an EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder. |
asLineChart | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to LineChart and returns an EmbeddedLineChartBuilder. |
asPieChart | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to PieChart and returns an EmbeddedPieChartBuilder. |
asScatterChart | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ScatterChart and returns an EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder. |
asTableChart | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to TableChart and returns an EmbeddedTableChartBuilder. |
build | EmbeddedChart | Builds the chart to reflect all changes made to it. |
clearRanges | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. |
getChartType | ChartType | Returns the current chart type. |
getContainer | ContainerInfo | Return the chart ContainerInfo, which encapsulates where the chart appears on the sheet. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a copy of the list of ranges currently providing data for this chart. |
removeRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes the specified range from the chart this builder modifies. |
reverseCategories | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
reverseDirection | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Reverses the direction in which the bars grow along the horizontal axis. |
setBackgroundColor | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setChartType | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Changes the type of chart. |
setColors | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setHiddenDimensionStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the strategy to use for hidden rows and columns. |
setLegendPosition | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setMergeStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. |
setNumHeaders | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the number of rows or columns of the range that should be treated as headers. |
setOption | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPosition | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. |
setRange | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the range for the chart. |
setStacked | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Uses stacked lines, meaning that line and bar values are stacked (accumulated). |
setTitle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setTransposeRowsAndColumns | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets whether the chart’s rows and columns are transposed. |
setXAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
useLogScale | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
Class EmbeddedChart
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
asDataSourceChart | DataSourceChart | Casts to a data source chart instance if the chart is a data source chart, or null otherwise. |
getAs | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type. |
getBlob | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob. |
getChartId | Integer | Returns a stable identifier for the chart that is unique across the spreadsheet containing the chart or null if the chart is not in a spreadsheet. |
getContainerInfo | ContainerInfo | Returns information about where the chart is positioned within a sheet. |
getHiddenDimensionStrategy | ChartHiddenDimensionStrategy | Returns the strategy to use for handling hidden rows and columns. |
getMergeStrategy | ChartMergeStrategy | Returns the merge strategy used when more than one range exists. |
getNumHeaders | Integer | Returns the number of rows or columns the range that are treated as headers. |
getOptions | ChartOptions | Returns the options for this chart, such as height, colors, and axes. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns the ranges that this chart uses as a data source. |
getTransposeRowsAndColumns | Boolean | If true, the rows and columns used to populate the chart are switched. |
modify | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Returns an EmbeddedChartBuilder that can be used to modify this chart. |
Class EmbeddedChartBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Adds a range to the chart this builder modifies. |
asAreaChart | EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to AreaChart and returns an EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder. |
asBarChart | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to BarChart and returns an EmbeddedBarChartBuilder. |
asColumnChart | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ColumnChart and returns an EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder. |
asComboChart | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ComboChart and returns an EmbeddedComboChartBuilder. |
asHistogramChart | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to HistogramChart and returns an EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder. |
asLineChart | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to LineChart and returns an EmbeddedLineChartBuilder. |
asPieChart | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to PieChart and returns an EmbeddedPieChartBuilder. |
asScatterChart | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ScatterChart and returns an EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder. |
asTableChart | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to TableChart and returns an EmbeddedTableChartBuilder. |
build | EmbeddedChart | Builds the chart to reflect all changes made to it. |
clearRanges | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. |
getChartType | ChartType | Returns the current chart type. |
getContainer | ContainerInfo | Return the chart ContainerInfo, which encapsulates where the chart appears on the sheet. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a copy of the list of ranges currently providing data for this chart. |
removeRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes the specified range from the chart this builder modifies. |
setChartType | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Changes the type of chart. |
setHiddenDimensionStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the strategy to use for hidden rows and columns. |
setMergeStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. |
setNumHeaders | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the number of rows or columns of the range that should be treated as headers. |
setOption | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPosition | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. |
setTransposeRowsAndColumns | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets whether the chart’s rows and columns are transposed. |
Class EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Adds a range to the chart this builder modifies. |
asAreaChart | EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to AreaChart and returns an EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder. |
asBarChart | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to BarChart and returns an EmbeddedBarChartBuilder. |
asColumnChart | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ColumnChart and returns an EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder. |
asComboChart | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ComboChart and returns an EmbeddedComboChartBuilder. |
asHistogramChart | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to HistogramChart and returns an EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder. |
asLineChart | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to LineChart and returns an EmbeddedLineChartBuilder. |
asPieChart | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to PieChart and returns an EmbeddedPieChartBuilder. |
asScatterChart | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ScatterChart and returns an EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder. |
asTableChart | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to TableChart and returns an EmbeddedTableChartBuilder. |
build | EmbeddedChart | Builds the chart to reflect all changes made to it. |
clearRanges | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. |
getChartType | ChartType | Returns the current chart type. |
getContainer | ContainerInfo | Return the chart ContainerInfo, which encapsulates where the chart appears on the sheet. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a copy of the list of ranges currently providing data for this chart. |
removeRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes the specified range from the chart this builder modifies. |
reverseCategories | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
setBackgroundColor | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setChartType | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Changes the type of chart. |
setColors | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setHiddenDimensionStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the strategy to use for hidden rows and columns. |
setLegendPosition | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setMergeStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. |
setNumHeaders | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the number of rows or columns of the range that should be treated as headers. |
setOption | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPosition | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. |
setRange | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the range for the chart. |
setStacked | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Uses stacked lines, meaning that line and bar values are stacked (accumulated). |
setTitle | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setTransposeRowsAndColumns | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets whether the chart’s rows and columns are transposed. |
setXAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
useLogScale | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
Class EmbeddedComboChartBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Adds a range to the chart this builder modifies. |
asAreaChart | EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to AreaChart and returns an EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder. |
asBarChart | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to BarChart and returns an EmbeddedBarChartBuilder. |
asColumnChart | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ColumnChart and returns an EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder. |
asComboChart | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ComboChart and returns an EmbeddedComboChartBuilder. |
asHistogramChart | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to HistogramChart and returns an EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder. |
asLineChart | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to LineChart and returns an EmbeddedLineChartBuilder. |
asPieChart | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to PieChart and returns an EmbeddedPieChartBuilder. |
asScatterChart | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ScatterChart and returns an EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder. |
asTableChart | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to TableChart and returns an EmbeddedTableChartBuilder. |
build | EmbeddedChart | Builds the chart to reflect all changes made to it. |
clearRanges | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. |
getChartType | ChartType | Returns the current chart type. |
getContainer | ContainerInfo | Return the chart ContainerInfo, which encapsulates where the chart appears on the sheet. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a copy of the list of ranges currently providing data for this chart. |
removeRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes the specified range from the chart this builder modifies. |
reverseCategories | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
setBackgroundColor | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setChartType | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Changes the type of chart. |
setColors | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setHiddenDimensionStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the strategy to use for hidden rows and columns. |
setLegendPosition | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setMergeStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. |
setNumHeaders | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the number of rows or columns of the range that should be treated as headers. |
setOption | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPosition | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. |
setRange | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the range for the chart. |
setStacked | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Uses stacked lines, meaning that line and bar values are stacked (accumulated). |
setTitle | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setTransposeRowsAndColumns | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets whether the chart’s rows and columns are transposed. |
setXAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
useLogScale | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
Class EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Adds a range to the chart this builder modifies. |
asAreaChart | EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to AreaChart and returns an EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder. |
asBarChart | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to BarChart and returns an EmbeddedBarChartBuilder. |
asColumnChart | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ColumnChart and returns an EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder. |
asComboChart | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ComboChart and returns an EmbeddedComboChartBuilder. |
asHistogramChart | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to HistogramChart and returns an EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder. |
asLineChart | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to LineChart and returns an EmbeddedLineChartBuilder. |
asPieChart | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to PieChart and returns an EmbeddedPieChartBuilder. |
asScatterChart | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ScatterChart and returns an EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder. |
asTableChart | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to TableChart and returns an EmbeddedTableChartBuilder. |
build | EmbeddedChart | Builds the chart to reflect all changes made to it. |
clearRanges | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. |
getChartType | ChartType | Returns the current chart type. |
getContainer | ContainerInfo | Return the chart ContainerInfo, which encapsulates where the chart appears on the sheet. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a copy of the list of ranges currently providing data for this chart. |
removeRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes the specified range from the chart this builder modifies. |
reverseCategories | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
setBackgroundColor | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setChartType | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Changes the type of chart. |
setColors | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setHiddenDimensionStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the strategy to use for hidden rows and columns. |
setLegendPosition | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setMergeStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. |
setNumHeaders | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the number of rows or columns of the range that should be treated as headers. |
setOption | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPosition | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. |
setRange | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the range for the chart. |
setStacked | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Uses stacked lines, meaning that line and bar values are stacked (accumulated). |
setTitle | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setTransposeRowsAndColumns | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets whether the chart’s rows and columns are transposed. |
setXAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
useLogScale | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
Class EmbeddedLineChartBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Adds a range to the chart this builder modifies. |
asAreaChart | EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to AreaChart and returns an EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder. |
asBarChart | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to BarChart and returns an EmbeddedBarChartBuilder. |
asColumnChart | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ColumnChart and returns an EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder. |
asComboChart | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ComboChart and returns an EmbeddedComboChartBuilder. |
asHistogramChart | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to HistogramChart and returns an EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder. |
asLineChart | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to LineChart and returns an EmbeddedLineChartBuilder. |
asPieChart | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to PieChart and returns an EmbeddedPieChartBuilder. |
asScatterChart | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ScatterChart and returns an EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder. |
asTableChart | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to TableChart and returns an EmbeddedTableChartBuilder. |
build | EmbeddedChart | Builds the chart to reflect all changes made to it. |
clearRanges | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. |
getChartType | ChartType | Returns the current chart type. |
getContainer | ContainerInfo | Return the chart ContainerInfo, which encapsulates where the chart appears on the sheet. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a copy of the list of ranges currently providing data for this chart. |
removeRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes the specified range from the chart this builder modifies. |
reverseCategories | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
setBackgroundColor | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setChartType | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Changes the type of chart. |
setColors | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setCurveStyle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the style to use for curves in the chart. |
setHiddenDimensionStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the strategy to use for hidden rows and columns. |
setLegendPosition | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setMergeStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. |
setNumHeaders | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the number of rows or columns of the range that should be treated as headers. |
setOption | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPointStyle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the style for points in the line. |
setPosition | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. |
setRange | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the range for the chart. |
setTitle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setTransposeRowsAndColumns | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets whether the chart’s rows and columns are transposed. |
setXAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
useLogScale | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
Class EmbeddedPieChartBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Adds a range to the chart this builder modifies. |
asAreaChart | EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to AreaChart and returns an EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder. |
asBarChart | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to BarChart and returns an EmbeddedBarChartBuilder. |
asColumnChart | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ColumnChart and returns an EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder. |
asComboChart | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ComboChart and returns an EmbeddedComboChartBuilder. |
asHistogramChart | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to HistogramChart and returns an EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder. |
asLineChart | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to LineChart and returns an EmbeddedLineChartBuilder. |
asPieChart | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to PieChart and returns an EmbeddedPieChartBuilder. |
asScatterChart | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ScatterChart and returns an EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder. |
asTableChart | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to TableChart and returns an EmbeddedTableChartBuilder. |
build | EmbeddedChart | Builds the chart to reflect all changes made to it. |
clearRanges | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. |
getChartType | ChartType | Returns the current chart type. |
getContainer | ContainerInfo | Return the chart ContainerInfo, which encapsulates where the chart appears on the sheet. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a copy of the list of ranges currently providing data for this chart. |
removeRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes the specified range from the chart this builder modifies. |
reverseCategories | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
set3D | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart to be three-dimensional. |
setBackgroundColor | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setChartType | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Changes the type of chart. |
setColors | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setHiddenDimensionStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the strategy to use for hidden rows and columns. |
setLegendPosition | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setMergeStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. |
setNumHeaders | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the number of rows or columns of the range that should be treated as headers. |
setOption | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPosition | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. |
setTitle | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setTransposeRowsAndColumns | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets whether the chart’s rows and columns are transposed. |
Class EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Adds a range to the chart this builder modifies. |
asAreaChart | EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to AreaChart and returns an EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder. |
asBarChart | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to BarChart and returns an EmbeddedBarChartBuilder. |
asColumnChart | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ColumnChart and returns an EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder. |
asComboChart | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ComboChart and returns an EmbeddedComboChartBuilder. |
asHistogramChart | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to HistogramChart and returns an EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder. |
asLineChart | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to LineChart and returns an EmbeddedLineChartBuilder. |
asPieChart | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to PieChart and returns an EmbeddedPieChartBuilder. |
asScatterChart | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ScatterChart and returns an EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder. |
asTableChart | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to TableChart and returns an EmbeddedTableChartBuilder. |
build | EmbeddedChart | Builds the chart to reflect all changes made to it. |
clearRanges | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. |
getChartType | ChartType | Returns the current chart type. |
getContainer | ContainerInfo | Return the chart ContainerInfo, which encapsulates where the chart appears on the sheet. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a copy of the list of ranges currently providing data for this chart. |
removeRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes the specified range from the chart this builder modifies. |
setBackgroundColor | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setChartType | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Changes the type of chart. |
setColors | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setHiddenDimensionStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the strategy to use for hidden rows and columns. |
setLegendPosition | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setMergeStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. |
setNumHeaders | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the number of rows or columns of the range that should be treated as headers. |
setOption | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPointStyle | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the style for points in the line. |
setPosition | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. |
setTitle | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setTransposeRowsAndColumns | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets whether the chart’s rows and columns are transposed. |
setXAxisLogScale | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Makes the horizontal axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
setXAxisRange | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the range for the horizontal axis of the chart. |
setXAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisLogScale | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Makes the vertical axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
setYAxisRange | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the range for the vertical axis of the chart. |
setYAxisTextStyle | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
Class EmbeddedEmbeddedTableChartBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Adds a range to the chart this builder modifies. |
asAreaChart | EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to AreaChart and returns an EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder. |
asBarChart | EmbeddedBarChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to BarChart and returns an EmbeddedBarChartBuilder. |
asColumnChart | EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ColumnChart and returns an EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder. |
asComboChart | EmbeddedComboChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ComboChart and returns an EmbeddedComboChartBuilder. |
asHistogramChart | EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to HistogramChart and returns an EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder. |
asLineChart | EmbeddedLineChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to LineChart and returns an EmbeddedLineChartBuilder. |
asPieChart | EmbeddedPieChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to PieChart and returns an EmbeddedPieChartBuilder. |
asScatterChart | EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to ScatterChart and returns an EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder. |
asTableChart | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the chart type to TableChart and returns an EmbeddedTableChartBuilder. |
build | EmbeddedChart | Builds the chart to reflect all changes made to it. |
clearRanges | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. |
enablePaging | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets whether to enable paging through the data. |
enablePaging | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Enables paging and sets the number of rows in each page. |
enablePaging | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Enables paging, sets the number of rows in each page and the first table page to display (page numbers are zero based). |
enableRtlTable | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Adds basic support for right-to-left languages (such as Arabic or Hebrew) by reversing the column order of the table, so that column zero is the right-most column, and the last column is the left-most column. |
enableSorting | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets whether to sort columns when the user clicks a column heading. |
getChartType | ChartType | Returns the current chart type. |
getContainer | ContainerInfo | Return the chart ContainerInfo, which encapsulates where the chart appears on the sheet. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a copy of the list of ranges currently providing data for this chart. |
removeRange | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Removes the specified range from the chart this builder modifies. |
setChartType | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Changes the type of chart. |
setFirstRowNumber | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the row number for the first row in the data table. |
setHiddenDimensionStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the strategy to use for hidden rows and columns. |
setInitialSortingAscending | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the index of the column according to which the table should be initially sorted (ascending). |
setInitialSortingDescending | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets the index of the column according to which the table should be initially sorted (descending). |
setMergeStrategy | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. |
setNumHeaders | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the number of rows or columns of the range that should be treated as headers. |
setOption | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPosition | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. |
setTransposeRowsAndColumns | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Sets whether the chart’s rows and columns are transposed. |
showRowNumberColumn | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets whether to show the row number as the first column of the table. |
useAlternatingRowStyle | EmbeddedTableChartBuilder | Sets whether alternating color style is assigned to odd and even rows of a table chart. |
Class Filter
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getColumnFilterCriteria | FilterCriteria | Gets the filter criteria on the specified column, or null if no filter criteria is set. |
getRange | Range | Gets the range this filter is applied to. |
remove | void | Removes this filter. |
removeColumnFilterCriteria | Filter | Removes the filter criteria from the specified column. |
setColumnFilterCriteria | Filter | Sets the filter criteria on the specified column. |
sort | Filter | Sorts the filtered range by the specified column, excluding the first row (the header row) in the range this filter is applied to. |
Class FilterCriteria
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
copy | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Creates a builder for a filter criteria based on this filter criteria’s settings. |
getCriteriaType | BooleanCriteria | Returns the boolean criteria type as defined in the BooleanCriteria enum. |
getCriteriaValues | Object[] | Returns an array of arguments for the boolean criteria. |
getHiddenValues | String[] | Returns the values to hide. |
getVisibleBackgroundColor | Color | Returns the background color used as a filter criteria. |
getVisibleForegroundColor | Color | Returns the foreground color used as a filter criteria. |
getVisibleValues | String[] | Returns the values to show. |
Class FilterCriteriaBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
build | FilterCriteria | Constructs a filter criteria from the settings supplied to the builder. |
copy | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Creates a builder for a filter criteria based on this filter criteria’s settings. |
getCriteriaType | BooleanCriteria | Returns the boolean criteria type as defined in the BooleanCriteria enum. |
getCriteriaValues | Object[] | Returns an array of arguments for the boolean criteria. |
getHiddenValues | String[] | Returns the values to hide. |
getVisibleBackgroundColor | Color | Returns the background color used as a filter criteria. |
getVisibleForegroundColor | Color | Returns the foreground color used as a filter criteria. |
getVisibleValues | String[] | Returns the values to show. |
setHiddenValues | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the values to hide. |
setVisibleBackgroundColor | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the background color used as a filter criteria. |
setVisibleForegroundColor | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the foreground color used as a filter criteria. |
setVisibleValues | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the values to show. |
whenCellEmpty | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell is empty. |
whenCellNotEmpty | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell is not empty. |
whenDateAfter | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell date is after the specified value. |
whenDateAfter | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell date is after the specified relative date. |
whenDateBefore | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell date is before the specified date. |
whenDateBefore | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where a cell date is before the specified relative date. |
whenDateEqualTo | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where a cell date is equal to the specified date. |
whenDateEqualTo | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where a cell date is equal to the specified relative date. |
whenDateEqualToAny | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell date is equal to any of the specified dates. |
whenDateNotEqualTo | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell date is not equal to the specified date. |
whenDateNotEqualToAny | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell date is not equal to any of the specified dates. |
whenFormulaSatisfied | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the specified formula (such as =B:B<c:c) evaluates=”” to=”” true.<=”” td=””> </c:c)> |
whenNumberBetween | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell number is falls between, or is either of, two specified numbers. |
whenNumberEqualTo | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell number is equal to the specified value. |
whenNumberEqualToAny | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell number is equal to any of the specified numbers. |
whenNumberGreaterThan | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell number is greater than the specified value. |
whenNumberGreaterThanOrEqualTo | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell number is greater than or equal to the specified value. |
whenNumberLessThan | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the conditional conditional format rule to show cells where the cell number is less than the specified value. |
whenNumberLessThanOrEqualTo | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell number is less than or equal to the specified value. |
whenNumberNotBetween | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell number does not fall between, and is neither of, two specified numbers. |
whenNumberNotEqualTo | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell number is not equal to the specified value. |
whenNumberNotEqualToAny | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell number is not equal to any of the specified numbers. |
whenTextContains | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell text contains the specified text. |
whenTextDoesNotContain | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell text does not contain the specified text. |
whenTextEndsWith | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell text ends with the specified text. |
whenTextEqualTo | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell text is equal to the specified text. |
whenTextEqualToAny | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell text is equal to any of the specified values. |
whenTextNotEqualTo | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell text is not equal to the specified text. |
whenTextNotEqualToAny | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell text is not equal to any of the specified values. |
whenTextStartsWith | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the filter criteria to show cells where the cell text starts with the specified text. |
withCriteria | FilterCriteriaBuilder | Sets the boolean criteria to criteria defined by BooleanCriteria values, typically taken from the criteria and arguments of an existing criteria. |
Class GradientCondition
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getMaxColor | String | Gets the color set for the maximum value of this gradient condition. |
getMaxColorObject | Color | Gets the color set for the maximum value of this gradient condition. |
getMaxType | InterpolationType | Gets the interpolation type for the maximum value of this gradient condition. |
getMaxValue | String | Gets the max value of this gradient condition. |
getMidColor | String | Gets the color set for the mid-point value of this gradient condition. |
getMidColorObject | Color | Gets the color set for the midpoint value of this gradient condition. |
getMidType | InterpolationType | Gets the interpolation type for the mid-point value of this gradient condition. |
getMidValue | String | Gets the mid-point value of this gradient condition. |
getMinColor | String | Gets the color set for the minimum value of this gradient condition. |
getMinColorObject | Color | Gets the color set for the minimum value of this gradient condition. |
getMinType | InterpolationType | Gets the interpolation type for the minimum value of this gradient condition. |
getMinValue | String | Gets the minimum value of this gradient condition. |
Class Group
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
collapse | Group | Collapses this group. |
expand | Group | Expands this group. |
getControlIndex | Integer | Returns the control toggle index of this group. |
getDepth | Integer | Returns the depth of this group. |
getRange | Range | Returns the range over which this group exists. |
isCollapsed | Boolean | Returns true if this group is collapsed. |
remove | void | Removes this group from the sheet, reducing the group depth of the range by one. |
Class NamedRange
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getName | String | Gets the name of this named range. |
getRange | Range | Gets the range referenced by this named range. |
remove | void | Deletes this named range. |
setName | NamedRange | Sets/updates the name of the named range. |
setRange | NamedRange | Sets/updates the range for this named range. |
Class OverGridImage
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
assignScript | OverGridImage | Assigns the function with the specified function name to this image. |
getAltTextDescription | String | Returns the alt text description for this image. |
getAltTextTitle | String | Returns the alt text title for this image. |
getAnchorCell | Range | Returns the cell where an image is anchored. |
getAnchorCellXOffset | Integer | Returns the horizontal pixel offset from the anchor cell. |
getAnchorCellYOffset | Integer | Returns the vertical pixel offset from the anchor cell. |
getHeight | Integer | Returns the actual height of this image in pixels. |
getInherentHeight | Integer | Returns the inherent height of this image in pixels. |
getInherentWidth | Integer | Returns the inherent height of this image in pixels. |
getScript | String | Returns the name of the function assigned to this image. |
getSheet | Sheet | Returns the sheet this image appears on. |
getUrl | String | Gets the image’s source URL; returns null if the URL is unavailable. |
getWidth | Integer | Returns the actual width of this image in pixels. |
remove | void | Deletes this image from the spreadsheet. |
replace | OverGridImage | Replaces this image with the one specified by the provided BlobSource. |
resetSize | OverGridImage | Resets this image to its inherent dimensions. |
setAltTextDescription | OverGridImage | Sets the alt-text description for this image. |
setAltTextTitle | OverGridImage | Sets the alt text title for this image. |
setAnchorCell | OverGridImage | Sets the cell where an image is anchored. |
setAnchorCellXOffset | OverGridImage | Sets the horizontal pixel offset from the anchor cell. |
setAnchorCellYOffset | OverGridImage | Sets the vertical pixel offset from the anchor cell. |
setHeight | OverGridImage | Sets the actual height of this image in pixels. |
setWidth | OverGridImage | Sets the actual width of this image in pixels. |
Class PivotFilter
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getFilterCriteria | FilterCriteria | Returns the filter criteria for this pivot filter. |
getPivotTable | PivotTable | Returns the PivotTable that this filter belongs to. |
getSourceDataColumn | Integer | Returns the number of the source data column this filter operates on. |
getSourceDataSourceColumn | DataSourceColumn | Returns the data source column the filter operates on. |
remove | void | Removes this pivot filter from the pivot table. |
setFilterCriteria | PivotFilter | Sets the filter criteria for this pivot filter. |
Class PivotGroup
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addManualGroupingRule | PivotGroup | Adds a manual grouping rule for this pivot group. |
areLabelsRepeated | Boolean | Returns whether labels are displayed as repeated. |
clearGroupingRule | PivotGroup | Removes any grouping rules from this pivot group. |
clearSort | PivotGroup | Removes any sorting applied to this group. |
getDateTimeGroupingRule | DateTimeGroupingRule | Returns the date-time grouping rule on the pivot group, or null if no date-time grouping rule is set. |
getDimension | Dimension | Returns whether this is a row or column group. |
getGroupLimit | PivotGroupLimit | Returns the pivot group limit on the pivot group. |
getIndex | Integer | Returns the index of this pivot group in the current group order. |
getPivotTable | PivotTable | Returns the PivotTable which this grouping belongs to. |
getSourceDataColumn | Integer | Returns the number of the source data column this group summarizes. |
getSourceDataSourceColumn | DataSourceColumn | Returns the data source column the pivot group operates on. |
hideRepeatedLabels | PivotGroup | Hides repeated labels for this grouping. |
isSortAscending | Boolean | Returns true if the sort is ascending, returns false if the sort order is descending. |
moveToIndex | PivotGroup | Moves this group to the specified position in the current list of row or column groups. |
remove | void | Removes this pivot group from the table. |
removeManualGroupingRule | PivotGroup | Removes the manual grouping rule with the specified groupName. |
resetDisplayName | PivotGroup | Resets the display name of this group in the pivot table to its default value. |
setDateTimeGroupingRule | PivotGroup | Sets the date-time grouping rule on the pivot group. |
setDisplayName | PivotGroup | Sets the display name of this group in the pivot table. |
setGroupLimit | PivotGroup | Sets the pivot group limit on the pivot group. |
setHistogramGroupingRule | PivotGroup | Sets a histogram grouping rule for this pivot group. |
showRepeatedLabels | PivotGroup | When there is more than one row or column grouping, this method displays this grouping’s label for each entry of the subsequent grouping. |
showTotals | PivotGroup | Sets whether to show total values for this pivot group in the table. |
sortAscending | PivotGroup | Sets the sort order to be ascending. |
sortBy | PivotGroup | Sorts this group by the specified PivotValue for the values from the oppositeGroupValues. |
sortDescending | PivotGroup | Sets the sort order to be descending. |
totalsAreShown | Boolean | Returns whether total values are currently shown for this pivot group. |
Class PivotGroupLimit
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getCountLimit | Integer | Gets the count limit on rows or columns in the pivot group. |
getPivotGroup | PivotGroup | Returns the pivot group the limit belongs to. |
remove | void | Removes the pivot group limit. |
setCountLimit | PivotGroupLimit | Sets the count limit on rows or columns in the pivot group. |
Class PivotTable
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addCalculatedPivotValue | PivotValue | Creates a new pivot value in the pivot table calculated from the specified formula with the specified name. |
addColumnGroup | PivotGroup | Defines a new pivot column grouping in the pivot table. |
addFilter | PivotFilter | Creates a new pivot filter for the pivot table. |
addPivotValue | PivotValue | Defines a new pivot value in the pivot table with the specified summarizeFunction. |
addRowGroup | PivotGroup | Defines a new pivot row grouping in the pivot table. |
asDataSourcePivotTable | DataSourcePivotTable | Returns the pivot table as a data source pivot table if the pivot table is linked to a DataSource, or null otherwise. |
getAnchorCell | Range | Returns the Range representing the cell where this pivot table is anchored. |
getColumnGroups | PivotGroup[] | Returns an ordered list of the column groups in this pivot table. |
getFilters | PivotFilter[] | Returns an ordered list of the filters in this pivot table. |
getPivotValues | PivotValue[] | Returns an ordered list of the pivot values in this pivot table. |
getRowGroups | PivotGroup[] | Returns an ordered list of the row groups in this pivot table. |
getSourceDataRange | Range | Returns the source data range on which the pivot table is constructed. |
getValuesDisplayOrientation | Dimension | Returns whether values are displayed as rows or columns. |
remove | void | Deletes this pivot table. |
setValuesDisplayOrientation | PivotTable | Sets the layout of this pivot table to display values as columns or rows. |
Class PivotValue
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getDisplayType | PivotValueDisplayType | Returns the display type describing how this pivot value is currently displayed in the table. |
getFormula | String | Returns the formula used to calculate this value. |
getPivotTable | PivotTable | Returns the PivotTable which this value belongs to. |
getSourceDataColumn | Integer | Returns the number of the source data column the pivot value summarizes. |
getSourceDataSourceColumn | DataSourceColumn | Returns the data source column the pivot value summarizes. |
getSummarizedBy | PivotTableSummarizeFunction | Returns this group’s summarization function. |
remove | void | Remove this value from the pivot table. |
setDisplayName | PivotValue | Sets the display name for this value in the pivot table. |
setFormula | PivotValue | Sets the formula used to calculate this value. |
showAs | PivotValue | Displays this value in the pivot table as a function of another value. |
summarizeBy | PivotValue | Sets the summarization function. |
Class Protection
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addEditor | Protection | Adds the given user to the list of editors for the protected sheet or range. |
addEditors | Protection | Adds the given array of users to the list of editors for the protected sheet or range. |
addTargetAudience | Protection | Adds the specified target audience as an editor of the protected range. |
canDomainEdit | Boolean | Determines whether all users in the domain that owns the spreadsheet have permission to edit the protected range or sheet. |
canEdit | Boolean | Determines whether the user has permission to edit the protected range or sheet. |
getDescription | String | Gets the description of the protected range or sheet. |
getEditors | User[] | Gets the list of editors for the protected range or sheet. |
getProtectionType | ProtectionType | Gets the type of the protected area, either RANGE or SHEET. |
getRange | Range | Gets the range that is being protected. |
getRangeName | String | Gets the name of the protected range if it is associated with a named range. |
getTargetAudiences | TargetAudience[] | Returns the IDs of the target audiences that can edit the protected range. |
getUnprotectedRanges | Range[] | Gets an array of unprotected ranges within a protected sheet. |
isWarningOnly | Boolean | Determines if the protected area is using “warning based” protection. |
remove | void | Unprotects the range or sheet. |
removeEditor | Protection | Removes the given user from the list of editors for the protected sheet or range. |
removeEditors | Protection | Removes the given array of users from the list of editors for the protected sheet or range. |
removeTargetAudience | Protection | Removes the specified target audience as an editor of the protected range. |
setDescription | Protection | Sets the description of the protected range or sheet. |
setDomainEdit | Protection | Sets whether all users in the domain that owns the spreadsheet have permission to edit the protected range or sheet. |
setNamedRange | Protection | Associates the protected range with an existing named range. |
setRange | Protection | Adjusts the range that is being protected. |
setRangeName | Protection | Associates the protected range with an existing named range. |
setUnprotectedRanges | Protection | Unprotects the given array of ranges within a protected sheet. |
setWarningOnly | Protection | Sets whether or not this protected range is using “warning based” protection. |
Class Range
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
activate | Range | Sets the specified range as the active range, with the top left cell in the range as the current cell. |
activateAsCurrentCell | Range | Sets the specified cell as the current cell. |
addDeveloperMetadata | Range | Adds developer metadata with the specified key to the range. |
applyColumnBanding | Banding | Applies a default column banding theme to the range. |
applyRowBanding | Banding | Applies a default row banding theme to the range. |
autoFill | void | Fills the destinationRange with data based on the data in this range. |
autoFillToNeighbor | void | Calculates a range to fill with new data based on neighboring cells and automatically fills that range with new values based on the data contained in this range. |
breakApart | Range | Break any multi-column cells in the range into individual cells again. |
canEdit | Boolean | Determines whether the user has permission to edit every cell in the range. |
check | Range | Changes the state of the checkboxes in the range to “checked”. |
clear | Range | Clears the range of contents, formats, and data validation rules. |
clearContent | Range | Clears the content of the range, leaving the formatting intact. |
clearDataValidations | Range | Clears the data validation rules for the range. |
clearFormat | Range | Clears formatting for this range. |
clearNote | Range | Clears the note in the given cell or cells. |
collapseGroups | Range | Collapses all groups that are wholly contained within the range. |
copyFormatToRange | void | Copy the formatting of the range to the given location. |
copyTo | void | Copies the data from a range of cells to another range of cells. |
copyValuesToRange | void | Copy the content of the range to the given location. |
createDataSourcePivotTable | DataSourcePivotTable | Creates an empty data source pivot table from the data source, anchored at the first cell in this range. |
createDataSourceTable | DataSourceTable | Creates an empty data source table from the data source, anchored at the first cell in this range. |
createDeveloperMetadataFinder | DeveloperMetadataFinder | Returns a DeveloperMetadataFinderApi for finding developer metadata within the scope of this range. |
createFilter | Filter | Creates a filter applied to the range. |
createPivotTable | PivotTable | Creates an empty pivot table from the specified sourceData anchored at the first cell in this range. |
createTextFinder | TextFinder | Creates a text finder for the range, which can find and replace text in this range. |
deleteCells | void | Deletes this range of cells. |
expandGroups | Range | Expands the collapsed groups whose range or control toggle intersects with this range. |
getA1Notation | String | Returns a string description of the range, in A1 notation. |
getBackground | String | Returns the background color of the top-left cell in the range (for example, ‘#ffffff’). |
getBackgroundObject | Color | Returns the background color of the top-left cell in the range. |
getBackgroundObjects | Color[][] | Returns the background colors of the cells in the range. |
getBackgrounds | String[][] | Returns the background colors of the cells in the range (for example, ‘#ffffff’). |
getBandings | Banding[] | Returns all the bandings that are applied to any cells in this range. |
getCell | Range | Returns a given cell within a range. |
getColumn | Integer | Returns the starting column position for this range. |
getDataRegion | Range | Returns a copy of the range expanded in the four cardinal Directions to cover all adjacent cells with data in them. |
getDataRegion | Range | Returns a copy of the range expanded Direction.UP and Direction.DOWN if the specified dimension is Dimension.ROWS, or Direction.NEXT and Direction.PREVIOUS if the dimension is Dimension.COLUMNS. |
getDataSourceFormula | DataSourceFormula | Returns the DataSourceFormula for the first cell in the range, or null if the cell doesn’t contain a data source formula. |
getDataSourceFormulas | DataSourceFormula[] | Returns the DataSourceFormulas for the cells in the range. |
getDataSourcePivotTables | DataSourcePivotTable[] | Gets all the data source pivot tables intersecting with the range. |
getDataSourceTables | DataSourceTable[] | Gets all the data source tables intersecting with the range. |
getDataSourceUrl | String | Returns a URL for the data in this range, which can be used to create charts and queries. |
getDataTable | DataTable | Return the data inside this object as a DataTable. |
getDataValidation | DataValidation | Returns the data validation rule for the top-left cell in the range. |
getDataValidations | DataValidation[][] | Returns the data validation rules for all cells in the range. |
getDeveloperMetadata | DeveloperMetadata[] | Get the developer metadata associated with this range. |
getDisplayValue | String | Returns the displayed value of the top-left cell in the range. |
getDisplayValues | String[][] | Returns the rectangular grid of values for this range. |
getFilter | Filter | Returns the filter in the sheet this range belongs to, or null if there is no filter on the sheet. |
getFontColor | String | Returns the font color of the cell in the top-left corner of the range, in CSS notation (such as ‘#ffffff’ or ‘white’). |
getFontColorObject | Color | Returns the font color of the cell in the top-left corner of the range. |
getFontColorObjects | Color[][] | Returns the font colors of the cells in the range. |
getFontColors | String[][] | Returns the font colors of the cells in the range in CSS notation (such as ‘#ffffff’ or ‘white’). |
getFontFamilies | String[][] | Returns the font families of the cells in the range. |
getFontFamily | String | Returns the font family of the cell in the top-left corner of the range. |
getFontLine | String | Gets the line style of the cell in the top-left corner of the range (‘underline’, ‘line-through’, or ‘none’). |
getFontLines | String[][] | Gets the line style of the cells in the range (‘underline’, ‘line-through’, or ‘none’). |
getFontSize | Integer | Returns the font size in point size of the cell in the top-left corner of the range. |
getFontSizes | Integer[][] | Returns the font sizes of the cells in the range. |
getFontStyle | String | Returns the font style (‘italic’ or ‘normal’) of the cell in the top-left corner of the range. |
getFontStyles | String[][] | Returns the font styles of the cells in the range. |
getFontWeight | String | Returns the font weight (normal/bold) of the cell in the top-left corner of the range. |
getFontWeights | String[][] | Returns the font weights of the cells in the range. |
getFormula | String | Returns the formula (A1 notation) for the top-left cell of the range, or an empty string if the cell is empty or doesn’t contain a formula. |
getFormulaR1C1 | String | Returns the formula (R1C1 notation) for a given cell, or null if none. |
getFormulas | String[][] | Returns the formulas (A1 notation) for the cells in the range. |
getFormulasR1C1 | String[][] | Returns the formulas (R1C1 notation) for the cells in the range. |
getGridId | Integer | Returns the grid ID of the range’s parent sheet. |
getHeight | Integer | Returns the height of the range. |
getHorizontalAlignment | String | Returns the horizontal alignment of the text (left/center/right) of the cell in the top-left corner of the range. |
getHorizontalAlignments | String[][] | Returns the horizontal alignments of the cells in the range. |
getLastColumn | Integer | 取得したセルの中で最終列の列数を取得 |
getLastRow | Integer | 取得したセルの中で最終行の行数を取得 |
getMergedRanges | Range[] | Returns an array of Range objects representing merged cells that either are fully within the current range, or contain at least one cell in the current range. |
getNextDataCell | Range | Starting at the cell in the first column and row of the range, returns the next cell in the given direction that is the edge of a contiguous range of cells with data in them or the cell at the edge of the spreadsheet in that direction. |
getNote | String | Returns the note associated with the given range. |
getNotes | String[][] | Returns the notes associated with the cells in the range. |
getNumColumns | Integer | Returns the number of columns in this range. |
getNumRows | Integer | Returns the number of rows in this range. |
getNumberFormat | String | Get the number or date formatting of the top-left cell of the given range. |
getNumberFormats | String[][] | Returns the number or date formats for the cells in the range. |
getRichTextValue | RichTextValue | Returns the Rich Text value for the top left cell of the range, or null if the cell value is not text. |
getRichTextValues | RichTextValue[][] | Returns the Rich Text values for the cells in the range. |
getRow | Integer | Returns the row position for this range. |
getRowIndex | Integer | Returns the row position for this range. |
getSheet | Sheet | Returns the sheet this range belongs to. |
getTextDirection | TextDirection | Returns the text direction for the top left cell of the range. |
getTextDirections | TextDirection[][] | Returns the text directions for the cells in the range. |
getTextRotation | TextRotation | Returns the text rotation settings for the top left cell of the range. |
getTextRotations | TextRotation[][] | Returns the text rotation settings for the cells in the range. |
getTextStyle | TextStyle | Returns the text style for the top left cell of the range. |
getTextStyles | TextStyle[][] | Returns the text styles for the cells in the range. |
getValue | Object | 指定されたセル範囲の一番左上のセルの値を取得する |
getValues | Object[][] | 指定されたセル範囲の値を一括で取得する |
getVerticalAlignment | String | Returns the vertical alignment (top/middle/bottom) of the cell in the top-left corner of the range. |
getVerticalAlignments | String[][] | Returns the vertical alignments of the cells in the range. |
getWidth | Integer | Returns the width of the range in columns. |
getWrap | Boolean | Returns whether the text in the cell wraps. |
getWrapStrategies | WrapStrategy[][] | Returns the text wrapping strategies for the cells in the range. |
getWrapStrategy | WrapStrategy | Returns the text wrapping strategy for the top left cell of the range. |
getWraps | Boolean[][] | Returns whether the text in the cells wrap. |
insertCells | Range | Inserts empty cells into this range. |
insertCheckboxes | Range | Inserts checkboxes into each cell in the range, configured with true for checked and false for unchecked. |
isBlank | Boolean | Returns true if the range is totally blank. |
isChecked | Boolean | Returns whether all cells in the range have their checkbox state as ‘checked’. |
isEndColumnBounded | Boolean | Determines whether the end of the range is bound to a particular column. |
isEndRowBounded | Boolean | Determines whether the end of the range is bound to a particular row. |
isPartOfMerge | Boolean | Returns true if the cells in the current range overlap any merged cells. |
isStartColumnBounded | Boolean | Determines whether the start of the range is bound to a particular column. |
isStartRowBounded | Boolean | Determines whether the start of the range is bound to a particular row. |
merge | Range | Merges the cells in the range together into a single block. |
mergeAcross | Range | Merge the cells in the range across the columns of the range. |
mergeVertically | Range | Merges the cells in the range together. |
moveTo | void | Cut and paste (both format and values) from this range to the target range. |
offset | Range | Returns a new range that is offset from this range by the given number of rows and columns (which can be negative). |
protect | Protection | Creates an object that can protect the range from being edited except by users who have permission. |
randomize | Range | Randomizes the order of the rows in the given range. |
removeCheckboxes | Range | Removes all checkboxes from the range. |
removeDuplicates | Range | Removes rows within this range that contain values that are duplicates of values in any previous row. |
removeDuplicates | Range | Removes rows within this range that contain values in the specified columns that are duplicates of values any previous row. |
setBackground | Range | Sets the background color of all cells in the range in CSS notation (such as ‘#ffffff’ or ‘white’). |
setBackgroundObject | Range | Sets the background color of all cells in the range. |
setBackgroundObjects | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of background colors (must match dimensions of this range). |
setBackgroundRGB | Range | Sets the background to the given color using RGB values (integers between 0 and 255 inclusive). |
setBackgrounds | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of background colors (must match dimensions of this range). |
setBorder | Range | Sets the border property. |
setBorder | Range | Sets the border property with color and/or style. |
setDataValidation | Range | Sets one data validation rule for all cells in the range. |
setDataValidations | Range | Sets the data validation rules for all cells in the range. |
setFontColor | Range | Sets the font color in CSS notation (such as ‘#ffffff’ or ‘white’). |
setFontColorObject | Range | Sets the font color of the given range. |
setFontColorObjects | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of font colors (must match dimensions of this range). |
setFontColors | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of font colors (must match dimensions of this range). |
setFontFamilies | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of font families (must match dimensions of this range). |
setFontFamily | Range | Sets the font family, such as “Arial” or “Helvetica”. |
setFontLine | Range | Sets the font line style of the given range (‘underline’, ‘line-through’, or ‘none’). |
setFontLines | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of line styles (must match dimensions of this range). |
setFontSize | Range | Sets the font size, with the size being the point size to use. |
setFontSizes | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of font sizes (must match dimensions of this range). |
setFontStyle | Range | Set the font style for the given range (‘italic’ or ‘normal’). |
setFontStyles | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of font styles (must match dimensions of this range). |
setFontWeight | Range | Set the font weight for the given range (normal/bold). |
setFontWeights | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of font weights (must match dimensions of this range). |
setFormula | Range | Updates the formula for this range. |
setFormulaR1C1 | Range | Updates the formula for this range. |
setFormulas | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of formulas (must match dimensions of this range). |
setFormulasR1C1 | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of formulas (must match dimensions of this range). |
setHorizontalAlignment | Range | Set the horizontal (left to right) alignment for the given range (left/center/right). |
setHorizontalAlignments | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of horizontal alignments. |
setNote | Range | Sets the note to the given value. |
setNotes | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of notes (must match dimensions of this range). |
setNumberFormat | Range | Sets the number or date format to the given formatting string. |
setNumberFormats | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of number or date formats (must match dimensions of this range). |
setRichTextValue | Range | Sets the Rich Text value for the cells in the range. |
setRichTextValues | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of Rich Text values. |
setShowHyperlink | Range | Sets whether or not the range should show hyperlinks. |
setTextDirection | Range | Sets the text direction for the cells in the range. |
setTextDirections | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of text directions. |
setTextRotation | Range | Sets the text rotation settings for the cells in the range. |
setTextRotation | Range | Sets the text rotation settings for the cells in the range. |
setTextRotations | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of text rotations. |
setTextStyle | Range | Sets the text style for the cells in the range. |
setTextStyles | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of text styles. |
setValue | Range | 値を出力する(書き出す) |
setValues | Range | 複数のセルに値を一括で出力する(書き出す) |
setVerticalAlignment | Range | Set the vertical (top to bottom) alignment for the given range (top/middle/bottom). |
setVerticalAlignments | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of vertical alignments (must match dimensions of this range). |
setVerticalText | Range | Sets whether or not to stack the text for the cells in the range. |
setWrap | Range | Set the cell wrap of the given range. |
setWrapStrategies | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of wrap strategies. |
setWrapStrategy | Range | Sets the text wrapping strategy for the cells in the range. |
setWraps | Range | Sets a rectangular grid of word wrap policies (must match dimensions of this range). |
shiftColumnGroupDepth | Range | Changes the column grouping depth of the range by the specified amount. |
shiftRowGroupDepth | Range | Changes the row grouping depth of the range by the specified amount. |
sort | Range | Sorts the cells in the given range, by column and order specified. |
splitTextToColumns | void | Splits a column of text into multiple columns based on an auto-detected delimiter. |
splitTextToColumns | void | Splits a column of text into multiple columns using the specified string as a custom delimiter. |
splitTextToColumns | void | Splits a column of text into multiple columns based on the specified delimiter. |
trimWhitespace | Range | Trims the whitespace (such as spaces, tabs, or new lines) in every cell in this range. |
uncheck | Range | Changes the state of the checkboxes in the range to “unchecked”. |
Class RangeList
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
activate | RangeList | Selects the list of Range instances. |
breakApart | RangeList | Break all horizontally- or vertically-merged cells contained within the range list into individual cells again. |
check | RangeList | Changes the state of the checkboxes in the range to “checked”. |
clear | RangeList | Clears the range of contents, formats, and data validation rules for each Range in the range list. |
clearContent | RangeList | Clears the content of each Range in the range list, leaving the formatting intact. |
clearDataValidations | RangeList | Clears the data validation rules for each Range in the range list. |
clearFormat | RangeList | Clears text formatting for each Range in the range list. |
clearNote | RangeList | Clears the note for each Range in the range list. |
getRanges | Range[] | Returns a list of one or more Range instances in the same sheet. |
insertCheckboxes | RangeList | Inserts checkboxes into each cell in the range, configured with true for checked and false for unchecked. |
removeCheckboxes | RangeList | Removes all checkboxes from the range. |
setBackground | RangeList | Sets the background color for each Range in the range list. |
setBackgroundRGB | RangeList | Sets the background to the given RGB color. |
setBorder | RangeList | Sets the border property for each Range in the range list. |
setBorder | RangeList | Sets the border property with color and/or style for each Range in the range list. |
setFontColor | RangeList | Sets the font color for each Range in the range list. |
setFontFamily | RangeList | Sets the font family for each Range in the range list. |
setFontLine | RangeList | Sets the font line style for each Range in the range list. |
setFontSize | RangeList | Sets the font size (in points) for each Range in the range list. |
setFontStyle | RangeList | Set the font style for each Range in the range list. |
setFontWeight | RangeList | Set the font weight for each Range in the range list. |
setFormula | RangeList | Updates the formula for each Range in the range list. |
setFormulaR1C1 | RangeList | Updates the formula for each Range in the range list. |
setHorizontalAlignment | RangeList | Set the horizontal alignment for each Range in the range list. |
setNote | RangeList | Sets the note text for each Range in the range list. |
setNumberFormat | RangeList | Sets the number or date format for each Range in the range list. |
setShowHyperlink | RangeList | Sets whether or not each Range in the range list should show hyperlinks. |
setTextDirection | RangeList | Sets the text direction for the cells in each Range in the range list. |
setTextRotation | RangeList | Sets the text rotation settings for the cells in each Range in the range list. |
setValue | RangeList | Sets the value for each Range in the range list. |
setVerticalAlignment | RangeList | Set the vertical alignment for each Range in the range list. |
setVerticalText | RangeList | Sets whether or not to stack the text for the cells for each Range in the range list. |
setWrap | RangeList | Set text wrapping for each Range in the range list. |
setWrapStrategy | RangeList | Sets the text wrapping strategy for each Range in the range list. |
trimWhitespace | RangeList | Trims the whitespace (such as spaces, tabs, or new lines) in every cell in this range list. |
uncheck | RangeList | Changes the state of the checkboxes in the range to “unchecked”. |
Class RichTextValue
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
copy | RichTextValueBuilder | Returns a builder for a Rich Text value initialized with the values of this Rich Text value. |
getEndIndex | Integer | Gets the end index of this value in the cell. |
getLinkUrl | String | Returns the link URL for this value. |
getRuns | RichTextValue[] | Returns the Rich Text string split into an array of runs, wherein each run is the longest possible substring having a consistent text style. |
getStartIndex | Integer | Gets the start index of this value in the cell. |
getText | String | Returns the text of this value. |
getTextStyle | TextStyle | Returns the text style of this value. |
Class RichTextValueBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
build | RichTextValue | Creates a Rich Text value from this builder. |
setLinkUrl | RichTextValueBuilder | Sets the link URL for the given substring of this value, or clears it if linkUrl is null. |
setText | RichTextValueBuilder | Sets the text for this value and clears any existing text style. |
setTextStyle | RichTextValueBuilder | Applies a text style to the given substring of this value. |
Class Selection
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getActiveRange | Range | アクティブシートの選択範囲を取得します。範囲が選択されてない場合はnullを返します。 |
getActiveRangeList | RangeList | アクティブシートの選択範囲のリストを取得します。範囲が選択されてない場合はnullを返します。 |
getActiveSheet | Sheet | スプレッドシートのアクティブシートを取得します。 |
getCurrentCell | Range | 選択中のセルを取得します。複数セルが選択されている場合は一番左上乗せるを返します。何も選択されていない場合はnullを返します。 |
getNextDataRange | Range | Starting from the current cell and active range and moving in the given direction, returns an adjusted range where the appropriate edge of the range has been shifted to cover the next data cell while still covering the current cell. |
Class Sheet
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
activate | Sheet | Activates this sheet. |
addDeveloperMetadata | Sheet | Adds developer metadata with the specified key to the sheet. |
appendRow | Sheet | Appends a row to the spreadsheet. |
asDataSourceSheet | DataSourceSheet | Returns the sheet as a DataSourceSheet if the sheet is of type SheetType.DATASOURCE, or null otherwise. |
autoResizeColumn | Sheet | Sets the width of the given column to fit its contents. |
autoResizeColumns | Sheet | Sets the width of all columns starting at the given column position to fit their contents. |
autoResizeRows | Sheet | Sets the height of all rows starting at the given row position to fit their contents. |
clear | Sheet | Clears the sheet of content and formatting information. |
clearConditionalFormatRules | void | Removes all conditional format rules from the sheet. |
clearContents | Sheet | Clears the sheet of contents, while preserving formatting information. |
clearFormats | Sheet | Clears the sheet of formatting, while preserving contents. |
clearNotes | Sheet | Clears the sheet of all notes. |
collapseAllColumnGroups | Sheet | Collapses all column groups on the sheet. |
collapseAllRowGroups | Sheet | Collapses all row groups on the sheet. |
copyTo | Sheet | Copies the sheet to a given spreadsheet, which can be the same spreadsheet as the source. |
createDeveloperMetadataFinder | DeveloperMetadataFinder | Returns a DeveloperMetadataFinder for finding developer metadata within the scope of this sheet. |
createTextFinder | TextFinder | Creates a text finder for the sheet, which can find and replace text within the sheet. |
deleteColumn | Sheet | 列数を指定して1列を削除する |
deleteColumns | void | 列数を指定して複数行を削除する |
deleteRow | Sheet | 行数を指定して1行を削除する |
deleteRows | void | 行数を指定して複数行を削除する |
expandAllColumnGroups | Sheet | Expands all column groups on the sheet. |
expandAllRowGroups | Sheet | Expands all row groups on the sheet. |
expandColumnGroupsUpToDepth | Sheet | Expands all column groups up to the given depth, and collapses all others. |
expandRowGroupsUpToDepth | Sheet | Expands all row groups up to the given depth, and collapses all others. |
getActiveCell | Range | Returns the active cell in this sheet. |
getActiveRange | Range | アクティブシートの選択範囲を取得します。範囲が選択されてない場合はnullを返します。 |
getActiveRangeList | RangeList | アクティブシートの選択範囲のリストを取得します。範囲が選択されてない場合はnullを返します。 |
getBandings | Banding[] | Returns all the bandings in this sheet. |
getCharts | EmbeddedChart[] | Returns an array of charts on this sheet. |
getColumnGroup | Group | Returns the column group at the given index and group depth. |
getColumnGroupControlPosition | GroupControlTogglePosition | Returns the GroupControlTogglePosition for all column groups on the sheet. |
getColumnGroupDepth | Integer | Returns the group depth of the column at the given index. |
getColumnWidth | Integer | Gets the width in pixels of the given column. |
getConditionalFormatRules | ConditionalFormatRule[] | Get all conditional format rules in this sheet. |
getCurrentCell | Range | 選択中のセルを取得します。複数セルが選択されている場合は一番左上乗せるを返します。何も選択されていない場合はnullを返します。 |
getDataRange | Range | Returns a Range corresponding to the dimensions in which data is present. |
getDataSourceFormulas | DataSourceFormula[] | Gets all the data source formulas. |
getDataSourcePivotTables | DataSourcePivotTable[] | Gets all the data source pivot tables. |
getDataSourceTables | DataSourceTable[] | Gets all the data source tables. |
getDeveloperMetadata | DeveloperMetadata[] | Get all developer metadata associated with this sheet. |
getDrawings | Drawing[] | Returns an array of drawings on the sheet. |
getFilter | Filter | Returns the filter in this sheet, or null if there is no filter. |
getFormUrl | String | Returns the URL for the form that sends its responses to this sheet, or null if this sheet has no associated form. |
getFrozenColumns | Integer | Returns the number of frozen columns. |
getFrozenRows | Integer | Returns the number of frozen rows. |
getImages | OverGridImage[] | Returns all over-the-grid images on the sheet. |
getIndex | Integer | Gets the position of the sheet in its parent spreadsheet. |
getLastColumn | Integer | データが入っている最終列の列数を取得 |
getLastRow | Integer | データが入っている最終行の行数を取得 |
getMaxColumns | Integer | Returns the current number of columns in the sheet, regardless of content. |
getMaxRows | Integer | データの有無に関わらずシートの最終行を取得 |
getName | String | Returns the name of the sheet. |
getNamedRanges | NamedRange[] | Gets all the named ranges in this sheet. |
getParent | Spreadsheet | Returns the Spreadsheet that contains this sheet. |
getPivotTables | PivotTable[] | Returns all the pivot tables on this sheet. |
getProtections | Protection[] | Gets an array of objects representing all protected ranges in the sheet, or a single-element array representing the protection on the sheet itself. |
getRange | Range | 指定したセル範囲の一番左上のセルを返す |
getRangeList | RangeList | Returns the RangeList collection representing the ranges in the same sheet specified by a non-empty list of A1 notations or R1C1 notations. |
getRowGroup | Group | Returns the row group at the given index and group depth. |
getRowGroupControlPosition | GroupControlTogglePosition | Returns the GroupControlTogglePosition for all row groups on the sheet. |
getRowGroupDepth | Integer | Returns the group depth of the row at the given index. |
getRowHeight | Integer | Gets the height in pixels of the given row. |
getSelection | Selection | 選択しているセルを取得する |
getSheetId | Integer | Returns the ID of the sheet represented by this object. |
getSheetName | String | Returns the sheet name. |
getSheetValues | Object[][] | Returns the rectangular grid of values for this range starting at the given coordinates. |
getSlicers | Slicer[] | Returns an array of slicers on the sheet. |
getTabColor | String | Gets the sheet tab color, or null if the sheet tab has no color. |
getTabColorObject | Color | Gets the sheet tab color, or null if the sheet tab has no color. |
getType | SheetType | Returns the type of the sheet. |
hasHiddenGridlines | Boolean | Returns true if the sheet’s gridlines are hidden; otherwise returns false. |
hideColumn | void | Hides the columns in the given range. |
hideColumns | void | Hides the column at the given index. |
hideColumns | void | Hides one or more consecutive columns starting at the given index. |
hideRow | void | Hides the rows in the given range. |
hideRows | void | Hides the row at the given index. |
hideSheet | Sheet | Hides this sheet. |
insertChart | void | Adds a new chart to this sheet. |
insertColumnAfter | Sheet | Inserts a column after the given column position. |
insertColumnBefore | Sheet | Inserts a column before the given column position. |
insertColumns | void | Inserts a blank column in a sheet at the specified location. |
insertColumnsAfter | Sheet | Inserts a number of columns after the given column position. |
insertColumnsBefore | Sheet | Inserts a number of columns before the given column position. |
insertImage | OverGridImage | Blobデータを画像としてスプレッドシートの特定のセルに挿入する。 |
insertRowAfter | Sheet | Inserts a row after the given row position. |
insertRowBefore | Sheet | Inserts a row before the given row position. |
insertRows | void | Inserts a blank row in a sheet at the specified location. |
insertRowsAfter | Sheet | Inserts a number of rows after the given row position. |
insertRowsBefore | Sheet | Inserts a number of rows before the given row position. |
insertSlicer | Slicer | Adds a new slicer to this sheet. |
isColumnHiddenByUser | Boolean | Returns whether the given column is hidden by the user. |
isRightToLeft | Boolean | Returns true if this sheet layout is right-to-left. |
isRowHiddenByFilter | Boolean | Returns whether the given row is hidden by a filter (not a filter view). |
isRowHiddenByUser | Boolean | Returns whether the given row is hidden by the user. |
isSheetHidden | Boolean | Returns true if the sheet is currently hidden. |
moveColumns | void | Moves the columns selected by the given range to the position indicated by the destinationIndex. |
moveRows | void | Moves the rows selected by the given range to the position indicated by the destinationIndex. |
newChart | EmbeddedChartBuilder | Returns a builder to create a new chart for this sheet. |
protect | Protection | Creates an object that can protect the sheet from being edited except by users who have permission. |
removeChart | void | Removes a chart from the parent sheet. |
setActiveRange | Range | 特定のセルをアクティブセルに設定する。指定されたセルの一番左上のセルを取得セルとして返す |
setActiveRangeList | RangeList | 特定のセル範囲をアクティセル範囲として設定する。 |
setActiveSelection | Range | Sets the active selection region for this sheet. |
setColumnGroupControlPosition | Sheet | Sets the position of the column group control toggle on the sheet. |
setColumnWidth | Sheet | Sets the width of the given column in pixels. |
setColumnWidths | Sheet | Sets the width of the given columns in pixels. |
setConditionalFormatRules | void | Replaces all currently existing conditional format rules in the sheet with the input rules. |
setCurrentCell | Range | Sets the specified cell as the current cell. |
setFrozenColumns | void | Freezes the given number of columns. |
setFrozenRows | void | Freezes the given number of rows. |
setHiddenGridlines | Sheet | Hides or reveals the sheet gridlines. |
setName | Sheet | Sets the sheet name. |
setRightToLeft | Sheet | Sets or unsets the sheet layout to right-to-left. |
setRowGroupControlPosition | Sheet | Sets the position of the row group control toggle on the sheet. |
setRowHeight | Sheet | Sets the row height of the given row in pixels. |
setRowHeights | Sheet | Sets the height of the given rows in pixels. |
setRowHeightsForced | Sheet | Sets the height of the given rows in pixels. |
setTabColor | Sheet | Sets the sheet tab color. |
setTabColorObject | Sheet | Sets the sheet tab color. |
showColumns | void | Unhides the column at the given index. |
showRows | void | Unhides the row at the given index. |
showRows | void | Unhides one or more consecutive rows starting at the given index. |
showSheet | Sheet | Makes the sheet visible. |
sort | Sheet | Sorts a sheet by column, ascending. |
unhideColumn | void | Unhides the column in the given range. |
unhideRow | void | Unhides the row in the given range. |
updateChart | void | Updates the chart on this sheet. |
Class Slicer
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getBackgroundColor | String | Returns the background color of the slicer in CSS notation (such as ‘#ffffff’). |
getBackgroundColorObject | Color | Return the background Color of the slicer. |
getColumnPosition | Integer | Returns the column position (relative to the data range of the slicer) on which the filter is applied in the slicer, or null if the column position is not set. |
getContainerInfo | ContainerInfo | Gets information about where the slicer is positioned in the sheet. |
getFilterCriteria | FilterCriteria | Returns the filter criteria of the slicer, or null if the filter criteria is not set. |
getRange | Range | Gets the data range on which the slicer is applied to. |
getTitle | String | Returns the title of the slicer. |
getTitleHorizontalAlignment | String | Gets the horizontal alignment of the title. |
getTitleTextStyle | TextStyle | Returns the text style of the slicer’s title. |
isAppliedToPivotTables | Boolean | Returns whether the given slicer is applied to pivot tables. |
remove | void | Deletes the slicer. |
setApplyToPivotTables | Slicer | Sets if the given slicer should be applied to pivot tables in the worksheet. |
setBackgroundColor | Slicer | Sets the background color of the slicer. |
setBackgroundColorObject | Slicer | Sets the background Color of the slicer. |
setColumnFilterCriteria | Slicer | Sets the column index and filtering criteria of the slicer. |
setPosition | Slicer | Sets the position where the slicer appears on the sheet. |
setRange | Slicer | Sets the data range on which the slicer is applied. |
setTitle | Slicer | Sets the title of the slicer. |
setTitleHorizontalAlignment | Slicer | Sets the horizontal alignment of the title in the slicer. |
setTitleTextStyle | Slicer | Sets the text style of the slicer. |
Class SortSpec
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getBackgroundColor | Color | Returns the background color used for sorting, or null if absent. |
getDataSourceColumn | DataSourceColumn | Gets the data source column the sort spec acts on. |
getDimensionIndex | Integer | Returns the dimension index or null if not linked to a local filter. |
getForegroundColor | Color | Returns the foreground color used for sorting, or null if absent. |
getSortOrder | SortOrder | Returns the sort order. |
isAscending | Boolean | Returns whether the sort order is ascending. |
Class Spreadsheet
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
addDeveloperMetadata | Spreadsheet | Adds developer metadata with the specified key to the top-level spreadsheet. |
addEditor | Spreadsheet | Adds the given user to the list of editors for the Spreadsheet. |
addEditors | Spreadsheet | Adds the given array of users to the list of editors for the Spreadsheet. |
addMenu | void | Creates a new menu in the Spreadsheet UI. |
addViewer | Spreadsheet | Adds the given user to the list of viewers for the Spreadsheet. |
addViewers | Spreadsheet | Adds the given array of users to the list of viewers for the Spreadsheet. |
appendRow | Sheet | Appends a row to the spreadsheet. |
autoResizeColumn | Sheet | Sets the width of the given column to fit its contents. |
copy | Spreadsheet | Copies the spreadsheet and returns the new one. |
createDeveloperMetadataFinder | DeveloperMetadataFinder | Returns a DeveloperMetadataFinder for finding developer metadata within the scope of this spreadsheet. |
createTextFinder | TextFinder | Creates a text finder for the spreadsheet, which can be used to find and replace text within the spreadsheet. |
deleteActiveSheet | Sheet | Deletes the currently active sheet. |
deleteColumn | Sheet | 列数を指定して1列を削除する |
deleteColumns | void | 列数を指定して複数行を削除する |
deleteRow | Sheet | 行数を指定して1行を削除する |
deleteRows | void | 行数を指定して複数行を削除する |
deleteSheet | void | Deletes the specified sheet. |
duplicateActiveSheet | Sheet | Duplicates the active sheet and makes it the active sheet. |
getActiveCell | Range | Returns the active cell in this sheet. |
getActiveRange | Range | アクティブシートの選択範囲を取得します。範囲が選択されてない場合はnullを返します。 |
getActiveRangeList | RangeList | アクティブシートの選択範囲のリストを取得します。範囲が選択されてない場合はnullを返します。 |
getActiveSheet | Sheet | スプレッドシートのアクティブシートを取得します。 |
getAs | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type. |
getBandings | Banding[] | Returns all the bandings in this spreadsheet. |
getBlob | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob. |
getColumnWidth | Integer | Gets the width in pixels of the given column. |
getCurrentCell | Range | 選択中のセルを取得します。複数セルが選択されている場合は一番左上乗せるを返します。何も選択されていない場合はnullを返します。 |
getDataRange | Range | Returns a Range corresponding to the dimensions in which data is present. |
getDataSourceFormulas | DataSourceFormula[] | Gets all the data source formulas. |
getDataSourcePivotTables | DataSourcePivotTable[] | Gets all the data source pivot tables. |
getDataSourceRefreshSchedules | DataSourceRefreshSchedule[] | Gets the refresh schedules of this spreadsheet. |
getDataSourceSheets | DataSourceSheet[] | Returns all the data source sheets in the spreadsheet. |
getDataSourceTables | DataSourceTable[] | Gets all the data source tables. |
getDataSources | DataSource[] | Returns all the data sources in the spreadsheet. |
getDeveloperMetadata | DeveloperMetadata[] | Get the developer metadata associated with the top-level spreadsheet. |
getEditors | User[] | Gets the list of editors for this Spreadsheet. |
getFormUrl | String | Returns the URL for the form that sends its responses to this spreadsheet, or null if this spreadsheet has no associated form. |
getFrozenColumns | Integer | Returns the number of frozen columns. |
getFrozenRows | Integer | Returns the number of frozen rows. |
getId | String | Gets a unique identifier for this spreadsheet. |
getImages | OverGridImage[] | Returns all over-the-grid images on the sheet. |
getIterativeCalculationConvergenceThreshold | Number | Returns the threshold value used during iterative calculation. |
getLastColumn | Integer | データが入っている最終列の列数 を取得 |
getLastRow | Integer | データが入っている最終行の行数を取得 |
getMaxIterativeCalculationCycles | Integer | Returns the maximum number of iterations to use during iterative calculation. |
getName | String | スプレッドシートのファイル名を取得 |
getNamedRanges | NamedRange[] | Gets all the named ranges in this spreadsheet. |
getNumSheets | Integer | Returns the number of sheets in this spreadsheet. |
getOwner | User | Returns the owner of the document, or null for a document in a shared drive. |
getPredefinedSpreadsheetThemes | SpreadsheetTheme[] | Returns the list of predefined themes. |
getProtections | Protection[] | Gets an array of objects representing all protected ranges or sheets in the spreadsheet. |
getRange | Range | A1形式、あるいはR1C1形式で指定されたセル範囲を返す |
getRangeByName | Range | 指定した名前付きのセル範囲を返す。指定のセル範囲名がなければnullを返す |
getRangeList | RangeList | Returns the RangeList collection representing the ranges in the same sheet specified by a non-empty list of A1 notations or R1C1 notations. |
getRecalculationInterval | RecalculationInterval | Returns the calculation interval for this spreadsheet. |
getRowHeight | Integer | Gets the height in pixels of the given row. |
getSelection | Selection | 選択しているセルを取得する |
getSheetByName | Sheet | 指定したシート名のシートを取得する |
getSheetId | Integer | Returns the ID of the sheet represented by this object. |
getSheetName | String | Returns the sheet name. |
getSheetValues | Object[][] | Returns the rectangular grid of values for this range starting at the given coordinates. |
getSheets | Sheet[] | スプレッドシートのすべてのシートを配列で取得する |
getSpreadsheetLocale | String | Gets the spreadsheet locale. |
getSpreadsheetTheme | SpreadsheetTheme | Returns the current theme of the spreadsheet, or null if no theme is applied. |
getSpreadsheetTimeZone | String | Gets the time zone for the spreadsheet. |
getUrl | String | Returns the URL for the given spreadsheet. |
getViewers | User[] | Gets the list of viewers and commenters for this Spreadsheet. |
hideColumn | void | Hides the columns in the given range. |
hideRow | void | Hides the rows in the given range. |
insertColumnAfter | Sheet | Inserts a column after the given column position. |
insertColumnBefore | Sheet | Inserts a column before the given column position. |
insertColumnsAfter | Sheet | Inserts a number of columns after the given column position. |
insertColumnsBefore | Sheet | Inserts a number of columns before the given column position. |
insertDataSourceSheet | DataSourceSheet | Inserts a new DataSourceSheet in the spreadsheet and starts data execution. |
insertImage | OverGridImage | Blobデータを画像としてスプレッドシートの特定のセルに挿入する。 |
insertRowAfter | Sheet | Inserts a row after the given row position. |
insertRowBefore | Sheet | Inserts a row before the given row position. |
insertRowsAfter | Sheet | Inserts a number of rows after the given row position. |
insertRowsBefore | Sheet | Inserts a number of rows before the given row position. |
insertSheet | Sheet | Inserts a new sheet into the spreadsheet, using a default sheet name. |
insertSheetWithDataSourceTable | Sheet | Inserts a new sheet in the spreadsheet, creates a DataSourceTable spanning the entire sheet with the given data source specification, and starts data execution. |
isColumnHiddenByUser | Boolean | Returns whether the given column is hidden by the user. |
isIterativeCalculationEnabled | Boolean | Returns whether iterative calculation is enabled in this spreadsheet. |
isRowHiddenByFilter | Boolean | Returns whether the given row is hidden by a filter (not a filter view). |
isRowHiddenByUser | Boolean | Returns whether the given row is hidden by the user. |
moveActiveSheet | void | Moves the active sheet to the given position in the list of sheets. |
moveChartToObjectSheet | Sheet | Creates a new SheetType.OBJECT sheet and moves the provided chart to it. |
refreshAllDataSources | void | Refreshes all supported data sources and their linked data source objects, skipping invalid data source objects. |
removeEditor | Spreadsheet | Removes the given user from the list of editors for the Spreadsheet. |
removeEditor | Spreadsheet | Removes the given user from the list of editors for the Spreadsheet. |
removeMenu | void | Removes a menu that was added by addMenu(name, subMenus). |
removeNamedRange | void | Deletes a named range with the given name. |
removeViewer | Spreadsheet | Removes the given user from the list of viewers and commenters for the Spreadsheet. |
removeViewer | Spreadsheet | Removes the given user from the list of viewers and commenters for the Spreadsheet. |
rename | void | Renames the document. |
renameActiveSheet | void | Renames the current active sheet to the given new name. |
resetSpreadsheetTheme | SpreadsheetTheme | Removes the applied theme and sets the default theme on the spreadsheet. |
setActiveRange | Range | 特定のセルをアクティブセルに設定する。指定されたセルの一番左上のセルを取得セルとして返す。 |
setActiveRangeList | RangeList | 特定のセル範囲をアクティセル範囲として設定する。 |
setActiveSelection | Range | Sets the active selection region for this sheet. |
setActiveSheet | Sheet | 特定のシートをアクティブシートとして設定する。 |
setColumnWidth | Sheet | Sets the width of the given column in pixels. |
setCurrentCell | Range | Sets the specified cell as the current cell. |
setFrozenColumns | void | Freezes the given number of columns. |
setFrozenRows | void | Freezes the given number of rows. |
setIterativeCalculationConvergenceThreshold | Spreadsheet | Sets the minimum threshold value for iterative calculation. |
setIterativeCalculationEnabled | Spreadsheet | Sets whether iterative calculation is enabled in this spreadsheet. |
setMaxIterativeCalculationCycles | Spreadsheet | Sets the maximum number of calculation iterations that should be performed during iterative calculation. |
setNamedRange | void | Names a range. |
setRecalculationInterval | Spreadsheet | Sets how often this spreadsheet should recalculate. |
setRowHeight | Sheet | Sets the row height of the given row in pixels. |
setSpreadsheetLocale | void | Sets the spreadsheet locale. |
setSpreadsheetTheme | SpreadsheetTheme | Sets a theme on the spreadsheet. |
setSpreadsheetTimeZone | void | Sets the time zone for the spreadsheet. |
show | void | Displays a custom user interface component in a dialog centered in the user’s browser’s viewport. |
sort | Sheet | Sorts a sheet by column, ascending. |
toast | void | Shows a popup window in the lower right corner of the spreadsheet with the given message. |
unhideColumn | void | Unhides the column in the given range. |
unhideRow | void | Unhides the row in the given range. |
updateMenu | void | Updates a menu that was added by addMenu(name, subMenus). |
waitForAllDataExecutionsCompletion | void | Waits until all the current executions in the spreadsheet complete, timing out after the provided number of seconds. |
Class SpreadsheetApp
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
create | Spreadsheet | 新しいスプレッドシートを作成する |
enableAllDataSourcesExecution | void | Enables data execution for all types of data sources. |
enableBigQueryExecution | void | Enables data execution for BigQuery data source. |
flush | void | スプレッドシートの変更を反映させる |
getActive | Spreadsheet | スプレッドシートオブジェクトを取得します。値がない場合はnullを返します。 |
getActiveRange | Range | アクティブシートの選択範囲を取得します。範囲が選択されてない場合はnullを返します。 |
getActiveRangeList | RangeList | アクティブシートの選択範囲のリストを取得します。範囲が選択されてない場合はnullを返します。 |
getActiveSheet | Sheet | スプレッドシートのアクティブシートを取得します。 |
getActiveSpreadsheet | Spreadsheet | アクティブスプレッドシートをオブジェクトで取得します。対象がない場合nullを返します。 |
getCurrentCell | Range | 選択中のセルを取得します。複数セルが選択されている場合は一番左上乗せるを返します。何も選択されていない場合はnullを返します。 |
getSelection | Selection | 選択しているセルを取得する |
getUi | Ui | Returns an instance of the spreadsheet’s user-interface environment that allows the script to add features like menus, dialogs, and sidebars. |
newColor | ColorBuilder | Creates a builder for a Color. |
newConditionalFormatRule | ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder | 条件付き書式のビルダーを作成します。 |
newDataSourceSpec | DataSourceSpecBuilder | Creates a builder for a DataSourceSpec. |
newDataValidation | DataValidationBuilder | 入力規則ビルダーを作成します。 |
newFilterCriteria | FilterCriteriaBuilder | フィルタービルダーを作成します。 |
newRichTextValue | RichTextValueBuilder | リッチテキストビルダーを作成します。 |
newTextStyle | TextStyleBuilder | テキストスタイルビルダーを作成します。 |
open | Spreadsheet | ファイルオブジェクトでスプレッドシートを開く |
openById | Spreadsheet | ファイルIDでスプレッドシートを開く |
openByUrl | Spreadsheet | スプレッドシートURLでスプレッドシートを開く |
setActiveRange | Range | 特定のセルをアクティブセルに設定する。指定されたセルの一番左上のセルを取得セルとして返す |
setActiveRangeList | RangeList | 特定のセル範囲をアクティセル範囲として設定する。 |
setActiveSheet | Sheet | 特定のシートをアクチブシートとして設定する。 |
setActiveSpreadsheet | void | アクティブスプレッドシートとして設定する。 |
setCurrentCell | Range | Sets the specified cell as the current cell. |
Class SpreadsheetTheme
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getConcreteColor | Color | Returns the concrete Color for a valid theme color type. |
getFontFamily | String | Returns the font family of the theme, or null if it’s a null theme. |
getThemeColors | ThemeColorType[] | Returns a list of all possible theme color types for the current theme. |
setConcreteColor | SpreadsheetTheme | Sets the concrete color associated with the ThemeColorType in this color scheme to the given color. |
setFontFamily | SpreadsheetTheme | Sets the font family for the theme. |
Class TextFinder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
findAll | Range[] | Returns all cells matching the search criteria. |
findNext | Range | Returns the next cell matching the search criteria. |
findPrevious | Range | Returns the previous cell matching the search criteria. |
getCurrentMatch | Range | Returns the current cell matching the search criteria. |
ignoreDiacritics | TextFinder | If true, configures the search to ignore diacritics while matching; otherwise the search matches diacritics. |
matchCase | TextFinder | If true, configures the search to match the search text’s case exactly, otherwise the search defaults to case-insensitive matching. |
matchEntireCell | TextFinder | If true, configures the search to match the entire contents of a cell; otherwise, the search defaults to partial matching. |
matchFormulaText | TextFinder | If true, configures the search to return matches that appear within formula text; otherwise cells with formulas are considered based on their displayed value. |
replaceAllWith | Integer | Replaces all matches with the specified text. |
replaceWith | Integer | Replaces the search text in the currently matched cell with the specified text and returns the number of occurrences replaced. |
startFrom | TextFinder | Configures the search to start searching immediately after the specified cell range. |
useRegularExpression | TextFinder | If true, configures the search to interpret the search string as a regular expression; otherwise the search interprets the search string as normal text. |
Class TextRotation
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getDegrees | Integer | Gets the angle between standard text orientation and the current text orientation. |
isVertical | Boolean | Returns true if the text is stacked vertically; returns false otherwise. |
Class TextStyle
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
copy | TextStyleBuilder | Creates a text style builder initialized with the values of this text style. |
getFontFamily | String | Gets the font family of the text. |
getFontSize | Integer | Gets the font size of the text in points. |
getForegroundColor | String | Gets the font color of the text. |
getForegroundColorObject | Color | Gets the font color of the text. |
isBold | Boolean | Gets whether or not the text is bold. |
isItalic | Boolean | Gets whether or not the cell is italic. |
isStrikethrough | Boolean | Gets whether or not the cell has strikethrough. |
isUnderline | Boolean | Gets whether or not the cell is underlined. |
Class TextStyleBuilder
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
build | TextStyle | Creates a text style from this builder. |
setBold | TextStyleBuilder | Sets whether or not the text is bold. |
setFontFamily | TextStyleBuilder | Sets the text font family, such as “Arial”. |
setFontSize | TextStyleBuilder | Sets the text font size in points. |
setForegroundColor | TextStyleBuilder | Sets the text font color. |
setForegroundColorObject | TextStyleBuilder | Sets the text font color. |
setItalic | TextStyleBuilder | Sets whether or not the text is italic. |
setStrikethrough | TextStyleBuilder | Sets whether or not the text has strikethrough. |
setUnderline | TextStyleBuilder | Sets whether or not the text is underlined. |
Class ThemeColor
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
getColorType | ColorType | Get the type of this color. |
getThemeColorType | ThemeColorType | Gets the theme color type of this color. |
メソッド名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
AutoFillSeries | AutoFillSeries | An enumeration of the types of series used to calculate auto-filled values. |
BandingTheme | BandingTheme | An enumeration of the possible banding themes. |
BooleanCriteria | BooleanCriteria | An enumeration of conditional formatting boolean criteria. |
BorderStyle | BorderStyle | An enumeration of the valid styles for setting borders on a Range. |
ColorType | ColorType | An enumeration of possible color types. |
CopyPasteType | CopyPasteType | An enumeration of the possible paste types. |
DataExecutionErrorCode | DataExecutionErrorCode | An enumeration of the possible data execution error codes. |
DataExecutionState | DataExecutionState | An enumeration of the possible data execution states. |
DataSourceParameterType | DataSourceParameterType | An enumeration of the possible data source parameter types. |
DataSourceRefreshScope | DataSourceRefreshScope | An enumeration of possible data source refresh scopes. |
DataSourceType | DataSourceType | An enumeration of the possible data source types. |
DataValidationCriteria | DataValidationCriteria | An enumeration representing the data validation criteria that can be set on a range. |
DateTimeGroupingRuleType | DateTimeGroupingRuleType | An enumeration of date time grouping rule. |
DeveloperMetadataLocationType | DeveloperMetadataLocationType | An enumeration of possible developer metadata location types. |
DeveloperMetadataVisibility | DeveloperMetadataVisibility | An enumeration of the possible developer metadata visibilities. |
Dimension | Dimension | An enumeration of the possible dimensions of a spreadsheet. |
Direction | Direction | A enumeration of the possible directions that one can move within a spreadsheet using the arrow keys. |
FrequencyType | FrequencyType | An enumeration of possible frequency types. |
GroupControlTogglePosition | GroupControlTogglePosition | An enumeration of the positions that the group control toggle can be in. |
InterpolationType | InterpolationType | An enumeration of conditional format gradient interpolation types. |
PivotTableSummarizeFunction | PivotTableSummarizeFunction | An enumeration of the functions that may be used to summarize values in a pivot table. |
PivotValueDisplayType | PivotValueDisplayType | An enumeration of the ways that a pivot value may be displayed. |
ProtectionType | ProtectionType | An enumeration representing the parts of a spreadsheet that can be protected from edits. |
RecalculationInterval | RecalculationInterval | An enumeration of the possible intervals that can be used in spreadsheet recalculation. |
RelativeDate | RelativeDate | An enumeration of relative date options for calculating a value to be used in date-based BooleanCriteria. |
SheetType | SheetType | An enumeration of the different types of sheets that can exist in a spreadsheet. |
SortOrder | SortOrder | An enumeration of sort order. |
TextDirection | TextDirection | An enumeration of valid text directions. |
TextToColumnsDelimiter | TextToColumnsDelimiter | An enumeration of the preset delimiters for split text to columns. |
ThemeColorType | ThemeColorType | An enumeration of possible theme color types. |
WrapStrategy | WrapStrategy | An enumeration of the strategies used for wrapping cells. |
Enum AutoFillSeries
プロパティ名 | 返り値 | 簡単な説明 |
DEFAULT_SERIES | Enom | オートフィルがデフォルト設定の場合は、入力済みの値の増分が空欄セルに出力されます。 |
ALTERNATE_SERIES | Enom | オートフィルがこちらの設定の場合は、入力済みの値と同じ値が空欄セルに出力されます。 |
Enum BandingTheme
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
LIGHT_GREY | Enum | ライトグレーのテーマ色 |
CYAN | Enum | シアンのテーマ色 |
GREEN | Enum | グリーンのテーマ色 |
YELLOW | Enum | イエローのテーマ色 |
ORANGE | Enum | オレンジのテーマ色 |
BLUE | Enum | ブルーのテーマ色 |
TEAL | Enum | ティールのテーマ色 |
GREY | Enum | グレーのテーマ色 |
BROWN | Enum | ブラウンのテーマ色 |
LIGHT_GREEN | Enum | ライトグリーンのテーマ色 |
INDIGO | Enum | インディゴのテーマ色 |
PINK | Enum | ピンクのテーマ色 |
Enum BooleanCriteria
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
CELL_EMPTY | Enum | 空白のとき |
CELL_NOT_EMPTY | Enum | 空白ではないとき |
DATE_AFTER | Enum | 次より後の日付 |
DATE_BEFORE | Enum | 次より前の日付 |
DATE_EQUAL_TO | Enum | 次の日付と等しいとき |
DATE_NOT_EQUAL_TO | Enum | 次の日付と等しくないとき |
DATE_AFTER_RELATIVE | Enum | 次の相対日付より後 |
DATE_BEFORE_RELATIVE | Enum | 次の相対日付より前 |
DATE_EQUAL_TO_RELATIVE | Enum | 次の相対日付と等しいとき |
NUMBER_BETWEEN | Enum | 次の間にある数 |
NUMBER_EQUAL_TO | Enum | 次と等しいとき |
NUMBER_GREATER_THAN | Enum | 次より大きいとき |
NUMBER_LESS_THAN | Enum | 次より小さいとき |
NUMBER_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO | Enum | 次の数字以下のとき |
NUMBER_NOT_BETWEEN | Enum | 次の間にない数 |
NUMBER_NOT_EQUAL_TO | Enum | 次の数と等しくないとき |
TEXT_CONTAINS | Enum | テキストに値を含むとき |
TEXT_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN | Enum | テキストに値を含まないとき |
TEXT_EQUAL_TO | Enum | テキストが等しいとき |
TEXT_NOT_EQUAL_TO | Enum | テキストが等しくないとき |
TEXT_STARTS_WITH | Enum | テキストが特定の値から始まるとき |
TEXT_ENDS_WITH | Enum | テキストが特定の値で終わるとき |
CUSTOM_FORMULA | Enum | カスタム数式 |
Enum BorderStyle
罫線の形式を設定する事ができます。Range.setBorder(top, left, bottom, right, vertical, horizontal, color, style)と一緒に使用します。
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
DOTTED | Enum | 点線 |
DASHED | Enum | 破線 |
SOLID | Enum | 細い実線 |
SOLID_MEDIUM | Enum | 中くらいの太さの実線 |
SOLID_THICK | Enum | 太い実線 |
DOUBLE | Enum | 二重線 |
Enum CopyPasteType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
PASTE_NORMAL | Enum | 通常の貼り付け |
PASTE_NO_BORDERS | Enum | 値、数式そして、罫線を除く書式を貼り付け |
PASTE_FORMAT | Enum | 書式設定と入力規則のみを貼り付け |
PASTE_FORMULA | Enum | 関数のみ貼り付け |
PASTE_DATA_VALIDATION | Enum | 入力規則のみ貼り付け |
PASTE_VALUES | Enum | 値のみ貼り付け |
PASTE_COLUMN_WIDTHS | Enum | 列幅だけ貼り付け |
Enum DataExecutionErrorCode
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
DATA_EXECUTION_ERROR_CODE_UNSUPPORTED | Enum | Apps Scriptでサポートされていない実行エラー |
NONE | Enum | 実行データにエラーなし |
TIME_OUT | Enum | タイムアウト。データを更新する必要があります。 |
TOO_MANY_ROWS | Enum | 列数上限をオーバー。データを更新する必要があります。 |
TOO_MANY_CELLS | Enum | セル数上限をオーバー。データを更新する必要があります。 |
ENGINE | Enum | 実行エンジンのエラー。詳細はDataExecutionStatus.getErrorMessage()で確認できます。 |
PARAMETER_INVALID | Enum | パラメータが不正。参照元のセルが存在し、数値かテキストだけが含まれる値でなければなりません。データを更新する必要があります。 |
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE | Enum | サポートされていないデータ形式。データを更新する必要があります。*BigQueryでは、ARRAYタイプやSTRUCTタイプはサポートされていません。 |
DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAMES | Enum | The data execution returns duplicate column names. |
INTERRUPTED | Enum | 実行データが妨害されました。後で再読み込みして下さい。 |
OTHER | Enum | その他のエラー |
TOO_MANY_CHARS_PER_CELL | Enum | セルの値が1セルの文字数制限をオーバーしています。。データを更新する必要があります。 |
DATA_NOT_FOUND | Enum | 参照データが見つかりません。。データを更新する必要があります。 |
PERMISSION_DENIED | Enum | ユーザーに対象のデータにアクセスする権限がありません。 |
Enum DataExecutionState
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
DATA_EXECUTION_STATE_UNSUPPORTED | Enum | Apps Scriptではサポートされていない実行状態です。 |
RUNNING | Enum | 実行中です。 |
SUCCESS | Enum | 実行完了しました。 |
ERROR | Enum | 実行失敗しました。 |
NOT_STARTED | Enum | 実行されていません。 |
Enum DataSourceRefreshScope
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
DATA_SOURCE_REFRESH_SCOPE_UNSUPPORTED | Enum | The data source refresh scope is unsupported. |
ALL_DATA_SOURCES | Enum | The refresh applies to all data sources in the spreadsheet. |
Enum DataSourceType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A data source type that is not supported in Apps Script. |
BIGQUERY | Enum | A BigQuery data source. |
Enum DataValidationCriteria
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
DATE_AFTER | Enum | Requires a date that is after the given value. |
DATE_BEFORE | Enum | Requires a date that is before the given value. |
DATE_BETWEEN | Enum | Requires a date that is between the given values. |
DATE_EQUAL_TO | Enum | Requires a date that is equal to the given value. |
DATE_IS_VALID_DATE | Enum | Requires a date. |
DATE_NOT_BETWEEN | Enum | Requires a date that is not between the given values. |
DATE_ON_OR_AFTER | Enum | Require a date that is on or after the given value. |
DATE_ON_OR_BEFORE | Enum | Requires a date that is on or before the given value. |
NUMBER_BETWEEN | Enum | Requires a number that is between the given values. |
NUMBER_EQUAL_TO | Enum | Requires a number that is equal to the given value. |
NUMBER_GREATER_THAN | Enum | Require a number that is greater than the given value. |
NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO | Enum | Requires a number that is greater than or equal to the given value. |
NUMBER_LESS_THAN | Enum | Requires a number that is less than the given value. |
NUMBER_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO | Enum | Requires a number that is less than or equal to the given value. |
NUMBER_NOT_BETWEEN | Enum | Requires a number that is not between the given values. |
NUMBER_NOT_EQUAL_TO | Enum | Requires a number that is not equal to the given value. |
TEXT_CONTAINS | Enum | Requires that the input contains the given value. |
TEXT_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN | Enum | Requires that the input does not contain the given value. |
TEXT_EQUAL_TO | Enum | Requires that the input is equal to the given value. |
TEXT_IS_VALID_EMAIL | Enum | Requires that the input is in the form of an email address. |
TEXT_IS_VALID_URL | Enum | Requires that the input is in the form of a URL. |
VALUE_IN_LIST | Enum | Requires that the input is equal to one of the given values. |
VALUE_IN_RANGE | Enum | Requires that the input is equal to a value in the given range. |
CUSTOM_FORMULA | Enum | Requires that the input makes the given formula evaluate to true. |
CHECKBOX | Enum | Requires that the input is a custom value or a boolean; rendered as a checkbox. |
Enum DateTimeGroupingRuleType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A date-time grouping rule type that is not supported. |
SECOND | Enum | Group date-time by second, from 0 to 59. |
MINUTE | Enum | Group date-time by minute, from 0 to 59. |
HOUR | Enum | Group date-time by hour using a 24-hour system, from 0 to 23. |
HOUR_MINUTE | Enum | Group date-time by hour and minute using a 24-hour system, for example 19:45. |
HOUR_MINUTE_AMPM | Enum | Group date-time by hour and minute using a 12-hour system, for example 7:45 PM. |
DAY_OF_WEEK | Enum | Group date-time by day of week, for example Sunday. |
DAY_OF_YEAR | Enum | Group date-time by day of year, from 1 to 366. |
DAY_OF_MONTH | Enum | Group date-time by day of month, from 1 to 31. |
DAY_MONTH | Enum | Group date-time by day and month, for example 22-Nov. |
MONTH | Enum | Group date-time by month, for example Nov. |
QUARTER | Enum | Group date-time by quarter, for example Q1 (which represents Jan-Mar). |
YEAR | Enum | Group date-time by year, for example 2008. |
YEAR_MONTH | Enum | Group date-time by year and month, for example 2008-Nov. |
YEAR_QUARTER | Enum | Group date-time by year and quarter, for example 2008 Q4 . |
YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Enum | Group date-time by year, month, and day, for example 2008-11-22. |
Enum DeveloperMetadataLocationType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
SPREADSHEET | Enum | The location type for developer metadata associated with the top-level spreadsheet. |
SHEET | Enum | The location type for developer metadata associated with a whole sheet. |
ROW | Enum | The location type for developer metadata associated with a row. |
COLUMN | Enum | The location type for developer metadata associated with a column. |
Enum DeveloperMetadataVisibility
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
DOCUMENT | Enum | Document-visible metadata is accessible from any developer project with access to the document. |
PROJECT | Enum | Project-visible metadata is only visible to and accessible by the developer project that created the metadata. |
Enum Dimension
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
COLUMNS | Enum | 列次元(垂直方向) |
ROWS | Enum | 行次元(水平方向) |
Enum Direction
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UP | Enum | 行インデックスが減少する方向 |
DOWN | Enum | 行インデックスが増加する方向 |
PREVIOUS | Enum | 列インデックスが減少する方向 |
NEXT | Enum | 列インデックスが増加する方向 |
Enum FrequencyType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
FREQUENCY_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED | Enum | 頻度はサポートされていません。 |
DAILY | Enum | 日次で更新 |
WEEKLY | Enum | 特定の曜日で週次で更新 |
MONTHLY | Enum | 特定の曜日で月次で更新 |
Enum GroupControlTogglePosition
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
BEFORE | Enum | The position where the control toggle is before the group (at lower indices). |
AFTER | Enum | The position where the control toggle is after the group (at higher indices). |
Enum InterpolationType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
NUMBER | Enum | Use the number as as specific interpolation point for a gradient condition. |
PERCENT | Enum | Use the number as a percentage interpolation point for a gradient condition. |
PERCENTILE | Enum | Use the number as a percentile interpolation point for a gradient condition. |
MIN | Enum | Infer the minimum number as a specific interpolation point for a gradient condition. |
MAX | Enum | Infer the maximum number as a specific interpolation point for a gradient condition. |
Enum PivotTableSummarizeFunction
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
CUSTOM | Enum | A custom fuction, this value is only valid for calcuated fields. |
SUM | Enum | The SUM function |
COUNTA | Enum | The COUNTA function |
COUNT | Enum | The COUNT function |
AVERAGE | Enum | The AVERAGE function |
MAX | Enum | The MAX function |
MIN | Enum | The MIN function |
MEDIAN | Enum | The MEDIAN function |
PRODUCT | Enum | The PRODUCT function |
STDEV | Enum | The STDEV function |
STDEVP | Enum | The STDEVP function |
VAR | Enum | The VAR function |
VARP | Enum | The VARP function |
Enum PivotValueDisplayType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
DEFAULT | Enum | Default. |
PERCENT_OF_ROW_TOTAL | Enum | Displays pivot values as a percent of the total for that row. |
PERCENT_OF_COLUMN_TOTAL | Enum | Displays pivot values as a percent of the total for that column. |
PERCENT_OF_GRAND_TOTAL | Enum | Displays pivot values as a percent of the grand total. |
Enum ProtectionType
//スプレッドシートの保護されたセルの保護をすべて解除するサンプルコード function sampleCodeForGetAllCalendars() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(); var protections = ss.getProtections(SpreadsheetApp.ProtectionType.RANGE); //ここで保護されたセルをすべて取得している for (var i = 0; i < protections.length; i++) { var protection = protections[i]; if (protection.canEdit()) { protection.remove(); } } }
//アクティブなシートから保護を解除するサンプルコード function sampleCodeForGetAllCalendars() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var protection = sheet.getProtections(SpreadsheetApp.ProtectionType.SHEET)[0]; if (protection && protection.canEdit()) { protection.remove(); } }
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
RANGE | Enum | 保護されたセル |
SHEET | Enum | 保護されたシート |
Enum RecalculationInterval
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
ON_CHANGE | Enum | セルの値が変更されたときのみ再計算を実行 |
MINUTE | Enum | セルの値が変更されたときと1分毎に再計算を実行 |
HOUR | Enum | ルの値が変更されたときと1時間毎に再計算を実行 |
Enum RelativeDate
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
TODAY | Enum | 当日を表す |
TOMORROW | Enum | 1日後の日を表す |
YESTERDAY | Enum | 1日前の日を表す |
PAST_WEEK | Enum | 1週間前の日付を表す |
PAST_MONTH | Enum | 1ヶ月前の日付を表す |
PAST_YEAR | Enum | 1年前の日付を表す |
Enum SheetType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
GRID | Enum | グリッドを含むシートA sheet containing a grid. |
OBJECT | Enum | 埋め込みオブジェクト(グラフ等)が含まれるシート |
DATASOURCE | Enum | データソースが含まれるシート |
Enum SortOrder
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
ASCENDING | Enum | 昇順 |
DESCENDING | Enum | 降順 |
Enum TextDirection
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
LEFT_TO_RIGHT | Enum | 左から右へ |
RIGHT_TO_LEFT | Enum | 右から左へ |
Enum TextToColumnsDelimiter
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
COMMA | Enum | 区切り文字「 , 」(カンマ) |
SEMICOLON | Enum | 区切り文字「 ; 」(セミコロン) |
PERIOD | Enum | 区切り文字「 . 」(ピリオド) |
SPACE | Enum | 区切り文字「 」(半角スペース) |
Enum ThemeColorType
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | サポートされていないテーマの色 |
TEXT | Enum | テキストの色 |
BACKGROUND | Enum | グラフの背景色 |
ACCENT1 | Enum | 第一アクセント色 |
ACCENT2 | Enum | 第二アクセント色 |
ACCENT3 | Enum | 第三アクセント色 |
ACCENT4 | Enum | 第四アクセント色 |
ACCENT5 | Enum | 第五アクセント色 |
ACCENT6 | Enum | 第六アクセント色 |
HYPERLINK | Enum | ハイパーリンクの色 |
Enum WrapStrategy
プロパティ | タイプ | 説明 |
WRAP | Enum | セルの横幅を超える場合折り返す |
OVERFLOW | Enum | セルの横幅を超える場合隣のセルが空白ならはみ出す |
CLIP | Enum | セルの横幅を超える場合切り詰める |